Bru Walthamstow Review / Was The Food Delicious?

NOTE: The photo in the thumbnail is from Bru’s Instagram.

I have tried Bru twice before and *spoiler* I have enjoyed it both times. The first time I went with my close friend and the second time the food was brought home by my sister. In this article, I will be sharing my review of this place.

What is Bru?

Bru is a ‘boutique coffee and gelato experience, serving up deliciously indulgent hand-made desserts and artisan coffee.’ I tried the Walthamstow branch.

What I Ordered And My Opinions On It:

Cookies and Cream Wafflepop

According to UberEats, this was £6.95, but it was absolutely delicious! I remember devouring the chocolate so as a chocoholic, I loved it. The presentation was also beautiful. If you have a sweet tooth, you will like this but if you don’t, then maybe this is not for you as it is very sweet.. This was a ⅘ for me.

Rainbow Cake

This cost £5.75 according to UberEats. My sister brought home a slice of this cake and the cake really represented the name as it was colourful and aesthetically pleasing but in terms of taste, it was very sugary and it lacked flavour. Even though it was filled with beautiful icing, the taste did not live up to the immaculate presentation. I rated this a ⅗, only for its presentation.

The Place:

The shop was medium size and beautifully decorated. There are a few seating areas but it is quite public. There are also seating areas outside the shop.

The Service:

The staff were nice but very straightforward. The waiting time was a bit long in the shop.

Would I Recommend It?

I would recommend trying this because it was delicious. Make sure to pick the desserts wisely as it may be a bit too sweet, but for me, the waffle pop was amazing and worth trying.

My Rating: 4/5

My Rating System:

⅕ – was below average and would not recommend even trying once

⅖ – the food was average and would not recommend trying

⅗ – the food was delicious but would recommend trying maximum once

⅘ – the food was really good and would recommend trying here

5/5 – the food was outstanding and is one of my favourites!

Order from here (not sponsored):

This was my short review or diary entry about Bru Walthamstow. These are my opinions about this place. Make sure to check out my other restaurant reviews.

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!