Anger / Poetry by @surobiscribbbles

My poem on ‘Anger’

Have you ever been told that you have ‘anger issues’? Do you ever feel like you get angry too quickly? Is anger destroying precious relationships with others? Is anger breaking you down?

Anger. An emotion that is completely normal. Yet, it can destroy many seconds of your life that will never return. Anger is an emotion that controls some people. 

So, how can you fix this problem? How can you get out of anger’s clutches?

You can use the QUAC acronym, made by me.

QUAC stands for:

QU – Question Urself

Question yourself and why you feel angry, perhaps more regularly than before. Perhaps, it is because you might simply be tired, or it could be because you are going through some rough patches in your life.

A – Accept

Accept that you feel angry. Admit to it. This is because acceptance is half of all healing. 

C – Confront

You may have to remove things that trigger your anger and also find activities that help with your anger before it gets too worse.

For example, maybe you really do get angry when someone comments about your appearance. In that case, find out why you feel offended and don’t be afraid to tell the person politely that you dislike those types of comments as everyone here deserves respect. 

Before you feel angry, you could take some deep breaths in and out or maybe walk out of that situation. 

Remember, the strongest person is the person who can control their anger.

You may increase your happiness levels by reducing your anger.