ramadan 2020 – Surobi Scribbles https://surobiscribbles.com Every Small Scribble Can Turn Into Art Mon, 27 Nov 2023 10:19:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 https://i0.wp.com/surobiscribbles.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/cropped-Snapseed-1.jpg?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 ramadan 2020 – Surobi Scribbles https://surobiscribbles.com 32 32 194697337 My 6-Month COVID-19 Lockdown Diary // A Revolutionary Journey https://surobiscribbles.com/my-6-month-covid-19-lockdown-diary-a-revolutionary-journey/ Sun, 06 Sep 2020 11:59:37 +0000 http://surobiscribbles.com/?p=789 COVID-19…a virus that has become like a war where the soldiers in it are every single human being on this planet. This time is so prevalent and one that will definitely be remembered in history. From GCSEs and A-Levels 2020 being cancelled to many people passing away to starting my own podcast to doing online school to Black Lives Matter, these past 6 months will surely not be forgotten.

My name is Surobi. I am a 15-year-old teenager who is among the 66.65 million people living in the UK who has been affected by this invisible virus. This article will be presenting some of the key highlights of how my life has been in these 6 months. 


  • Wednesday 18th March 2020 was the first day of lockdown for me. My school was partially closed but then on Friday 20th March, Boris Johnson himself announced a lockdown for the UK. This was the first time in billions of years that this ever had to happen. 
  • Schools all over the country got closed down until further notice and GCSEs and A-Levels 2020 were cancelled, as well as people started working from home. This meant that as a Year 10 student, my GCSE Biology exams were also cancelled and I would get predicted grades from my Biology teacher. Most people slowly stopped eating out often including me and my family.
  • There were certain precautions that everyone had to take which still exists today such as wearing face coverings outside, washing hands regularly and sometimes doing social distancing.
  • I had to start doing online school where my teachers set me work through Google Classroom. Everyone had to adapt to staying at home for a long time.
  • Since the NHS were and are the ones working hard and risking their own lives to save lives, the Government released a ‘Clap For Carers’. 
  • On Thursday 26th March, the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, himself got Coronavirus and even some other ministers got it too. 
  • On Sunday 29th March, I made my first ever podcast which is known as ‘The Chat Library’ with my sister.We discuss all girl problems and we post twice a week still to the present day. This really boosted my confidence and pushed me out of my comfort zone. 


  • On Thursday 2nd April, I let my school friends know about my podcast which again pushed me out of my comfort zone but I got a lot of positive feedback and appreciation for it.
  • On Friday 10th April, I started my second anonymous podcast which I will not share here but I also post there with my sister twice a week.
  • On Thursday 16th April, I did my GCSE Biology Paper 2 Mock at home which was definitely a first for me and many others. 
  • On 19th April, I started a mini series on my website where I shared 4 articles talking about my one-month experience quarantining.
  • On Friday 24th April, Ramadan for us Muslims began, and this was the first time I was fasting in quarantine. Mosques were closed and families from different households were not able to eat together, but we went through Ramadan at home. Throughout this month and the next few months, I may have had a spiritual and religious awakening as I pray more and focus on my religion Islam.
  • Boris Johnson was recovered after getting admitted to St Thomas Hospital and he came back to work. 
  • As a person who used to watch Bollywood very frequently, I also found out that on 29th April, a famous actor called Irfan Khan passed away, and the next day Rishi Kapoor passed away (RIP to them both).


  • On 10th May, I started an Instagram for my podcast which is @thechatlibrary, where we post motivational quotes and podcast previews. 
  • On Sunday 24th May, it was Eid-ul-Fitr which I celebrated at home and only went right outside my house to take some photos. Again, this was very different to my usual Eids.
  • On Monday 25th May, one of the biggest tragedies which set a huge fire amongst many was George Floyd’s death, a man who was mercilessly killed just for being black. This went viral on social media, and people started raising awareness of ‘Black Lives Matter’ and even protesting outside during COVID-19. More people also started learning about racism and its history.


  • On 5th June, I activated my old Instagram @valuable.seconds and changed to @surobiscribbles. That is my personal/business account where I post poetry and photography. 
  • My school decided to allow Year 10 students to come into school if they wished to only for 6 days before the end of the academic year. I did not go though.
  •  On 14th June, I found out one of the biggest shocks ever. One Indian actor known as Sushant Singh Rajput passed away.
  • On 20th June, I properly went out grocery shopping with my mother since lockdown began.
  • Near the end of the month, I started having one-to-one meetings with my teachers via Google Meet and this was just such a new experience for me.


  • On 3rd July, a famous Indian choreographer called Saroj Khan passed away (RIP to her).
  • On 17th July, it was the last day of school as a Year 10 student and on that day, I even went to Westfield Stratford with my mother. I took the bus for the first time since the lockdown began.
  • On 19th July, it was my 15th birthday! I got ready, went to my local park with my mother, ate delicious homemade food and cut a small chocolate cake.
  • On 22nd July, I met my three school friends after about four months at my birthday picnic. I, therefore, celebrated my birthday with my friends in my local park.
  • On 24th July, I went to Lloyd Park with my sister.
  • On 31st July, I celebrated Eid-ul-Adha by going to Gokyuzu Restaurant with my sister and this was the first time we ate in a restaurant since lockdown began.


