
10 Habits of Successful Muslims / Become The Best Muslim You Can Be

Assalamu Alaikum to the Muslim readers or hello to my non Muslim readers! 

Through this busy month of November as I am writing this, it can be easy to forget or neglect Islam as we all have so much to do. 

But, I have to remind you all of this quote:

‘So, remember me, I will remember you. And be grateful to Me and do not deny me.’ (Al-Baqarah 2:152)

So in this article, I will be sharing 10 of the many small things that you can incorporate into your routine or daily life In Sha Allah to just get one step closer to Allah. Because surely:

‘The most beloved of deeds to Allah are those that are most consistent, even if it is small.’ (Al-Bukhari)

Disclaimer: You do not have to follow all these things. Remember that your journey in Islam is unique to you and as long as you are trying your best and you do what your gut tells you to do, you will be okay. Take things slowly and do it with the right intentions, don’t judge or compare your journey into Islam with anyone else. Allah loves us all <3. 

Nail your 5 pillars.

You can’t do maths without learning your basic arithmetic. You cannot write an essay without knowing your letters. Just like that, you cannot truly appreciate Islam without fulfilling your 5 daily prayers. Praying your Salahs is what differentiates a Muslim and a non Muslim. So I urge you to start writing your Salah in your to do list and fulfilling them. This will also structure your routine really well. 

Remember Allah.

This is so simple but make it easy for you to remember Allah. We all tend to remember Allah when we are facing hardships, but try to remember Allah when you are happy too. The best way to do this is by incorporating it into your daily speech e.g. saying Alhamdulillah when something good has happened, saying Salam to Muslims or even reading Duas for a specific activity such as studying.

Take some time to focus on the Quran. 

How miraculous is it that we have literally been given the words of Allah, our Creator in a book in its original language? How miraculous is it that no one has changed even one letter of this book? How miraculous is it that millions of people strive to memorise this holy and sacred book? Take some time to read the Quran daily or listen to the Quran recitations (my favourite reciter is Ismail Annuri). 

Practise modesty. 

Modesty is very important and I know that just like with every other aspect of religion, this is also something unique for everyone. Practise being modest the best way you can. To someone, being modest could mean not showing any skin and to someone else that could mean wearing the niqab. Do what is best for you in your journey. 

Cleanliness is one half of faith.

Cleanliness is something that isn’t talked about much but I think every Muslim can do this. Stay clean. This can mean many things but for some this can mean having salads for the inside and to someone else this could mean keeping your nails clean.

Talk to others about Islam.

Sometimes, this can be difficult to do as we live in a judgemental society or a cancel culture where perhaps, many can call you out if you do anything wrong if you are deemed to be religious. Don’t let this stop you from talking about Islam. Everyone sins but this should not stop you from trying to do good deeds that could even erase those sins. You can do this by talking to your friends about Islam sometimes.

Be kind to others. 

Being kind is so important especially in Islam. Our role model, the Prophet, always spoke in a soft manner and tried to show compassion for others. Give back to those who you appreciate, and sometimes, even listening to someone can be nice. With that being said, it is also crucial for you to seek support when needed and keep your boundaries.

Try to level up in every aspect of your life.

Some Muslims unfortunately have this misconception that only poor people or people with no friends go to Jannah. This could not be further from the truth. Allah wants to see us happy. Allah wants us to earn a Halal income, be fit and have a good lifestyle. So strive to be the best version of yourself. A great way to do this is by reflecting in every aspect of your life and thinking about how to improve on it.

Make dua.

Dua in itself portrays faith in Allah. Dua is the powerful conversation you have with your Lord to express gratitude, seek forgiveness and say your wishes. It fills one’s heart and is the time where you can be vulnerable yet strong. You can do this at the end of your Salah.

Build your own legacy of Islam.

There are so many simple ways you can build your own legacy of Islam that others can benefit from and you can gain rewards from. Whether that is donating charity to build a well that hundreds of people can use, or whether it is writing a blog like this one, you can record ways that you have gained good deeds and In Sha Allah the angels will record these good deeds in your book too. 

These were ten of the many things you can do as a Muslim. Jazakallah for reading till the end. Remember to enjoy the journey in Islam, however hard it gets! 

Comment down below one thing that you will do from this article! 

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!