travel more – Surobi Scribbles Every Small Scribble Can Turn Into Art Mon, 05 Apr 2021 15:27:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 travel more – Surobi Scribbles 32 32 194697337 How I Travelled To 39 Places In 6 Weeks Sun, 27 Oct 2019 17:37:56 +0000 ‘Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.’

‘Truly, travel gives you stories to tell and memories to love.’

I feel really proud and happy to say that I have visited 39 places over the summer. Even though I know that this is the end of the spectacular summer that I had, I know that these moments will be embraced. Some days, I and my sister went to 5 places in one day whilst on other days, we spent hours in only one place. I truly feel grateful to have been able to go out with my sister (who needs a partner when you have a family). From the graffiti that I saw in Shoreditch to the wind rushing through my body in Victoria Park, I loved every second of it. In this article, I will hopefully reveal the ways that my sister and I were able to travel to so many of the best places in London.

Save up some money for travelling

If you want to pay for your own travels, it is recommended to save up some money for travelling throughout the year.

Research places around you

If you want to start travelling, you must start off by being comfortable and familiar with your own surroundings. I thought it would be great to travel around in London first, so I researched in Google to find the best places in London. I found many places near me.

Write the places in a Google Doc

You should then consider which places interest you. Write these places on a piece of paper or a Google Doc and it would be useful to also search up in Google Maps how long it will take you to get there, and with which transport.

Take someone with you

It would be really useful to have someone go with you as travelling solo can sometimes get boring. Luckily, my sister and I were able to go together as my sister is an adult but seek your parents’ permission, go out with them or just get everyone along with you.

Schedule which days you are free and check the weather forecast

It is advised to then speak to the people that you are travelling with and negotiate when you are free. For example, some days I was busy with other events and some days my sister had work so you need to agree when and where you are going.

Also, check the weather forecast as you don’t want it to be raining if you are going to a park.

Pack your bag and other essentials

It is really important to have essentials with you on the trip in case of an emergency. These things include your phone, headphones, snacks, money, tissue, an umbrella and other necessary things.

Have Google Maps ready 

One of you should have data so you can track how to get to the destination. One tip that my sister used is also to screenshot the way you are taking and have the app on without data as it still keeps tracking. Try and see if it works for you!

Take pictures

It is good to have fun and take pictures in that place to look back at them a few years later or at the end of the summer. But make sure you are actually allowed to take pictures in that specific place first!

Have a motivation to travel

Whether it is to have a cute Instagram feed or have stories to tell your friends about all the wonderful places, have a motivation to travel. Otherwise, you will never feel like to get out of your house in the summer.

Just have fun

The main reason for travelling is to have fun, so don’t make it seem like a chore, just enjoy all the seconds you spend with the person you are travelling with.

I hope this inspires at least one of you to travel. Travelling is amazing but seek your parents’ permission first. Make sure to share this article with your family and friends. Please check out my other articles:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

Is Shoreditch Worth It? // Places In London Thu, 26 Sep 2019 18:25:42 +0000

On 20th July 2019, I headed to Shoreditch in London. Today, I will be writing my experience of this place; is it really worth it?

What is Shoreditch?

Shoreditch is one of the creative sides of London. It is a district in the East End Of London.

What did I like about Shoreditch?

  • I loved the diversity and open-mindedness of the place. There were people walking on the streets of all different races, religions, colours and beliefs. This made me feel very welcome.
  • I also liked the graffiti and art on the walls as each of them had a story to tell.
  • Graffiti art also made me imagine and analyse the meaning behind it. The colours really popped out and were very eye-catching to look at.
  • The place was very busy which gave me the city vibes of London.

What didn’t I like about Shoreditch?

  • The only thing about Shoreditch that I didn’t understand about Shoreditch was the meaning behind the art but that was what inspired me and increased my curiosity levels. It also inspired me to be more of an arty person.

Would I recommend it?

Yes to those people who are interested in art or want to have a feel of the city.

This was my short review or diary entry about Shoreditch. These are my opinions about this place. Make sure to check out my other articles:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

Easy Tips To Travel More As A Teenager Wed, 14 Aug 2019 13:39:32 +0000 When summer begins, we all have goals and a full bucket list of all the things we want to do. Going to the beach, getting a tan…the list is endless. However, sometimes we may feel lazy or discouraged to travel during the summer and many teens end up staying at home. I want to stop this and make sure that as teens, we are travelling and have stories to tell by the end of the summer. In today’s article, I will be sharing 5 tips to travel more, and end up with cool Instagram pictures. 

Get others involved

If you are travelling by yourself, or your parents won’t allow you to travel far, it would be a good idea if you could get others involved. If you have a friend, cousin or sibling who is trustworthy, convince your parents that you will be able to go out with them. By having someone go with you is also handy because on the days you are feeling lazy, they will be there to pick you up and drag you to the beach.

Research and make a list of cool places near you

Sometimes, people have this mindset that their neighbourhood is boring or they have already seen everything in their city. However, this is usually far from the truth. If you type ‘best places in ____’ and type your city, you may end up seeing some interesting places 10 minutes from your doorstep. Know your own surroundings first and it may amaze you.

Have a reason to motivate you to travel

If you still feel lazy to explore this amazing world, chances are you are not motivated. Try to have a reason why you want to travel. It could be because you want to tell your friends all the amazing places you have been to or you may want to spice up your Instagram pictures. Find what motivates you to travel.

Try to go to free places first 

As a teenager, you may be in a budget or you may not think that free places could be just as amazing as paid ones. Try going to free places first to save some money and also be comfortable with your surroundings first. It could start from a small flower garden near your house all the way to another country if you are determined.

Screenshot your route to the destination

One reason why some teens don’t go out is because they have limited data, which drains when using Google Maps to help you get to your destination. An easy tip is to screenshot your route in your phone and also switch off your mobile data when you are leaving the house but keep the app on. This will help you to have your location on but not be using your data.

I hope these tips help you to be a teen traveller. Before I end this article today, I want to leave this quote in your mind, and hopefully, you will agree:

‘Travel opens your heart, broadens your mind, and fills your life with stories to tell.’

Make sure to check out my other articles:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!