  • Rishi Sunak, one of the Conservative MPs released the new ‘Eat To Help Out Scheme’ where you get a 50% discount on food or non-alcoholic drinks to eat or drink in (up to a maximum of £10 discount per diner) every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday between 3 and 31 August as many times as you like. People started going out much more often and posting food on their social media.
  • I started promoting my podcast  and my website on my personal Instagram page @surobiscribbles
  • On 20th August, along with the other GCSE students, I went to school (after about 5 months) and collected my GCSE Biology results. I reacted to it at home and told my family. Some GCSE and A-Level students had mixed feelings about this.
  • Throughout the month of August, I had travelled to Lea Valley Park, Gokyuzu RestaurantSahara Grill, Franzos , Koz Restaurant, The Urban Chocolatier  and also went normal grocery shopping.
  • Near the end of the month, I disabled my Instagram @thechatlibrary (which had over 100 followers) and my Instagram @surobiscribbles (which had over 500 followers) for my own personal reasons.
  • Chadwick Boseman passed away on 28th August 2020 (RIP to him).


  • On 2nd September, I went out with my friend to Walthamstow Wetlands.
  • I also have done some back to school prep.

My school will be starting again from 7th September 2020 and I will, In Sha Allah, be going into Year 11.

These were some of the key highlights of what happened over the 6 month lockdown. It has been a very different experience. Of course, there is no denying that I did have some low and negative days but you know what, there were more positives than negatives.

I know that this COVID-19 battle has not ended yet and I know that the cases could increase in the future. All my thoughts go out to those who have either passed away, have had loved ones passing away and to every single person’s life who has changed because of this virus. Please comment down below how your life has changed due to COVID-19. 

Please check out my other articles related to experiences for more of the experiences I have been through or feel free to surf through my website for any other article.

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day! 

11 Lessons From Prophet Isa (pbuh) / The Prophets Series of Ramadan 2020 https://surobiscribbles.com/11-lessons-from-prophet-isa-pbuh-the-prophets-series-of-ramadan-2020/ Sat, 23 May 2020 19:22:18 +0000 http://surobiscribbles.com/?p=658 That is Isa (Jesus) son of Maryam, in word of truth, concerning which they are wrangling.

(Quran 19:34)

Assalamu alaikum, fellow Muslims and non-Muslims. 

We may all know the importance of the Qur’an, the Holy Book written by Allah (swt). However, we may not necessarily follow the teachings of the Qur’an and follow the role models that were sent to the Earth to spread the word of Islam. In order to remind you of the important lessons taught by each of the significant prophets mentioned in the Qur’an, I will In Sha Allah, be starting a prophets series. This will contain lessons I learnt from each of the prophets. I am trying my best to In Sha Allah post every day of Ramadan about each prophet.

Today, we will talk about our thirty second prophet, Isa or Jesus (pbuh). If you would like to know the story, sources are available below. If I also make any mistakes, I apologise and Allah (swt) knows the best. 

Not every good person is chosen as a prophet.

Imran (pbuh), the father of Maryam (pbuh) was very good but he was not chosen as a prophet.

Girls can do religious work too.

Maryam (pbuh) was special as she was devoted to Allah and in the service for Allah in the temple.

Be very fair.

When Maryam (pbuh) was in the temple, lots of people wanted to adopt her as she was the daughter of a very good man, Imran. They drew pen lotteries with a child and the river to keep it fair. In both times, Zakariya (pbuh) was chosen. He adopted Maryam (pbuh).

Be gentle and don’t make assumptions. 

When Maryam (pbuh) was found to have fresh, out-of-season fruits, Zakariya (pbuh) didn’t just shout at her, he first asked her where she got the fruits from. She replied saying that she received these fruits from Allah as a miracle every morning. Zakariya (pbuh) was very grateful to Allah for that and he, too, asked for a son from Him.

Allah can do anything.

Allah managed to give fresh out-of-season fruits to Maryam (pbuh) as well as make her give birth to a prophet without any father.

Backbiting and gossiping about others is Haram.

When the society found that Maryam (pbuh) was pregnant without a father due to Allah’s command, the women in the society thought she was a bad woman and gossiped about her. This was wrong. 

In Islam, women have many roles in the society but a crucial role is that of being a mother.

Being able to give birth as a woman in a Halal way is a blessing from Allah to carry on the lineage. However, you should only have children when you are ready, and it is legal.

For a new mother, dates are good for health and energy.

Maryam (pbuh) used to have dates when she was pregnant to supply her with energy and better health. That is advised to have when you are pregnant.

Do not spread rumours about others.

This is also Haram and the society spread rumours about Maryam (pbuh).

Only follow authentic religious people.

The bad priests of that time used to be really cruel. If someone was sick, they would not call any doctor and they destroyed Allah’s laws. Only follow scholars or people who have real evidence.

Isa (pbuh) worked very hard to guide the Bani Israel and he did so many mircales by Allah that now Christians think that Prophet Isa (pbuh) is the son of God which is wrong. Prophet Isa (pbuh) is a prophet and not the son of Allah.

Hawary are the helpers who stood with Prophet Isa (pbuh).

