
Victoria Park: Boring or Beautiful?

It makes me upset but proud to say that this was the last place of the summer holidays that I and my sister visited out of the whopping 39 places that we visited over the summer. I remember that my sister and I were in a bad mood that day, so we went to a quiet park to just finish our hectic, loud but amazing summer. But was it actually a good place to end the summer with?

What is Victoria Park?

Victoria Park is a park in Tower Hamlets and I was really surprised to find out that there are approximately 9 million visitors every year.

What did I like about Victoria Park?

  • When I went, it was pretty quiet which gave me time to reflect on the summer, look at the grass and nearly just meditate.
  • There was a large green space, which was like a breath of fresh air.
  • It is really big, so you can play cards, have a picnic, exercise or chat to your loved ones.

What didn’t I like about Victoria Park?

  • It was quite plain from the entrance I took and I didn’t really see anything special -there was just grass, trees and benches. I did hear apparently that there are other attractions in the park but unfortunately, my sister and I got bored and left.

Would I recommend it?

Not necessarily, because it is just an ordinary park and we didn’t see any attractions. Maybe if you want to relax, it would be a good place to go or if you want to see other attractions, maybe go from a different entrance that we took.

This was my short review or diary entry about Victoria Park. These are my opinions about this place. Make sure to check out my other articles:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!