How To Become ‘That Girl’

Hello everyone! Have you heard of the ‘that girl’ trend? ‘That girl’ is used to describe a girl who is living her best life and is balanced in all areas of her life. She has a good morning and night routine, she is on top of her schoolwork/career and she has time for self-care. But how do you become that girl?

Well, I am here to spill the tea on how to become that girl because I truly believe it is quite simple and if you really have the intention to be that girl and still end this summer on a great note, you can become that girl!

Note: the tips in this article can also be used for boys!

The Benefits of Being ‘That Girl’

The benefits of being ‘that girl’ is:

  1. You live a more fulfilling life as you are embodying that high-value version of yourself that always makes you happy long term
  2. You become more confident in yourself as you realise your potential and how you can do many things in one day.
  3. You are considered to be more attractive as people wonder how you do it all.

The Ultimate Key To Become ‘That Girl’

The key is to have some habits and non-negotiable in your life but also allow some flexibility in your schedule.

Having Habits And Systems

Here is how it works: start with having a habit tracker, where you will write some non-negotiable habits in your life that you will do without fail. This ensures that you are prioritising yourself and you are not feeling too overwhelmed with your life with too much flow. This provides structure to your life. Examples of these habits include meditation, journaling or waking up early.

Having Flexibility

However, you also need to allow things to fit into your schedule which can change depending on the circumstances. The key is to follow your gut and make the right decision. If you have two hours free one evening, what would you do? Would you be like your lazy self just scrolling through social media? Or would you be like your high-value self and go out to a coffee shop and learn to be comfortable solo travelling?

Fill your schedule with more activities. This can include hobbies (I will be making an article about hobbies very soon), events and programmes (to meet new people and expand your knowledge) and even self-development/self-care (such as reading a book alone in a coffee shop). Always embody your high-value version of yourself.

Get Back Up

Some days, you will feel exhausted or feel negative emotions. You don’t need to be exhausted to be ‘that girl’, you can just keep following your gut. Love and accept your emotions but do not follow the negative emotions and do not do the actions that will not make you happy long term.

To be ‘that girl’, it takes consistency. Don’t sabotage yourself for things that you know are not true. If you fail to do a habit or you do end up being lazy, just forgive yourself. Learn from that mistake, get up and move on. Try your best not to make mistakes.

You Can Do It

Start today to be ‘that girl’ if you haven’t started already.

Share this article with anyone who is keen on improving themselves!

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Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

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