People who have Imaan in their heart have their faith in Allah and the prophets.

Isa (pbuh) went to heaven and someone who went into his form was crucified. Isa (pbuh) will come back near the Day of Judgement to fight the Dajjal.

These were some of the lessons that I captured from Isa (pbuh). The story of Isa (pbuh) is beautifully said in this Youtube video and book which I used to create this article:

Please share this article with your family and friends to get some rewards this Ramadan. In Sha Allah you will stay well.

I may In Sha Allah be doing Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the future (since it is quite long) after Ramadan (possibly but not confirmed).

Thank you for reading and have a lovely day!

18 Lessons From Prophet Yahya (pbuh) / The Prophets Series of Ramadan 2020 https://surobiscribbles.com/18-lessons-from-prophet-yahya-pbuh-the-prophets-series-of-ramadan-2020/ Sat, 23 May 2020 15:12:23 +0000 http://surobiscribbles.com/?p=655 ‘O Yahya! take hold of the Book with strength, and We granted him wisdom while yet a child.’

(Quran 19:12)

Assalamu alaikum, fellow Muslims and non-Muslims. 

We may all know the importance of the Qur’an, the Holy Book written by Allah (swt). However, we may not necessarily follow the teachings of the Qur’an and follow the role models that were sent to the Earth to spread the word of Islam. In order to remind you of the important lessons taught by each of the significant prophets mentioned in the Qur’an, I will In Sha Allah, be starting a prophets series. This will contain lessons I learnt from each of the prophets. I am trying my best to In Sha Allah post every day of Ramadan about each prophet.

Today, we will talk about our thirty first prophet, Yahya or John The Baptist (pbuh). If you would like to know the story, sources are available below. If I also make any mistakes, I apologise and Allah (swt) knows the best. 

Do not become too proud or arrogant for wherever you have and remember Allah regularly.

The Bani Israel became arrogant as they thought they were the chosen people by Allah and they started committing evil acts. They even killed many prophets. They also thought they were the only ones to have authority over Allah’s laws. 

You are not allowed to change Allah’s laws for your own benefit.

The Bani Israel would commit sins by doing this. 

You should have a balance between thinking that Allah is merciful but you should also fear Him.

The Bani Israel would commit sins and they thought Allah would forgive them and send them more prophets to guide them.

Almost all the prophets that were sent to Bani Israel were from Prophet Ishaq (pbuh) and the only prophet from Ismail (pbuh) is Muhammad (pbuh).

Allah sent the final prophet from Ismail’s lineage. Allah gave the Bani Israel a final chance by giving them two great prophets who were Yahya (pbuh) and Isa (pbuh) who were cousins.

They were both born in a miracle way and they were both born in the same year.

Prophet Yahya (pbuh) is mentioned in four Surahs in the Qur’an. 

He is mentioned in Surah Maryam, Al-Imran, Al-An’am and Al-Anbiya.

Never give up or lose hope even when you get old.

Prophet Yahya (pbuh) was born to very old parents and his father was Prophet Zakariya (pbuh). His parents prayed for a child and then he was born. Allah granted their wish.

Allah is surely the most Intelligent and the Best of Planners.

Allah showed to the people that Prophet Yahya (pbuh) was a prophet as he was born in a miracle way very similarly to Prophet Ishaq (pbuh).

Allah always gave many chances to the Bani Israel.

Allah gave the Bani Israel multiple opportunities to follow His guidance and He told the Bani Israel not to mistreat Prophet Yahya (pbuh) and listen to him.

Being a Hafiz (someone who has memorised the Quran) is quite good.

Obviously, this is not compulsory but having the intelligence and intellect to be able to memorise the Holy Book is so good. Prophet Yahya (pbuh) was very smart and he memorised the Torah and Zabur sent to Prophets Musa and Dawud (pbut) respectively.

The Old Testament of the Bible has some portions of those Holy Books.

However, a lot of the Holy Books except the Quran have been changed so they are not fully reliable.

Age should not stop you from fulfilling your (Halal) dreams.

Prophet Yahya (pbuh), from a very young age, guided the Bani Israel and went into depth about Allah’s laws.

You should love, respect and listen to your parents. You should also seek forgiveness from Allah.

Prophet Yahya (pbuh) used to do this and it is Haram to not listen to your parents if they are speaking good.

As parents, you should not be quick to be angry with your child. If they do wrong, be patient and hear them out first then advise them.

Once, when Prophet Yahya (pbuh) hadn’t come home, his parents went to look for him. When they found him, he was crying near the Jordan river, very far away from their home. Instead of his parents being angry about him, they asked him why he was crying. He replied that he was crying for Allah’s mercy and forgiveness.

Everyone in this world is imperfect and this is why even if you make sins accidentally, you should seek forgiveness from Allah.

This is why the prophets who had no sins used to still seek forgiveness and humble themselves.

Allah loves to forgive us so we should seek forgiveness. Prophet Yahya (pbuh) used to sometimes cry day and night in the grave and seek forgiveness from Allah without any sleep. 

You should also have a level of seriousness within you.

 Prophet Yahya (pbuh) was always serious and never liked enjoyment. We are allowed to enjoy in a Halal way but also remember that the entertainment in this world is temporary and the real permanent happiness is in Jannah.

