34 Lessons From Prophet Musa (pbuh) / The Prophets Series of Ramadan 2020

‘And what has caused you to hasten from your people?’ (Surah 20:83)

Assalamu alaikum, fellow Muslims and non-Muslims. 

We may all know the importance of the Qur’an, the Holy Book written by Allah (swt). However, we may not necessarily follow the teachings of the Qur’an and follow the role models that were sent to the Earth to spread the word of Islam. In order to remind you of the important lessons taught by each of the significant prophets mentioned in the Qur’an, I will In Sha Allah, be starting a prophets series. This will contain lessons I learnt from each of the prophets. I am trying my best to In Sha Allah post every day of Ramadan about each prophet.

Today, we will talk about our sixteenth prophet, who is Musa (pbuh). This is part 2 of his story. If you would like to know the story, sources are available below. If I also make any mistakes, I apologise and Allah (swt) knows the best. 

Do not fear people of this world.

Bani Israel became scared when the Pharaoh and his people were coming. They were willing to surrender to him but Musa (pbuh) told them not to be scared of the Pharaoh and to only keep faith in Allah. As long as you are good and don’t break the law, you should not be scared of people.

Allah can do anything even in the last minute.

Keep faith in Allah as He helped the Bani Israel in the last second and split the sea to save the Bani Israel.

Do not lie.

Lying is a big punishment in Islam and the Pharaoh lied that the sea split up in his command and when he tried running behind the Bani Israel, all the Egyptians drowned and died.

Allah has the power to choose who He forgives.

The Pharaoh declared his Shahada before passing away but Allah did not accept as He had given so many chances for the Pharaoh to worship Allah in his lifetime but he did not listen.

This is why we must be sincere when seeking forgiveness from Allah in the hope that Allah will accept it.

Arrogance had killed the Pharaoh.

Surely, you must be humble and believe that only Allah has all the power in the world.

Allah proved that He exists through so many miracles.

Musa (pbuh) struck a rock and twelve different water fountains came out for each tribe of Bani Israel. He gave clouds to protect Bani Israel from the sun in the daytime while they were journeying to Mount Sinai. Allah also gave manna and salwa from the sky to them as food. They were told to be grateful, eat the blessed food and worship Allah.

You must follow all the commands of Allah, just like the prophets did.

Musa (pbuh) went and fasted for 40 days and worshipped Allah because of Allah’s command. 

Allah is so beautiful and great that we do not have the ability to see Him.

When Allah showed a very tiny light of Him to the mountains, the mountains turned into dust and Musa (pbuh) became senseless.

Kohl is also Sunnah.

The source of Kohl is some kind of black ithmid stone.

Be grateful for what you get.

After Musa (pbuh) woke up, he seeked forgiveness from Allah. Allah reminded Musa (pbuh) that he should be grateful that Allah made him a prophet.

The famous ten commandments of the Torah were given to Musa (pbuh) written on stone.

The Torah is one of the Holy Books today.

Idol worshipping and making idols is still Haram.

An evil man named Samiri made a golden idol in the form of a cow with all the stolen gold from the Egyptians for the Bani Israel to worship which was a big sin. It distracts you from the remembrance of Allah.

No magic is bigger than the miracles of Allah.

Samiri did some magical actions like putting a hole in the cow to produce sounds as magic to impress the people and convince them that the cow was a living god (Astaghfirullah). 

Control your anger.

When Musa (pbuh) saw that some of the Bani Israel were worshipping idols, he became angry, took hold of his brother Harun’s hair and beard and dragged him to the crowd. This was not right.

You can’t make any excuses to cover up your sins.

Take responsibility for your sins and repent to Allah. Samiri tried convincing them that the cow was holy as he used a special dust but this still encouraged the Haram act of idol worshipping.

A curse is powerful.

Musa (pbuh) cursed Samiri and from that day, he got a skin disease where no one could come near him or touch him. However, we should not curse anyone.

You should not want to see Allah.

He has already given us enough miracles to prove that He exists and us humans, we do not have the ability to see Him.

Allah can give life after death and He will do this to us on the Day of Judgement.

Allah gave life to the 70 dead leaders of Bani Israel who asked to see Allah, upon Musa’s request.

