
How To Build A Strong Connection With Allah

‘Indeed, what is to come will be better for you than what has gone by.’ (Quran 93:4)

Hey guys! I hope that everyone has started the new year 2020 with happiness, joy, gratitude and motivation! I feel that this year has 12 new chapters and 365 new chances. Just don’t forget – believe in yourself and never give up!

Because the New Year is a time to improve yourself, you may also want to focus on your spiritual side and think about who really gave you this chance to live another year. For me as a Muslim, Allah has given me this chance to breathe and more opportunities to renew myself. Through the ups and downs of 2019, it is time to strengthen your connection with Allah. Make prayers as a time when you feel safe and peaceful.

But it can be hard to do this, as daily practises take time to turn into a habit. So in today’s article, I will share some ways that will In Sha Allah help you to build that connection with our beloved Allah.

Disclaimer: I am not an Imam or any professional, I am just a Muslim teenager striving to help others :).

Get to know about Allah.

It is important to know who Allah really is as we cannot see Him. You need to know who you are prostrating to the floor for, whose words you are reading from the Quran and who you are putting your faith in. One way to do this is to read the 99 names of Allah as it truly demonstrates the nature of Allah and the love He has for all of us.

Read the translation of the Quran.

It can be easy to read the Quran in Arabic but to really connect with it in your heart, you should read the translation along with it. You can understand Allah’s words and this can even motivate you in daily life. For example, the verse at the beginning of this article really inspires me.

Learn about the Prophets.

The Prophets are our role models and the ones who were able to spread the message of Islam so much that Islam is such a wide religion now all over the world by the help of Allah.

They are the ones who we should strive to follow so by knowing their actions, how they overcame their tests and trials, and how they built a connection with Allah, we can follow it. You can watch trustworthy videos on YouTube related to this.

Perform acts of worship (Ibadah).

The five daily prayers are so crucial that it is even part of the five fundamental pillars of Islam. Even though our lives can get busy, we must remember Allah every day by reminding ourselves through the prayers. Incorporate your routine according to the prayers, not the other way around. For example, you may say that you will start studying after school after Asr prayer.

You could also read the Quran or give to charity.

Be grateful about everything and remember that Allah is the cause for all the good that has happened to you.

Through thick and thin, Allah has been there for you. Through hard times, Allah gave you the path to overcome it. Through every breath you take, Allah has control over it. Through all the happy times, Allah has given the success. You have so much to be grateful for and to thank for. Praying is only benefittable for you, not Him. So thank Allah and make the Niyyah to build a connection with Allah for 2020. 

I hope that you somehow benefit from this article In Sha Allah. Please share this article with your family and friends so you may also receive the reward In Sha Allah and please check out my other articles:


Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!