Highlights of My First Half-Term As A Year 11 Student In A Pandemic

Being a Year 11 student during a pandemic is quite a new and uncommon experience. Not only is Year 11 already a prevalent year in a teenager’s life but topping that off with catch up work due to the lockdown can also impact it. In this article, I wanted to share some of the highlights of the first half-term or 7 weeks of being at school after 6 months of lockdown due to COVID-19. I hope you get somewhat of an insight into my life. 

Differences Between Year 11 In The Past vs. Year 11 Now

Some differences are that previously, Year 11s would not have to catch up with lots of work, would not have certain restrictions around school and also have to retake exams. Now in Year 11, my school has been focusing on doing catch-up lessons for some subjects and also there are hand sanitisers around the building. Also, we have to wear face masks outside of the classroom. For some subjects, some students are retaking exams. We also have to take our tests seriously as it may contribute to our GCSE grade if public exams get cancelled.

In my school, we are also taking mocks in January.


I have been getting a bit more work than Year 10 but it isn’t a really big difference. As there are tests that should be taken seriously, there is revision to do. The teachers are quite helpful with the work.

Social Life

My friends and I have been chatting at break times and lunchtimes and sometimes in classes and via text. When it comes to family, I do chat with my family, and they have been quite supportive in terms of helping me adjust to this new routine.

Obviously due to the COVID-19 pandemic I don’t really go too far and I am quite busy on the weekends. I have found alternatives to have fun such as working on extracurriculars and self-care. I think the holidays are a good time to really go out.

New Habits

Some new habits that I have incorporated into my life is: using my phone less, drinking more water and EXERCISE! These habits have helped me quite a lot.

Some Other Highlights

I finished my Drama Component 1 performance that my class was supposed to do months ago but due to the lockdown, we couldn’t do it earlier.

I also have finished a few tests and I am quite happy so far with the work.

We have also received our mock timetable and some people may be taking their education a bit more seriously now.

I have incorporated some things into my life as part of my self-growth journey.


I have nearly consistently been posting website articles on this website and also posted on my podcast ‘The Chat Library’. These have helped me to manage my time. Fun fact: a lot of people in my school know about these and some people are quite rude, while others are supportive. Just ignore the hate and look at the positives! :)))


I have dealt with some stress due to personal reasons, a bit of academia and other things. But it’s absolutely fine, everyone has low days and it is good to accept it. I am grateful for everything that I have as I do live a privileged life. 🙂

Thank you so much for clicking on this article. This was a bit of a glimpse into my life. Please remember to share this article.  

Please check out my other articles relating to Islamic content, My Experiences, Teenage Advice, Book Reviews and Poetry.

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!