How To Get Back On Track For Ramadan 2022

The most beloved of deeds to Allah are those that are most consistent, even if it is small.”


Assalamu Alaikum fellow Muslims or hello to my non-Muslim friends!

As I write this article, it is now the 10th Ramadan 2022. We are around ⅓ of the way into Ramadan, and I feel like it has gone so fast. However, have you been productive so far? Perhaps, you feel that you haven’t been as productive these first few days of Ramadan. Or perhaps, you were smashing it in the start and then slowly trailed off. In this article, I will be sharing with you how to increase your productivity during Ramadan and keep that momentum going for the rest of Ramadan.

Look back at your goals and your tracker.

The first thing I would suggest doing is looking at your routine right now and also at the goals you want to achieve. Hopefully, you have a plan on what goals you want to achieve this Ramadan and also a tracker to track your progress. If not, make one right now using this link: Make Ramadan 2021 The Best Ramadan! / Ultimate Step By Step Ramadan Prep Guide – Surobi Scribbles. This will allow you to know what you have to do moving forward.

Fix up your sleep schedule.

One of the main things that I realised when I was falling behind on my productivity in Ramadan was the fact that my sleep schedule was inconsistent. I know it can be difficult to plan when you will sleep in Ramadan especially if you have commitments such as work or school. But sleep is what can structure your routine. Sleep at your optimal sleep times and then work on the other times.

Make to do lists and plan around your prayers.

Hopefully, now you have fixed up your sleep schedule and that should make things 10x easier. But what do you do now that you are awake? In this case, I would suggest making a simple to-do list of what you have to do, especially if you have to revise for exams like me. One tip that I learnt a long time ago is that you can first start by writing your 5 prayers in your to-do list and then incorporating your other tasks around your prayer.

Remember the reason why you are doing this: consistency is key.

It is okay if you mess up one day and you only manage to read 1 page of the Quran one day instead of your daily 10 pages. We all do have a busy schedule and it is all about the intention. Have a strong intention that you are doing good deeds for the sake of Allah. But also remember that your career and studying can also be for the sake of Allah so have that intention you are studying and revising for Him. Seek forgiveness and try your best to move on and keep being consistent in your good deeds, even if they are small.

Gain support and support others.

If you feel that the whole year round, you haven’t charged up your Iman for a while and you want to now use this Ramadan to spiritually recharge, then I know it can be difficult. However, don’t think that you are alone in this. We are all Muslims part of one Ummah. If you have any questions or you find anything difficult, please speak up and aks your fellow Muslim brothers and sister. Research from verified sources and listen to Shaykhs and Muftis. You are never too late to start.

One huge lesson that was reinforced for me this year:

This lesson is crucial. Unfortunately, we live in a society where everyone seems to be judging each other and sometimes, you might be afraid of looking like ‘a Ramadan Muslim’ or you think others are judging you because you suddenly decided to be religious this month. I have felt like I am being judged as a non-Hijabi and maybe subconsciously we have all judged others. Please do not think this way. Everyone is minding their own business and people who are judging you or others are wasting their own time. Don’t focus on who is judging you.  Instead, focus on yourself and your connection with Allah this month, and remember that you are in your own journey in Islam. We should all be proud of each other for all the good that we do. That is what makes us an Ummah.

I hope these tips and the final message I gave helped you in some way. In Sha Allah you will implement one of these in your own life. Please remember to share this article with your family and friends to spread the messages and gain rewards In Sha Allah. Please check out my other articles below:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!