Walkmisu Review / The Coolest Phone Box In The World

One of the things that makes London iconic are telephone boxes. They usually have phones in them but what if I told you that you were about to enter a phone box and you see some delicious tiramisu? That’s right…Walkmisu is exactly that! So on Saturday 29th May 2021, my sister and I went there.

What is Walkmisu?

Walkmisu is a cake shop inside a telephone box. It is situated in Russell Square.

What I Ordered And My Opinions On It:

Banana and Chocolate Tiramisu

It is usually quite difficult to find Halal Tiramisu but we found it! This was pre-made ready for on-the-go and it cost £4.95. It did have banana and chocolate in it. I found the banana to be more powerful than the chocolate. Overall, it tasted sweet but wasn’t anything extraordinary. I rated this a ⅘ since it is rare to find Halala Tiramisu. 


This mocha was small. It was quite creamy and delicious and was executed nicely by the shopkeeper there. This mocha was complimentary to the tiramisu with a small additional cost of £1 – good for the price! I would rate this a ⅗ for the good pricing.

The Place:

The shop was small but you can’t enter it. You can take a photo next to it and it is a cute and very unique shop.

The Service:

There was barely any waiting time because there were only 1-2 shopkeepers there and they were friendly and made the food and drinks quickly. 

Would I Recommend It?

I would recommend trying this because it is so unique, it sells pretty delicious food for the price and it is Halal!

My Rating: 4/5

My Rating System:

⅕ – was below average and would not recommend even trying once

⅖ – the food was average and would not recommend trying

⅗ – the food was delicious but would recommend trying once

⅘ – the food was really good and would recommend trying here

5/5 – the food was outstanding and is one of my favourites!

Order from here (not sponsored): Their Instagram

Browse Around Walkmisu  

This was my short review or diary entry about Walkmisu. These are my opinions about this place. Make sure to check out my other restaurant reviews.

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!