Trust By Iyanla Vanzant Book Review

Hello everyone! This summer, I had the chance to read a new self development book and learn more about this beautiful world around us. This is why I decided to pick up the book ‘Trust’ by Iyanla Vanzant, which encapsulates how to master the four trusts in life – in self, in God, in others and in life. So did I enjoy the book? And was it useful?

What this book is about:

This book is about focuses on how to trust yourself, trust God, trust others and trust in life. It is also coupled with many examples and life experiences of others who needed trust in their own lives and how to obtain it.

What it has taught me: 

Practise trusting every single day.

Trust is a muscle that needs to be built on a daily basis through spiritual practise. You will come to a point where you know that no matter where you are in life, you will be okay. 

You build self trust (having confidence in yourself) by listening to your gut and following it. 

You need to heal in order for this voice to give you the best interests to you. And every time it goes right, remind yourself to celebrate the good that you have achieved. 

Learn what advice to ignore and take in to build self trust.

Again, listen to your gut and if it doesn’t feel right to you, don’t act on it. Don’t give into the nasty voice.

Feel your emotions. 

That way, the emotions can pass and you won’t have any unmet needs. By doing this, you can feel safer and happier.

Create boundaries

Boundaries tell people that you are willing to take care and honour yourself.

Speak and stand in your truths

There will be people in life who will criticise you, especially when you make mistakes. But realise that everything will be okay and speak the truth firmly from what you know. This includes being honest to yourself and keeping your own promises.

The four human realities that keep us from believing in God is fear, doubt, disbelief and disobedience.

Make sure to stay away from these emotions and strengthen your trust in God every day.

Stop trying to make God small and human.

The book discusses how most people who disbelieve in God try to limit God’s potential and compare Him to human qualities. God is not human so don’t limit him like that.

Seasons change.

Life gives you different seasons to learn from them so whenever the season changes in life, stop blaming God.

We are all worthy of the things that we seek from God so pray and trust God.

This is how you can attract the good into your life.

Trust yourself to get through the pain of disappointment and betrayal when people violate yourself. This is how you will trust others.

Stop mistrusting others. When you do the above, things get much easier. When you have your own voice, it is easy to rely on yourself and choose which advice to consider that others say.

When people show you who they are, believe them the first time. 

Trust yourself to not give a second chance to someone if it doesn’t feel right. People will show you their true colours and you will learn of they are trustworthy, that is the point of life. Know why you trusted them in the first place.

Forgive yourself for the mistakes you committed in the past.

Self forgiveness is key for self trust.

What you draw to you on the outside is a reflection of your inside.

If you attract positive people, it says a lot about you. It also work for negative people too. 

Be clear with what you are doing and why. 

It is so important to get clarity.

Trust the process and yourself because you are worthy of your own time, energy, attention and love.

You will be okay.

What I like about this book:

I already knew all of these lessons but having them established and explained thoroughly and filled with stories really helped me to see these ideas come to life.

The possible improvements to the book:

There were many stories which made the book very lengthy and many lessons are simple and repeated. But then again cliches are cliches for a reason 🙂

My Rating: 4/5

This book is great for hope, self improvement and learning more about yourself.

Where to buy the book from (not sponsored): 

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