My First Two Terms of Sixth Form / Workload, Friends And Social Media

Hey everyone! If you are new here, my name is Surobi and I post weekly articles here on my personal blog! I usually like to share food reviews, Islamic content and my travels but this is a lifestyle blog, and I like to document some of the things that I get up to as a teenager.

I have just finished my second term of sixth form (Year 12), and I thought I would share my experiences. Alhmadulillah, I also have 100% attendance meaning that I have went to sixth form every day, so hopefully, I will be able to reflect on some of the things I have done for the past few months.

So let’s get started:

A Levels:

Now if you don’t already know, I do the A Levels Biology, Chemistry and Maths and I also do an EPQ. These A Levels are quite complex, yet I love these subjects! My journey with my A Levels so far have been a rollercoaster. Sometimes, I have been soaring through the work and understood everything and at other times, I would be upset when I didn’t understand something or got a lower grade. But, I think that doing these subjects and going on this A Level journey has taught me two main things:

A Levels are supposed to be challenging and everyone finds it to be a lot, so keep working hard.

Doing A Levels actually builds your character as sometimes, you just have to be extremely resilient and keep working until you hit those top grades.

I have changed uup some of my revision techniques, and also organised myself and my revision much better. And that is okay! You are on your own journey so focus on yourself and keep improving yourself!


I have to say that I am very grateful for all my teachers. My teachers do teach me quite well. Of course, I do believe that you might prefer the teaching style of one teacher over the other but I have to say that all my teachers do want us to succeed, and they do know all the effort that I am putting in for my subjects. One downside is that since my school is an academy consisting of a primary, secondary and sixth form, it can be difficult at times to talk to teachers privately, but this has taught me the next lesson which is:

You need to seek help from teachers if it is needed, so don’t be lazy or shy. Just go and seek help, however difficult it is!


My friend circle has changed so much since the last article I made. I started with having one main friend I would always hang out with but I now have many more friends Alhamdulillah. I am a strong believer that it is better to have many networks with different people and talk to different people rather than to just stick to one person, because if that one friend leaves you, it can be difficult. I have made friends outside of my subjects as well and that can be quite good to give a fresh new perspective too. Stick to friends who align with your energy.

Social Life:

I do spend time with my family and friends alongside my studies which is great. I remember this one time where I had 4 tests on a Friday on the same day, so my friends and I went to the shopping mall after school and I had some bubble tea! That was great! In terms of spending time with my family, I have went shopping several times with my mother and chat to my family regularly!

Social Media:

My social media intake has been quite positive (as usual). My main form of communication outside of school with my friends is Snapchat. And I love to use YouTube and Pinterest too! Instagram is a no-no currently!


There has been a little drama in my sixth form but it is not too serious. I think that drama is a part of school life but I would strongly advise not to overindulge in it which is why I am always aware of my surroundings but I don’t dive into the drama. 

My Highlights of These Two Terms:

  • Seeing an improvement from your grade last time makes me feel so happy and pushes me to work harder!
  • Gaining support and help can take some level of vulnerability but it also shows courage so if you need help, go ask for it! 
  • You will have good and bad days so it is important to have that balance of managing your own emotions but also seeking support.
  • The people who you are friends with align your energy, so take a good look at your friends, and see if these are the people who you would be happy representing.
  • Journaling after school can help to reflect on your progress, spend some time in gratitude and check up on how you are feeling.

These past two terms have been absolutely amazing! I have enjoyed these past two terms of sixth form and going to school every day has helped me to stay organised, keep my routine structured and not fall behind in work. I also do extracurricular activities outside of school which is also quite fun and keeps my mind off work at times.

I hope you enjoyed reading this article, as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

Please remember to share this article with anyone who goes to school or sixth form and see if you guys can relate to any of the experiences I have had.

Thank you so much for reading, and have a lovely day!