
Stuck At Home During COVID-19 Lockdown: My Quarantine Experience pt.4

COVID-19, Coronavirus, Lockdown, Deaths, Quarantine, Self-isolation…these are all the common keywords I have been hearing for the past one month. This tragedy of COVID-19 has impacted my daily life as well as the lives of many others. Due to this, I have been staying at home or quarantining since Wednesday 18th March 2020. 

In this article, I wanted to share the positives (hard to find) and the negatives of this pandemic and how it has changed my one month of staying at home. This is just my own experience of what happened to me and feel free to comment below if you have been quarantining and your experience. I have also left some sources of any information, all information correct as of 18th April 2020, and please don’t take my word for anything. So here I shall get started.

This is my fourth article of the four articles I will be posting about my one-month quarantine experience so check out the previous articles :). Since this is the last article of this series, I have kept it positive :))

I Made My First Two Podcasts As A Fourteen-Year-Old Teenager

I am very thrilled to say that I have tried to make the best use of this quarantine period and I have started my own Podcasts. This was my way of sharing my stories alongside this website. Here is the link to it: The Chat Library. I also have another anonymous Podcast which I shall not share but I am truly also happy about. This is not to brag but to inspire all of you to produce your own content and build something good and new during this lockdown.

I Have Been Planning Some Upcoming Blog Posts For This Website

I have been planning some exciting content for this, which is mostly about Ramadan and I am In Sha Allah going to upload regularly so please stay tuned.

I Did My GCSE Biology Paper 2 Mock At Home

In the first article of this series, I mentioned that my GCSE Paper 2 Biology Mock was supposed to happen the day after my school was closed. My teacher then arranged for us to do it online and this was probably my first ever exam I have done online and it was definitely a new experience for me. 

I Have Been Praying More

As a Muslim teen with a busy life, it can be sometimes difficult to find time to remember Allah. But because I have been staying at home, I can now pray regularly to Allah and remember Him. If you struggle with praying or meditating regularly, or you want to be connected to Allah, this is the time!

I have also had time to read the Qur’an and pray for all of us to get out of this COVID-19 crisis.

I Have Been Preparing For Ramadan 

This year’s Ramadan will probably be very different from all the other Ramadans as we will probably have to stay at home and miss all the Iftar parties, miss attending the mosques and possibly even missing Eid outside (In Sha Allah not). Nonetheless, I have been trying my best to prepare and plan for Ramadan on this website and personally.

This was the last out of the four articles I will be posting about my quarantine experience. All my thoughts go to those who have loved ones who are suffering from this horrible disease or who have contracted COVID-19 themselves. Please stay at home if you are advised to do so and only go out if it is necessary. Pray to God and take care of yourself and your family and stay happy and healthy :). Check out my other articles:

COVID-19 Lockdown Secrets | How To Make The Most Out Of This Time

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!