 Be kind to animals.

 Prophet Yahya (pbuh) was very nice to animals and sometimes if the animals were hungry, he would give them food from his own plate and he would be hungry (only eating fruits and leaves). We should just be kind to animals.

You should have some time where you really think about Allah.

 Prophet Yahya (pbuh) sometimes went into such deep thinking about Allah that he would even enter a lion or bear’s cave during his sleep but the animals would not hurt him and left the cave for him as they recognised that he was a prophet.

You may have haters if you try to do good.

You should not wish to have haters but this can be inevitable. Because the Bani Israel had a very bad king named Herod who used to gain the support of the bad priests and the Roman king, he changed Allah’s laws and influenced the Bani Israel to do bad. Whenever Prophets Zakariya and Yahya (pbut) tried to correct the bad acts, the people would hate him as it wasn’t in their own benefits.

According to Allah’s laws, a man cannot marry his niece and vise versa.

KIng Antipas, who was one of the three sons of King Herod and who ruled a part of Palestine, wanted to marry his brother’s daughter. This is Haram. When the prophets tried to stop this and tell the people about how the king was destroying the laws, the bad people decided to arrest him and put him in prison.

The niece was desperate to be the Queen of Palestine and she was so angry at Prophet Yahya (pbuh) that she commanded the king to have Prophet Yahya’s head. They killed Prophet Yahya (pbuh). The bad people also killed Prophet Zakariya (pbuh).

Allah finally decided to give new laws and the final chance by sending Prophet Isa (pbuh) to Bani Israel.

These were some of the lessons that I captured from Yahya (pbuh). The story of Yahya(pbuh) is beautifully said in this Youtube video and book which I used to create this article:

Please share this article with your family and friends to get some rewards this Ramadan. In Sha Allah you will stay well.

Thank you for reading and have a lovely day!

18 Lessons From Prophet Zakariya (pbuh) / The Prophets Series of Ramadan 2020 https://surobiscribbles.com/18-lessons-from-prophet-zakariya-pbuh-the-prophets-series-of-ramadan-2020/ Fri, 22 May 2020 22:29:43 +0000 http://surobiscribbles.com/?p=651 ‘Mention of the mercy of your Lord to His servant Zakariya.’

(Quran 19:2)

Assalamu alaikum, fellow Muslims and non-Muslims. 

We may all know the importance of the Qur’an, the Holy Book written by Allah (swt). However, we may not necessarily follow the teachings of the Qur’an and follow the role models that were sent to the Earth to spread the word of Islam. In order to remind you of the important lessons taught by each of the significant prophets mentioned in the Qur’an, I will In Sha Allah, be starting a prophets series. This will contain lessons I learnt from each of the prophets. I am trying my best to In Sha Allah post every day of Ramadan about each prophet.

Today, we will talk about our thirtieth prophet, Zakariya or Zechariah (pbuh). If you would like to know the story, sources are available below. If I also make any mistakes, I apologise and Allah (swt) knows the best. 

Good actions are hard to follow over a long period of time.

To recap, Prophet Uzair (pbuh) brought the Bani Israel together and they were following Allah’s laws. However, later, the people slowly started to go back to their bad actions.

 Do not use your power in the wrong way. 

100 years after Prophet Uzair’s death, a Greek king ruled Palestine and 130 years later, another Greek king who was extremely bad misused his power and mistreated the Bani Israel.

After his death, Greece had an even worse king who forced the Bani Israel to not follow Allah’s laws and make idols inside Masjid Al Aqsa. They would have to do idol worshipping, and if they tried to follow Allah’s laws they would be hanged.

Do not leave a bad legacy in this world and do not influence others to do bad.

Surely, each king was influenced by the previous one in a bad way. Also, later because Imran was a good man in the church, everyone wanted to adopt his daughter after he died who was Maryam (pbuh).

The good will always win.

The good Bani Israel decided to fight with the bad people and they won. The Bani Israel got their own kingdom known as Maccabes, 168 years before Prophet Isa (pbuh).

Do not misuse Islam for your business.

The good Bani Israel turned bad over time and were changing Allah’s laws for their own benefit.

So within 100 years, they lost their kingdom. They even killed many prophets.

Time and effort is needed to do good in this world.

Prophet Zakariya (pbuh) spent his whole life trying to guide the Bani Israel. He was a religious leader, priest, prophet and carpenter for his living expenses. 

The good people want good to pass on even after they die.

Prophet Zakariya (pbuh) was praying to Allah to have a child who could guide the Bani Israel after he died.

Maryam’s mother and Prophet Zakariya’s wife were sisters.

Allah is the best of planners. Little did Maryam’s mother know that she would give birth to one of the most important women in Islam, Maryam (pbuh).

Be sincere when asking for something to Allah.

Maryam’s mother promised Allah that if she had a child, she would give that child to the temple. She was sincere in her wishes to Allah. When Maryam (pbuh) was born, her father Imran (pbuh) died.

Keep your promises.

Maryam’s mother gave Maryam to the temple as per her promise.

Be completely fair.

As lots of people wanted to adopt the daughter of a respected man, Imran, they drew a lottery to keep it fair and see who would adopt Maryam (pbuh). They did it through pens by a child and through the river.

