think like a monk by jay shetty – Surobi Scribbles Every Small Scribble Can Turn Into Art Sat, 26 Jun 2021 20:49:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 think like a monk by jay shetty – Surobi Scribbles 32 32 194697337 Think Like A Monk By Jay Shetty / Worth Your Money? Sat, 26 Jun 2021 20:49:50 +0000 A few years ago, I first heard of Jay Shetty, who was a YouTuber giving advice and wisdom to people on the Internet. He was a good speaker but he only blew up within the past few years. Fast forward to now, he has a YouTube channel, a podcast and even a book! I was excited to read his book, but was it really worth it?

Here is a review:

What this book is about:

This book is a guide to understand how to find your purpose, overcome negativity, stop overthinking, use your fear, learn from everyone you meet and so much more. It is all about living a more positive life and how to deal with negative setbacks and feelings.

What it has taught me:

I found the whole book to be packed with knowledge but I picked my favourite/key lessons from each chapter:

  1. Identity

To be your most authentic self, you need to know your values, where it comes from and if it applies to you. You need to do this by blocking out the noise and dust from outside and really listening to yourself.

  1. Negativity

Whenever you get negative thoughts, use the principle of ‘Spot, Stop, Swap’. This is where you spot an issue or feeling, stop to understand what it is, and then swap in a new way of processing. You can also get rid of negative thoughts by forgiving yourself. You need to do a ‘transformational forgiveness’ where you forgive someone and expect nothing back.

  1. Fear

In order to understand your fears, you need to go within very deeply to see the true fear you have. You then need to accept this fear and then slowly detach from it. Detachment is the cure of fear. You can even find the positives of this fear and expand your comfort zone.

  1. Intention

Everyone has four motivations to do something: fear, desire, duty and love. Figure out what your intentions are and try to make them pure.

  1. Purpose

You need to find your dharma. Dharma is:

Passion + expertise + usefulness 

You can find your Dharma by feeding your strengths and you can use your Dharma to do good. You can also do the Vedic Personality Test to find out what type of person you are.

  1. Routine

Every morning, do TIME activities. T stands for thankfulness, I stands for insight, M stands for meditation and E stands for exercise. Always be aware of the moment to achieve deep immersion. This will help structure your routine and be more productive.

  1. Mind

Training your mind before it controls you is crucial. We all have our monkey mind (inner child) and the monk mind (the adult). To control our monkey mind and not let our emotions overpower us, we should train our minds by meditating. You can also remove sensory triggers to train your mind such as not having chocolate near you if you are trying to quit eating sugar.

  1. Ego

Everyone has an ego. It is an inflated version of ourselves and it can isolate us as well as create false hierarchies. You need to build your self-esteem ready for feedback in order to defeat your ego.

  1. Gratitude

‘When you are present in gratitude, you can’t be anywhere else.’

You should always be grateful and show this through kindness, acts of service and forgiveness.

  1. Relationships

To build a healthy relationship, trust is required. Jay outlined the four types of trust and they are ‘competence, care, character and consistency’. There are also four stages of trust: ‘pure, mutual, contractual and neutral’. You need to build a good relationship with yourself first (you can do this by being single and focusing on your goals).

  1. Service

‘The highest purpose is to live in service.’

Jay emphasises how we should all try to do something for the world and leave this world having left it slightly better. You need to serve with intention and Dharma.

What I like about this book:

I love how all the chapters and subheadings were very organised and this made it easy to understand and read.

The style it was written in made me feel like to keep reading.

There were also ‘try this’ boxes to allow you to use his tips in your own life practically.

What I didn’t like about this book:

There sometimes can be too many stories which can slow down the pace of the book but you are always free to skim through and skip the experiences.

My Rating:


To conclude, this is my favourite self-development book currently. It just had such new information and it was nicely written. Thank you Jay Shetty for your amazing book!

Where to buy the book from (not sponsored):

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