How To Ace Your Online Exams 2021

Just a few days ago, I finished my set of Year 11 mock exams. But this time, it was different. I did my exams online at home. After having many exams at home, I now know some of the tactics that have helped me to do my online exams. In this article, I will be sharing my ultimate tips on how to succeed in online exams and do them effectively at home. 

Before Exams

Make sure to revise effectively like you would revise for a normal test in school.

These exams were quite important for my grades so I would advise trying your best to study before your exams. Use the revision methods that work for you but using past papers and doing tests can help quite a lot.

Let people in your household know when you will be revising and when you will have your exams.

I told my family when I would be doing my exams, which can help to ensure they don’t distract you. Also, this can help to avoid noise. 

Know the details of how to submit your exams.

For me, my mock exams were held via Google Classroom and my teacher posted a video a few days earlier to explain how to submit your exams and how to conduct them at home. Ensure you know all these details beforehand so that you don’t end up wasting time during the exams figuring this out or even missing your deadline for submission.

Have someone in your household to be an invigilator.

If possible, have someone in the room when you are doing your exam to act as an invigilator. Not only will this make it more motivating for you to work, but it may feel even closer to a normal exam.

Do something relaxing before your exams.

For example, you could do some gentle exercises, meditate or pray to God before your exams and this can help you to feel relaxed.

During Exams

If given the choice between typing or writing on paper, do what suits you the most.

For me personally, I chose writing on paper as it is much more effective for me. Most of the time, writing on paper is the best option as you don’t have to stay in front of a screen for long periods of time, you may be more used to writing on paper and you won’t be restricted by your typing speed. 

Have a minimalistic space to work on.

It is best to replicate an environment that you are used to having tests or exams in usually. For me, I kept my desk pretty minimalistic while doing my exams and this will help to keep you motivated, distraction-free and be in that exam mode.You may need to have your charger with you for the device you are doing the exam on.

Remove your distractions.

Ensure that you put your phone away and social media so that you are not distracted during your exams.

After Exams

Take a break

After your exams, take a break and get out of your environment where you have been doing your exams. Go to another room, talk to your family members, drink some water, use the toilet and do some exercise. Do something like this.

Track your exams.

After every exam or in the night, journal how your exams went. This can be in the form of a diary entry, a voice memo, a vlog or even an article like this. You can even predict what grade you will get in that test if you want. This will help you to keep it as a memory.

I hope that this article has helped you to ace those online exams. I know that this is a different experience but you should embrace change when it is needed. 

Comment down below if you have any other article ideas. 

Make sure to check out my other articles.

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!