Women are special.

Allah respects women and Maryam (pbuh) was the only woman allowed inside the temple as she grew up in it. She had a special place in the temple.

Don’t assume the worst.

When Prophet Zakariya (pbuh) was 100 years old, he would go and visit Maryam (pbuh) regularly and she would give him fruits. When once Prophet Zakariya (pbuh) saw that she had some fresh out-of-season fruits, he did not just jump to conclusions, he asked her where she got them from. Be patient.

Allah rewards those whom he loves.

Allah loves us which is why he has given us so many blessings. You need to love Allah to have his love and this is how Maryam (pbuh) received fresh fruits from Him every morning as a miracle from Allah.

Be grateful for whatever you have.

After hearing about the fruits, Prophet Zakariya (pbuh) became grateful for Allah’s gifts and blessings.

Nothing is impossible for Allah.

After seeing the miracle fruits, Prophet Zakariya (pbuh) remembered how Prophet Ibrahim (pbuh) had a child in his old age. Prophet Zakariya (pbuh) prayed to Allah for a son who would guide the Bani Israel and kept a strong faith. An angel came to Prophet Zakariya (pbuh) to tell the good news that he would have a baby son who would be named Prophet Yahya (pbuh) and he would tell Bani Israel about Prophet Isa (pbuh). He would also be able to control the things he desires very much and he would become the leader of Bani Israel. Prophet Zakariya (pbuh) was very shocked and as a sign he requested for, he couldn’t talk for the next 3 days. Prophet Zakariya (pbuh) was happy about the baby and prayed to Allah.

If you want to educate a child, it is best to start from their childhood.

Prophet Zakariya (pbuh) guided Prophet Yahya (pbuh) in his childhood about Allah’s laws. Prophet Yahya (pbuh) started to spread about Allah’s laws.

If you do good, you will most likely have haters.

Don’t wish for haters or purposely get haters. However, if you do good, you usually build up haters. Prophets Zakariya and Yahya (pbut) were hated by the religious priests and people.

This was especially because the prophets were trying to go against the evil king who was from Bani Israel and chosen by Rome.The king was very bad. 

They decided to kill the prophets. First Prophet Yahya (pbuh) was killed and then Prophet Zakariya (pbuh) was killed and he was inside a tree. We don’t know about their graves.

These were some of the lessons that I captured from Zakariya (pbuh). The story of Zakariya (pbuh) is beautifully said in this Youtube video and book which I used to create this article:

Please share this article with your family and friends to get some rewards this Ramadan. In Sha Allah you will stay well.

Thank you for reading and have a lovely day!

10 Lessons From Prophet Uzair (pbuh) / The Prophets Series of Ramadan 2020 https://surobiscribbles.com/10-lessons-from-prophet-uzair-pbuh-the-prophets-series-of-ramadan-2020/ Fri, 22 May 2020 18:47:39 +0000 http://surobiscribbles.com/?p=648 The Jews say, “Ezra is the son of Allah “; and the Christians say, “The Messiah is the son of Allah .” That is their statement from their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved [before them]. May Allah destroy them; how are they deluded?

(Quran 9:30)

Assalamu alaikum, fellow Muslims and non-Muslims. 

We may all know the importance of the Qur’an, the Holy Book written by Allah (swt). However, we may not necessarily follow the teachings of the Qur’an and follow the role models that were sent to the Earth to spread the word of Islam. In order to remind you of the important lessons taught by each of the significant prophets mentioned in the Qur’an, I will In Sha Allah, be starting a prophets series. This will contain lessons I learnt from each of the prophets. I am trying my best to In Sha Allah post every day of Ramadan about each prophet.

Today, we will talk about our twenty-ninth prophet, Uzair or Ezra (pbuh). If you would like to know the story, sources are available below. If I also make any mistakes, I apologise and Allah (swt) knows the best. 

The Jews think that Uzair (pbuh) is the son of God.

This is wrong, Prophet Uzair (pbuh) is the prophet of Allah, due to the miracle of coming alive after death and being able to write the Torah. He came after the king of Babylon destroyed many Bani Israel and the city of Jerusalem was empty and destroyed. Prophet Uzair (pbuh) was looking at this city, feeling upset.

Allah is the one who gives you the talents and skills that you have today.

This is crucial for you to know, and that Allah owns everything that you have today.

Giving life back after death is very easy for Allah.

When Prophet Uzair (pbuh) wondered how this city would be brought back to life, Allah showed him a miracle by taking Prophet Uzair’s life away. He passed away for 100 years and then Allah gave him life again. Uzair (pbuh) saw that the city had become busy again, his camel was dead but the food he had remained the same. This was through the guide of an angel.

Prophet Uzair (pbuh) saw his camel was brought to life again by Allah.

Allah will give you most of the things that you wish and request for.

Allah loves it when we come to Him to ask him for guidance. If you truly wish for something sincerely in your heart, then you should ask Allah. Allah will either accept it, give you something better than what you asked for or reject it as it would have been bad for you.

An blind, old woman who knew Prophet Uzair (pbuh) wanted to test if it was him by asking to cure her eyes and health. Through the prayers, she could see again and also walk because of Allah.

Your family truly loves you and will accept you.

