Sky Garden Bar / Is The Food As Good As The Place?

Without a doubt, for me, Sky Garden is one of the best places in London. I first traveled to this place in August 2019, and I even reviewed it on my website here. I revisited this place in July 2021, and I fell in love with the place again due to its beauty and unicity. I decided to try the food in the bar this time as well, but is it as good as how the place looks?

What is Sky Garden?

Sky Garden is the highest public garden in London and it is a skyscraper that allows you to see a great view of London. It also features a top-class restaurant and bars. We went to the Sky Garden Bar.

What I Ordered And My Opinions On It:

Lemon Vegan Cake (£3.50)

The first item I will be reviewing is this cake. This slice of cake looked like a normal brown cake and it had a thin layer of icing. It did look appetizing, yet maybe not to the standards that I thought Sky Garden would have. In terms of taste, it had a good lemon flavor, and it felt quite soft and spongy. Overall, I rated this a ⅘, as it was executed nicely but it wasn’t outstanding.

Chocolate Brownie (£2.75)

Next up was this chocolate brownie. This chocolate brownie looked very delicious and it had some medium-size chocolate chips at the top. When I ate this brownie, I thought that it was a very standard chocolate brownie, which could be found in most supermarkets. Overall, I rated this a ⅖, as despite it fulfilling the description of its name, it did not fit the standard of the world-renowned Sky Garden.

Cappuccino (£3.20)

My sister tried the cappuccino and she quoted it to be ‘very standard’. Again, it was a normal cappuccino as mentioned in the name. She rated this a ⅖.

Hot Chocolate (£3.90)

The hot chocolate was decorated quite beautifully with the powder at the top and the nice light brown color showing through. In terms of taste, I felt that it did have a different texture to normal hot chocolate and this may have been due to the chocolate powder. Due to the slightly different taste and it being chocolate, I rated this a ⅗.

The Place:

The bar was next to the beautiful view of London so this made the setting quite nice for families and loved ones to get together and eat while chatting about life. The tables were quite small though and it was quite full so ensure you are aware of this.

The Service:

The staff and service was good and the waiting time was decent. Again, it was quite packed but I felt that the cakes may have been pre-made so it was expected to not take too long.

Would I Recommend It?

Overall, I would recommend trying food from the Sky Garden Bar. Please ensure that all food is Halal for those of you who are Muslims and even though the food was not outstanding, I think that it does add to the experience of going to Sky Garden and enjoying a lovely time with your loved ones. 

My Rating: 3/5

My Rating System:

⅕ – was below average and would not recommend even trying once

⅖ – the food was average and would not recommend trying

⅗ – the food was delicious but would recommend trying maximum once

⅘ – the food was really good and would recommend trying here

5/5 – the food was outstanding and is one of my favourites!

Order from here (not sponsored): Sky Garden – London’s Highest Public Garden

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!