
Old Spitalfields Market: Worth Your Money?

Open markets are one of the things that makes London special and popular. Even though I prefer to shop in malls, I still like visiting the markets and feeling the bustle of customers. The perfect example of finding this was Old Spitalfields Market. But would I spend my money there?

What is Old Spitalfields Market?

Old Spitalfields Market is a covered market in Spitalfields. It has open markets 

What did I like about Old Spitalfields Market?

  • I loved the hustle and bustle of the place as many people were shopping. This gave me feelings of being in a community.
  • It was also cheaper than malls so it is good for those who want to shop for cheaper.

What didn’t I like about Old Spitalfields Market?

  • I didn’t like how it was dark when I went and I was actually going around closing time.
  • Also, I went when many of the shops were closed so I didn’t get to see that much.

Would I recommend it?

No, I wouldn’t necessarily recommend it because I went around closing time so I didn’t get to see everything (not the market’s fault). But it’s good for those who want to shop for cheaper.
This was my short review or diary entry about Old Spitalfields Market. These are my opinions about this place. Make sure to check out my other articles:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!