Prophet Uzair (pbuh) found his family through the old woman and they recognised him due to the mole he had on his shoulder. His children recognised him, even though Prophet Uzair (pbuh) was very young.

The Torah that Prophet Uzair (pbuh) wrote is a part of the Old Testament of the Bible.

Prophet Uzair’s children requested him to give them guidance of the holy book as it was lost. Prophet Uzair (pbuh) wrote the Torah with Allah’s help as he had memorised and his old copy was too old to read from it.

If you have power, you should use it wisely.

With the help of the Persian king, Prophet Uzair (pbuh) gathered the good Bani Israel and established Allah’s laws. They started following him.

You cannot marry non-believers.

Prophet Uzair (pbuh) advised the Muslims not to marry non-believers.

If you are good, you may have haters.

Prophet Uzair (pbuh) was widely accepted by the Bani Israel and they followed him for the next 200 years. Prophet Uzair (pbuh) was a blessing from Allah for the Bani Israel. However, Samaria, the northern side of Palestine was bad and did not accept Prophet Uzair (pbuh). They tried to attract people by building a worship center. Bani Israel and the people of Samaria became enemies.

Believe in Allah strongly.

Allah is the one who holds all the power and does all the miracles.

These were some of the lessons that I captured from Uzair (pbuh). The story of Uzair (pbuh) is beautifully said in this Youtube video and book which I used to create this article:

Please share this article with your family and friends to get some rewards this Ramadan. In Sha Allah you will stay well.

Thank you for reading and have a lovely day!

5 Lessons From Prophet Hizqeel (pbuh) / The Prophets Series of Ramadan 2020 https://surobiscribbles.com/5-lessons-from-prophet-hizqeel-pbuh-the-prophets-series-of-ramadan-2020/ Wed, 20 May 2020 22:00:16 +0000 http://surobiscribbles.com/?p=644 Have you not considered those who left their homes in many thousands, fearing death? Allah said to them, “Die”; then He restored them to life. And Allah is full of bounty to the people, but most of the people do not show gratitude.

(Quran 2:243)

Assalamu alaikum, fellow Muslims and non-Muslims. 

We may all know the importance of the Qur’an, the Holy Book written by Allah (swt). However, we may not necessarily follow the teachings of the Qur’an and follow the role models that were sent to the Earth to spread the word of Islam. In order to remind you of the important lessons taught by each of the significant prophets mentioned in the Qur’an, I will In Sha Allah, be starting a prophets series. This will contain lessons I learnt from each of the prophets. I am trying my best to In Sha Allah post every day of Ramadan about each prophet.

Today, we will talk about our twenty-eighth prophet, Hizqeel or Ezekiel (pbuh). If you would like to know the story, sources are available below. If I also make any mistakes, I apologise and Allah (swt) knows the best. 

Prophets can come to the world simultaneously.

Prophet Hizqeel (pbuh) came at the time when Prophet Aramaya (pbuh) was there too.

You may be given a disease as a test or punishment from Allah.

The Bani Israel in the past had got a plague-like disease as a punishment because they did not follow Allah’s commands. Some historians say that thousands of the Bani Israel at that time died due to the disease.

No one can escape Allah’s punishment.

A few thousand Bani Israel tried to run away from the city that had the plague to escape Allah’s punishment but Allah commanded them to die for their evil acts and they still all died.

According to Islam, if there is a plague in a city, none should enter or leave that city or place.

This was the command.

Allah has the power to give life after death if He wishes to.

Prophet Hizqeel (pbuh) wanted to know after 400 years of the Bani Israel’s punishments how they would get their life back on the Day of Judgement. As a miracle, Allah showed the people how they would get their life back by bringing them to life. The people brought to life thanked Allah. 

There was not much information left about Prophet Hizqeel (pbuh).

These were some of the lessons that I captured from Daniel (pbuh). The story of Daniel (pbuh) is beautifully said in this Youtube video and book which I used to create this article:

Please share this article with your family and friends to get some rewards this Ramadan. In Sha Allah you will stay well.

Thank you for reading and have a lovely day!

4 Lessons From Prophet Daniel (pbuh) / The Prophets Series of Ramadan 2020 https://surobiscribbles.com/4-lessons-from-prophet-daniel-pbuh-the-prophets-series-of-ramadan-2020/ Wed, 20 May 2020 21:28:45 +0000 http://surobiscribbles.com/?p=641 “The strong believer is better and more loved by Allah The Almighty than the weak one and there is good in both.” (Muslim)

Assalamu alaikum, fellow Muslims and non-Muslims. 

We may all know the importance of the Qur’an, the Holy Book written by Allah (swt). However, we may not necessarily follow the teachings of the Qur’an and follow the role models that were sent to the Earth to spread the word of Islam. In order to remind you of the important lessons taught by each of the significant prophets mentioned in the Qur’an, I will In Sha Allah, be starting a prophets series. This will contain lessons I learnt from each of the prophets. I am trying my best to In Sha Allah post every day of Ramadan about each prophet.

Today, we will talk about our twenty-seventh prophet, Daniel (pbuh). If you would like to know the story, sources are available below. If I also make any mistakes, I apologise and Allah (swt) knows the best. 

