Loving Yourself To Great Health Book Review

As a person who is constantly in the look out for self development and self help books that will help me to improve myself, it was not a surprise when I went to the library one day and this book caught my eye. It was the book ‘Loving Yourself to Great Health’, written by Louise Hay, Ahlea Khadro and Heather Dane. I read this book but did I find it useful to help improve my life?

What this book is about:

This book is about how to heal your mind, body and spirit and change the way you think. It is all about how to take your health, your moods and energy to the next level. There are also effective strategies in the book to bring your body back into alignment with your mind, how nutrition plays a role and listening to your body.

What it has taught me:

The key to every problem is loving yourself.

This lesson is so powerful. As humans, we all have problems in our life but all of them can be solved by loving yourself more. Broke up with your best friend? Love yourself more. Got rejected by your dream university? Show yourself love and remember that you are worthy regardless. Got embarrassed on the bus today? Love yourself enough to move on. This is such an authentic and great message to always remember.

Autoimmune conditions occur when you do not listen to yourself enough.

Autoimmune conditions are diseases that happen when you don’t listen to yourself and when you criticise yourself so much that your cells attack itself. This is becoming more common nowadays, which shows that we need to go back to a place where we listen to ourselves more. 

Three things to be connected to: family, small group of friends and spiritual group

Support is so important in your life to ensure you are enjoying your life and have people to lean on one another in times of hardship.

Affirmations and meditations that connect you to Earth can heal you.

There are some great examples of meditations in the book that help you to feel more grounded, because as a species that has evolved, we need nature to survive and get into the original world. So connect to nature from time to time.

Chapter 2 – Love yourself to better thoughts and nutrition

Loving yourself means changing your limiting thoughts. You need to tell and believe that you are worthy because it is 100% true. 

When your body is sick, it is a way to return your body to love so think about nutrition and medical help.

Whenever you feel a symptom in your body e.g. a headache, remind yourself that this is your body telling you that you need to do something to show yourself love and heal it. E.g. a headache might mean you need more sleep or you need to reduce your stress. You need to make yourself feel good by eating healthy food and if you want to lose weight/eat healthier food, do it to feel good.

When manifesting your dream life, have no limitations, Write it down and feel as if you already have it.

Manifestation is powerful and is becoming a common practice among many people. Don’t limit your dreams and criticise or downplay them before even getting started. Write these dreams and goals as if you have already achieved them. Keep saying positive affirmations.

Chapter 3 – Learn more about digestion and food. 

This book has a large emphasis and focus on food. The book delves deeper into the digestive system, Vitamin B12, and eating foods that help your gut.

Your gut and your brain is linked.

You need to have a healthy diet to feed your gut. Without a healthy diet, you will lose willpower. 

Methylation and digestion are important. 

Trust the process and fill your life with ease and love. Affirm that you can digest your life and food. 

Chapter 4 – Listen to your gut.

Listen to your gut and inner voice. Some people dismiss the inner voice by listening to their temporary emotions instead. They also fear getting things wrong or taking the step their gut tells them to. Remember the more you doubt your gut, the more you will keep getting it wrong so trust your gut unconditionally. Affirmations and meditation can help with this.

Have a food diary

See what your body tells you and eliminate foods that don’t make you feel good. You deserve to feel your best.

Chapter 5 and above – know which foods will make you feel good

The book then provides a lot of information about foods that will help you to feel more good about yourself. There are recipes, foods to eat and avoid and so many more tips and advice for the kitchen.

What I like about this book:

This book was written beautifully and it felt so gentle and feminine to read this book. It really promotes self confidence by loving yourself more which I really enjoyed reading. 

The possible improvements to the book:

Of course, there were some tips that I already knew but this book reiterated them to me. Also, the second half of the book was on recipes, and as a person who is not a huge fan of cooking, I didn’t explore these pages too much but it was interesting to read which foods to eat and avoid!

My Rating: 4/5

This book is amazing for anyone! It is good for those who want to heal and are on a road of self improvement and self love (like me!) 

Where to buy the book from (not sponsored):


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