Failure / Poetry by @surobiscribbles

My poem on ‘Failure’

However many people say that ‘rejection is redirection’, ‘learn from your mistakes’ and ‘FAIL means first attempt in learning,’ I know that it can still hurt after you have gone through failure. There are many reasons why failure might seem bitter – it might be because you wish you had worked harder or longer, you have dreamt for this to succeed for so long or purely because it was unexpected.

But today, I wanted to give two pieces of advice about failure.

Firstly, believe that success and failure are planned. Not by you, not by your teachers, nor by anyone else. In my beliefs, it was God. God loves us all but maybe this was just a test. As a Muslim, I believe that Allah either gives you what you want because He wanted to give it to you or He doesn’t give you what you wanted. If He doesn’t give you what you wanted, it is because He has something better planned for you or He will be rewarding you for your struggles in this life. As you can see, there is no way to lose as you are getting good in any of the three ways as Allah is merciful and All-knowing. So yes, you should definitely work hard but also, keep this in mind.

Secondly, remember to have low expectations. When you are revising for an exam, have your big goal in mind and work hard. However, after you have done the exam or coursework and you have submitted, and there is nothing you can do, have low expectations. This is because if you succeed, you will be over the moon as you expected low and if you fail, it won’t hurt so much. 

Thos were my two pieces of advice about failure and my poem above. Keep your head up high, work hard but don’t stress.

What;s one failure that you went through and overcame? Comment down below.

Please check out my other articles relating to Islamic content, My Experiences, Teenage Advice, Book Reviews and Poetry.

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!