You should generally be part of the right minority.

The majority of people in Babylon worshipped idols, and the minority like Prophet Daniel (pbuh) used to worship Allah.

Only Allah can choose between life and death.

Allah is the one who can choose between life and death which is why when Prophet Daniel (pbuh) was about to be eaten by the lions due to the command of the king, Allah made the lions not attack him. Prophet Daniel (pbuh) was saved due to Allah’s miracle. You should never commit suicide as Allah can only choose when you will die.

Dreams can sometimes have a meaning.

The king of Babylon had a dream that his statue that people used to worship would be destroyed. Prophet Daniel (pbuh) had the interpretation that this meant that his whole kingdom would be destroyed.

Not all prophets are mentioned in the Quran and Hadiths.

Ibn Kathir is a good scholar to usually follow but Prophet Daniel (pbuh) is not mentioned in the Qur’an and Hadiths so we don’t know exactly where he died.

These were some of the lessons that I captured from Daniel (pbuh). The story of Daniel (pbuh) is beautifully said in this Youtube video and book which I used to create this article:

Please share this article with your family and friends to get some rewards this Ramadan. In Sha Allah you will stay well.

Thank you for reading and have a lovely day!

6 Lessons From Prophet Aramaya (pbuh) / The Prophets Series of Ramadan 2020 https://surobiscribbles.com/6-lessons-from-prophet-aramaya-pbuh-the-prophets-series-of-ramadan-2020/ Tue, 19 May 2020 00:01:12 +0000 http://surobiscribbles.com/?p=634 “Whenever a person is murdered unjustly, there is a share from the burden of the crime on the first son of Adam for he was the first to start the tradition of murdering.”  (Sahih Bukhari)

Assalamu alaikum, fellow Muslims and non-Muslims. 

We may all know the importance of the Qur’an, the Holy Book written by Allah (swt). However, we may not necessarily follow the teachings of the Qur’an and follow the role models that were sent to the Earth to spread the word of Islam. In order to remind you of the important lessons taught by each of the significant prophets mentioned in the Qur’an, I will In Sha Allah, be starting a prophets series. This will contain lessons I learnt from each of the prophets. I am trying my best to In Sha Allah post every day of Ramadan about each prophet.

Today, we will talk about our twenty-fifth prophet, Dhul Kifl (pbuh). If you would like to know the story, sources are available below. If I also make any mistakes, I apologise and Allah (swt) knows the best. 

Allah has sent us so much evidence that we should worship Him.

Even though Allah was angry at the Bani Israel who kept breaking Allah’s laws and even killing the prophets, He sent a last warning by sending Aramaya (pbuh).

You should only believe things that have evidence.

The Bani Israel believed in their powerful ‘God’ Baal. They believed in these crazy idol stories which had no evidence as they loved idol-worshipping, which is completely Haram.

Allah punished the Bani Israel only after giving them so many chances and opportunities to repent and worship Allah. 

The Babylon’s army came to attack as part of Allah’s punishment to destroy the Bani Israel. They killed ⅓ of the Bani Israel and only left the elderly people and the disabled people. They took the rest of the people as their slaves. Babylon’s army destroyed everything in their city. Allah destroyed the whole nation of Bani Israel as a punishment. 

The innocent people will get justice.

The Bani Israel had previously imprisoned Aramaya (pbuh) and when the king of Babylon released he knew about this punishment before, he let Aramaya (pbuh) go as a free man.

Allah gives new chances to repent to Him and start afresh.

The king of Babylon took all the slaves (about 70,000 men, women and children) and put them back in that town. Aramaya (pbuh) told them to seek forgiveness from Allah, unite and rebuild the town again. But most of them did not want to stay in that destroyed country and they disobeyed Aramaya (pbuh). They migrated to other parts of the world, even though Aramaya (pbuh) tried to reunite the Bani Israel together.

Everything in Islam is authentic.

There is no confirmed place for where Aramaya (pbuh) passed away, but some historians say he moved to Egypt and died there. But Allah knows the best.

These were some of the lessons that I captured from Aramaya (pbuh). The story of Aramaya (pbuh) is beautifully said in this Youtube video and book which I used to create this article:

Please share this article with your family and friends to get some rewards this Ramadan. In Sha Allah you will stay well.

Thank you for reading and have a lovely day!

5 Lessons From Prophet Dhul Kifl (pbuh) / The Prophets Series of Ramadan 2020 https://surobiscribbles.com/5-lessons-from-prophet-dhul-kifl-pbuh-the-prophets-series-of-ramadan-2020/ Mon, 18 May 2020 22:37:23 +0000 http://surobiscribbles.com/?p=628 And remember Ismā‘īl and Al-Yasa‘ and Dhul-Kifl. Each one of them was among the best of the righteous (Surah 38:48)

Assalamu alaikum, fellow Muslims and non-Muslims. 

We may all know the importance of the Qur’an, the Holy Book written by Allah (swt). However, we may not necessarily follow the teachings of the Qur’an and follow the role models that were sent to the Earth to spread the word of Islam. In order to remind you of the important lessons taught by each of the significant prophets mentioned in the Qur’an, I will In Sha Allah, be starting a prophets series. This will contain lessons I learnt from each of the prophets. I am trying my best to In Sha Allah post every day of Ramadan about each prophet.