Allah accepts most prayers.

Allah commanded the Bani Israel to kill each other as pardon. We should never kill others or anyone. When Musa and Harun (pbut) asked Allah to forgive the Bani Israel, Allah being very merciful accepted their request. Everything became dark and Allah had forgiven everyone’s sins.

Laziness is a very bad characteristic.

The Bani Israel were too lazy to follow Allah’s laws and they rejected the law. This made Allah very upset.

There were 12 tribes in Bani Israel because there were 12 sons of Israel or Yaqub (pbuh).

The 12 leaders from each tribe went to Palestine to get information about that place. The people of Palestine were big and strong. 10 leaders were scared but 2 of the leaders were brave and one of them was Prophet Yusha or Joshua (pbuh).

Palestine was the gifted land for the Bani Israel.

The Bani Israel rejected fighting the Palestinians and getting that land.

Allah usually gives you many opportunities for you to have a beautiful life.

Allah gave the Bani Israel the chance to go to Palestine, but because they refused, Musa (pbuh) cursed them and Allah refused to give their promised land for 40 years.

They did not find their way to Palestine.

Allah is still very kind and merciful.

He still gave Manna and Salwa to the Bani Israel even though they had wronged.

You should not complain and instead pray to Allah and work hard.

The Bani Israel wanted new foods despite getting the blessed Manna and Salwa, and Musa (pbuh) being surprised and sad told them to get food from the town.

Even if you are poor or have the worst life, depend on Allah.

There was a very poor and pious man in the Gulf of Aqaba and when he passed away, he requested Allah to take care of his wife, son, home and baby cow. He wanted the baby cow to be in the forest as others might take the cow.

Be obedient to your parents for the good.

The boy went to the forest after a few years in the command of his mother with the trust to Allah to look for the cow.  Don’t talk back or question your parents if they are telling you to do something for good.

Allah can give you tests and trials and we must try to overcome them with His help.

Allah wanted the Bani Israel to find out the killer of the wealthy man (who was the nephew) of that time by killing a cow, and putting a piece of its meat on the man. A cow was specifically chosen to see if they still believed a cow was their god.

Don’t overcomplicate the religion and just seek help from an Imam or trusted Muslims.

The Bani Israel wanted to know which specific cow to kill and kept questioning Allah’s commands until it was hard for them and they had to kill the previous boy’s cow from the forest.

Don’t let worldly matters get in the way of your religion.

The Bani Israel wanted to catch the fish on the day where the most fish came and this was on the Sabbath day by putting traps out. The bad people became monkeys as punishments. This broke Allah’s laws. Just work hard but also focus on your religion and keep a moderation or balance.

Do not spread rumours or backbite about others.

The Bani Israel spread a scandal that Musa (pbuh) had a bad skin disease which is why he always covered himself. Allah revealed to the Bani Israel that this was false.You will be caught for spreading rumours.

In Islam, marriage is mustahab.

Musa (pbuh) was not confirmed to have any children but he was married apparently.

You will be punished for your sins.

When the Bani Israel ended their 40 years of wandering around, they were told to enter the city (maybe Shittim, eastern side of Jordan), by lowering their heads and say a specific word and being kind, grateful and gentle to Allah. Bani Israel did not follow His commands. Allah punished them with a skin disease like the plague. 

Allah respected the prophets a lot.

When Musa (pbuh) neared his death, the Angel of Death came and Musa (pbuh) slapped him one the. The Angel of Death went to Allah and told Him that Musa (pbuh) did not want to die. Allah gave Musa (pbuh) a chance to live for a few more years but Musa (pbuh) refused and accepted Allah’s command. He passed away close to the holy land at Mount Nebo at age 123 years old. We should never attempt and commit suicide as Allah has the will to take away our life whenever He wants.

These were some of the lessons that I captured from Musa (pbuh). The story of Musa (pbuh) is beautifully said in this Youtube video which I used to create this article:

These were some of the lessons that I captured from Musa (pbuh). The story of Musa (pbuh) is beautifully said in this Youtube video which I used to create this article:

Please share this article with your family and friends to get some rewards this Ramadan. In Sha Allah, you will stay well.

Thank you for reading and have a lovely day!