Success / Poetry by @surobiscribbles

My poem on ‘Success’

Everyone has a different definition of success. Some may perceive success to be gaining wealth and fame, for others it may just be having shelter, food and water with their family. 

Success is something that you need to decide your definition on. But one thing is for sure, we are all successful in our own ways already. This is because everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses and it is time for you to find out what your talents and successes are. Some may be what you worked hard for, while others may be an ‘unfair advantage’ (see the book ‘The Unfair Advantage).

So what you really need to do is figure out what your definition of success is.

Follow that and pave your own way. Yes, there will be obstacles but the beauty is we are all successful, but we are just in our path to achieve a different success.

Please share this short, motivational reminder to anyone and everyone. 

What does success mean to you? Comment down below.

Please check out my other articles relating to Islamic content, My Experiences, Teenage Advice, Book Reviews and Poetry.

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!