Today, we will talk about our twenty-fifth prophet, Dhul Kifl (pbuh). If you would like to know the story, sources are available below. If I also make any mistakes, I apologise and Allah (swt) knows the best. 

‘Dhul-kifl’ means a man of luck.

This is some good Arabic vocabulary to know.

You should be patient, be a good judge and keep your promises.

Prophet Dhul Kifl (pbuh) had all these characteristics.

Prophet Dhul Kifl was never angry at anyone.

This was specifically in the story of how the devil, Shaytan, came to Dhul Kifl (pbuh) three times when he was supposed to take a nap. Prophet Dhul Kifl (pbuh) never became angry even though he missed his sleep but in the last time, Prophet Dhul Kifl (pbuh)took Shaytan (without knowing he was the devil) and Shaytan understood Prophet Dhul Kifl (pbuh)would never lose his patience. Shaytan disappeared and Prophet Dhul Kifl (pbuh)had passed the test.

You should try your best to defend your fellow brothers and sisters.

One of the prophet’s servants tried to stop Shaytan from entering when Dhul Kifl was trying to take a nap which shows that he cared about Prophet Dhul Kifl (pbuh).

Shaytan has many ways to trick you.

Shaytan tried his best to make Prophet Dhul Kifl (pbuh) angry but this did not work for him.

These were some of the lessons that I captured from Dhul Kifl (pbuh). The story of Dhul Kifl (pbuh) is beautifully said in this Youtube video and book which I used to create this article:

Please share this article with your family and friends to get some rewards this Ramadan. In Sha Allah you will stay well.

Thank you for reading and have a lovely day!

7 Lessons From Prophets Elyas, Yasa and Isaiah (pbut) / The Prophets Series of Ramadan 2020 https://surobiscribbles.com/7-lessons-from-prophets-elyas-yasa-and-isaiah-pbut-the-prophets-series-of-ramadan-2020/ Mon, 18 May 2020 22:08:44 +0000 http://surobiscribbles.com/?p=624 And Ilyas was most surely of the messengers. (Surah 37:123)

And remember Ismā‘īl and Al-Yasa‘ and Dhul-Kifl (Isaiah). Each one of them was among the best of the righteous (Surah 38:48)

Assalamu alaikum, fellow Muslims and non-Muslims. 

We may all know the importance of the Qur’an, the Holy Book written by Allah (swt). However, we may not necessarily follow the teachings of the Qur’an and follow the role models that were sent to the Earth to spread the word of Islam. In order to remind you of the important lessons taught by each of the significant prophets mentioned in the Qur’an, I will In Sha Allah, be starting a prophets series. This will contain lessons I learnt from each of the prophets. I am trying my best to In Sha Allah post every day of Ramadan about each prophet.

Today, we will talk about our twenty-second prophet, who is Elyas or Elijah (pbuh). I will also be talking about the twenty-third prophet, Yasa or Elisha (pbuh). And lastly, I will also be sharing some lessons from Prophet Isaiah or Shia (pbuh). If you would like to know the stories, sources are available below. If I also make any mistakes, I apologise and Allah (swt) knows the best. 

What I learnt from Prophet Elyas (pbuh)

Marry someone who is Muslim

Because his wife was a disbeliever, the King of Samaria was influenced and started idol worshipping.

What I learnt from Prophet Yasa (pbuh)

You can learn good deeds from others. 

Yasa (pbuh) was a student of Elyas (pbuh) for about 10-12 years. 

What I learnt from Prophet Isaiah (pbuh)

Not all prophets are mentioned in the Qur’an 

Prophet Isaiah (pbuh) was not mentioned in the Qur’an but Ibn Kathir had some information about him.

There is always hope.

The kingdom of Judah in Bani Israel was first led by a bad king who was a disbeliever. His kingdom had many idol worshippers. Isaiah (pbuh) warned his people and told them that if they did not worship Allah, their enemies will take over. Luckily, later Hezekiah a good king who was a Muslim came and destroyed all the idols.

Allah is the most merciful.

Once, when Hezekiah had his foot infected and the enemy (Assyrian empire) was coming to attack the kingdom of Judah, Hezekiah became scared. When he found out from Prophet Isaiah (pbuh) that he was going to die, he asked for forgiveness and to accept all his good work.

Allah being merciful, accepted his prayers and saved Hezekiah’s kingdom from the enemy. He also granted Hezekiah 15 more years of life.

Allah cured his foot infection.

The Bani Israel were very ungrateful and forgetful.

When King Hezekiah was alive, everyone in his kingdom stopped idol worshipping but after the king died, everyone went back to idol worshipping.

You need to protect yourself from danger.

Allah has told us to make dua and supplicate to Him but also protect ourselves if needed. When the Bani Israel threatened to kill Prophet Isaiah (pbuh), some sources say he escaped.

These were some of the lessons that I captured from Elyas, Yasa and Isaiah (pbut). The stories of Elyas, Yasa and Isaiah (pbut) is beautifully said in this Youtube video and book which I used to create this article:

Please share this article with your family and friends to get some rewards this Ramadan. In Sha Allah you will stay well.

Thank you for reading and have a lovely day!
