15 Things You Should Know By 15 Years of Age

Just two weeks ago, I turned 15! I am very grateful and privileged to Allah that I am able to live another year and these 15 years have been filled with lessons and experiences that have made me the person that I am today. Last year, when I was 14 years old, I made an article about things I have learnt as a 14-year-old but in this blog, I wanted to share 15 things I think that every teenager should know how to do. 

Of course, as a disclaimer, you can use this list if you are not 15 yet to maybe accomplish some of these things and if you have passed 15 years of age, then you can check to see if you can do these things. And it is your choice if you want to do these things, do it at your own risk and you can accomplish these at any age. 🙂

Have a bucket list or set of goals. This really gives that sense of motivation and push for who you really want to become when you are older. 

Have a side project. Don’t neglect the fact that nowadays, skills are also very important alongside grades to get into good colleges, universities and jobs. So, if that’s your aim, join an extracurricular activity or create something new, like a podcast.

Have at least one reliable support system. I have found that my best friends in life are my family. Don’t neglect your parents as a teenager as many people regret that later in life.

Understand that peer pressure is not the way to go forward. Peer pressure drives many teenagers at this age but it really isn’t worth it.

Develop certain habits. Mastering certain habits such as making a daily to-do list and cleaning your room often are quite helpful.

Know how to edit photos. I think this may be a life skill that everyone can learn and I think it’s p

Know how to cook/make at least 5 good recipes. Even if you are not a great cook, try to learn five simple recipes that you can make at any time for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Know how to have your own me-time. Learn to spend time with yourself and not be covered in guilt and negativity but in a positive light.

Know how to do grocery shopping by yourself. Only do this if your parents allow you but I think whenever I have done this, I have felt this sense of renowned independence. 

Know how to have fun without the screen. What a lot of people are guilty of is finding that the only way to relax is looking at a screen. That is wrong. Find other traditional ways of having breaks too such as going for a walk. 

Know how to clean your room regularly. Cleaning your room is something that you may not like to do but if you want to live alone, you will be compelled to do it. It really doesn’t take that long.

Know how to manage money. Ask your parents if you can have your own bank account and learn to manage the money and not just spend it all straightaway. 

Have your own signature. I have changed my signature a few times but know I am quite stuck to one, so have a consistent signature of your own.

Know that it is okay to have low days (but you need to get back up). All teenagers go through low days but remember it is okay and all you got to do is get back up.

Those were 15 things I think every teenager should try to know. It is okay if you don’t know all of them. 

If you want some more juicy tips and advice, check out my other links such as my podcast.

Also, surf around my website.

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!