Appreciate / Poetry by @surobiscribbles

Appreciation and being grateful is one of the keys to success. You need to appreciate all that you have in this world in order to feel and understand that happiness does not lie in what you wish for,but rather what you already have.

Appreciate the fact that today we got to start a fresh new day. Appreciate the fact that we can breathe fresh air. Appreciate every cell flowing through our blood, through our working organs. Appreciate the fact that we have skin to protect ourselves internally. Appreciate that we are all different in our own ways.

But not only this.

Appreciate the fact that we also have low days. Appreciate those times when we feel upset, distraught, angry or worried. We have to appreciate every bit about ourselves. 

When we feel grateful, we realise that we have fully accepted ourselves, and when you accept yourself, the world will accept you.


When you appreciate, you may feel revived.