
Dear Teenagers On Results Day / #DearTeen Series 3

Written on 14/08/22

Every breath you take, you may be feeling very nervous. Every breath you take, you may feel like throwing up. Every breath you take, you may feel like there is so much riding on this. There is so much riding on this piece of paper. A few letters on a piece of paper could change your life forever. But that is where you are wrong.

You know how much effort you put in. You know all the mornings you woke up to be in your books, the nights you spent studying, and the afternoons you sacrificed even if it meant you could increase your grade by 1%. Or perhaps, you may feel like you didn’t put in enough effort. Maybe you should have started revising earlier. You are falling into this pit of regret and disappointment. You just can’t bear to fail. You just can’t bear to see the wrong grades, and not get into your dream institution. You have sacrificed too much for this. This can’t all go in vain.

All these thoughts are valid. I give you full permission to hear that nasty voice inside you. You know it is the nasty voice because it is a constant loop that is not helping you. Let me get you out of that loop, with these three things I want you to remember:

  1. You are not your grades. You and your worth are not defined by your grades, nor by which sixth form or university accepts or rejects you. You have so many other things in your life that make up your identity. You are worthy all the time regardless of the situation. Diversify and remind yourself of who you are apart from just these grades.
  2. Of course, you have sacrificed a lot for these grades. Or perhaps you wish you could go back and reduce the partying and increase the studying. But the truth is, it is okay to feel desperate but you cannot change anything now. You put your pen down months ago after those exams. But this was a journey of self growth so regardless of where you go, you did it for yourself and it built up your character.
  3. Trust in Allah. Allah is the One who has got you this far and He has fixed so many things previously for you. Count your blessings and remind yourself that He has got your back and He knows what is right for you.

Yes, keep reading the above. This is not me trying to sympathise with you or let you stop from feeling your emotions. The truth is that you will face a variety of emotions leading up to Results Day. And these emotions right now don’t define the outcome of the grades you will see in that paper. So don’t force any emotions, let yourself feel, love and accept these emotions and then let it go.

Many students have gone through this, including myself last year for GCSE Results Day, and if people in the past could do it, so can you.

Good luck with your results day! Keep smiling! 🙂

With love, 


2 responses to “Dear Teenagers On Results Day / #DearTeen Series 3”

  1. Kavi Qureshi Avatar
    Kavi Qureshi

    Hi Surobi I just wanted to say thank you for your heartwarming speech about Exam results day whether you meant it for GCSE students or even A-level or CTECH students. I found it really inspiring in reminding me a year 13 student to count my blessings and remind me of how smart I am outside of exams and how we should all just appreciate what we have and look forward to the future. So good luck in your A levels.
    Kavi Qureshi

    1. Surobi Mohammed Avatar
      Surobi Mohammed

      Hi Kavi,
      Thank you so much for your kind words! I really appreciate it and I am so glad it helped you out. I hope you had a great A Level results day, and that you are proud of yourself regardless of what you got. Please feel free to let me know if you have any suggestions for any blog posts I can make in the future!

      Kind regards,