what to do on a rainy day – Surobi Scribbles https://surobiscribbles.com Every Small Scribble Can Turn Into Art Thu, 02 Jul 2020 16:40:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.4 https://i0.wp.com/surobiscribbles.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/cropped-Snapseed-1.jpg?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 what to do on a rainy day – Surobi Scribbles https://surobiscribbles.com 32 32 194697337 What To Do When You Are Bored (On A Rainy Day) https://surobiscribbles.com/what-to-do-when-you-are-bored-on-a-rainy-day/ Fri, 02 Nov 2018 21:26:49 +0000 http://surobiscribbles.com/?p=137 We have all been at that situation where we planned to go out with our friends or family on a sunny Saturday afternoon, when all of a sudden, the weather changed in one second. Rain started pouring heavily and your plans have been cancelled. What do you do now? This is where I will answer that question.

In today’s article, I will be sharing with you 10 fun and productive ideas about what to do when you are bored. These can even be applied on a sunny day. I am sure that these ideas will spice up the rest of your day!

Organize your room.

Clean and organize everything in your room to instantly feel productive and give you a fresh state of mind.

Have a relaxation/self-care day.

We all get caught up in our busy lives and some me-time is always necessary! Put on a face mask, play some soothing music in the background and wear a smile on your face.

Do some coloring.

Colouring has been a method to de-stress and escape into another world. So grab some coloring pens, take your old coloring book and start coloring.

Create some art.

Whether you love doodling, putting on a full face of makeup, applying henna to your hands or painting, they are all amazing ways to spend your time.

Play/learn an instrument that you know.

If you know how to play an instrument, play some songs and entertain yourself. If not, try learning an instrument and accomplish a new skill.

Have a coffee/hot chocolate date with a family member.

If you haven’t had the time to talk to one of your family members, then this is the perfect time to do so! Make a mug of warm coffee, sit down and bring back your old memories.

Catch up with one of your friends.

I am pretty sure that everyone has that one friend in their phone who they haven’t talked to for the past couple of weeks. If so, catch up with them and start a long conversation.

Watch a movie.

Everyone loves watching a movie or two. During these hours, you can finally watch that movie which all your friends have been talking about. Trust me, it’s worth it.

 Invite someone home.

During a rainy day, you may not want to get out of the house but someone else might. Call one of your friends home and have a nice chat with them.

Cook something new.

Everyone in this world has one recipe that they have not tried before. Get researching on the Internet for that recipe, grab your ingredients and start cooking! You even get your yummy food in the end.


These are just 10 of the fun ideas I came up with. These definitely cheers me up on any rainy day. If you enjoyed this article, and if it helps you, please share it with your family and friends. Also, check out my other articles:

How To Prioritise Your Tasks: The 5-step Method

9 Tips For Everlasting Motivation

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!
