school – Surobi Scribbles Every Small Scribble Can Turn Into Art Sat, 08 May 2021 08:30:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 school – Surobi Scribbles 32 32 194697337 My Amazing Last Day of Secondary School As A Year 11 Student *emotional* Fri, 07 May 2021 22:11:08 +0000
My school shirt signed by my teachers and peers

It has all come to an end. The 5 years that are known to be dramatic, developing or even dangerous – they have all come to an end. From waking up early in the morning for school to spending long hours in school to hanging out with friends to doing homework to revising to texting friends to bantering with teachers, secondary school can be chaotic. However, if you top that off with a pandemic, several lockdowns and numerous tests, it can get even harder. But we came out and realised that we can survive in the hardest of times, which gives hope for the future.

Today, which is Friday 7th May 2021, was my last day of formal education in secondary school which essentially means my last day having lessons with my whole year group in school. From next week, In Sha Allah, I will be starting my exams while on study leave.

In this article, I will write a somewhat unfiltered memoir of the last day of secondary school, some motivation for the exam season and some parting words.

My Last Day of Formal Education:

When I reached school, I hung out with my friends in form time. All of a sudden, I saw some individuals start to take out a seperate school shirt from the one they were wearing and pass it around to their friends for them to sign. As you can see from the photo above, I did the same and I started signing shirts. 

My first lesson Geography consisted of doing some work and hearing the roaring excitement from girls around me (I do go to an all-girls school after all). The second lesson Spanish had the same effect – everyone ran around signing shirts until the assistant headteacher had to tell everyone to calm down.

After chatting on break with my friends, I tripsed to science where no one did any revision whatsoever and instead indulged in taking photos and signing shirts. It was an overwhelming experience to ask for signatures and to also write inside jokes on others’ shirts and yearbooks.

My last porper lesson of secondary school was actually PE. We played a game and then rushed out for lunch to do – you guessed it – more signing shirts.

At 1:30pm, we rushed to maths, grabbed some worksheets (we do have exams after all) and walked to the hall for our end of year assembly, with some parting words from the staff. 

In the last 40 minutes, everyone spent time together with their shirts and I took some photos with my friends.

It was emotional, reflective and a learning experience.

Exams Next Week:

Next week is, In Sha Allah, exams. I have exams for about three weeks, all from multiple subjects.

This year has been detrimental to everyone’s grades, but I am proud that we have still reached here. All you could give was your best during a global pandemic so work hard but don’t beat yourself up about it. I want to prioritise my mental health, pray to God, revise and wish for the best.

Remember to talk to people if you require help.

Try to revise every day because little and often is better than nothing.

Journal – it helps to bring clarity to your thoughts.

Smile more often – be grateful you are still alive in this chaotic world.

Pray to God – He is the One who can make or break you.

And remember, work hard but these grades don’t define you 🙂

Thank you so much for reading today’s article. I hope you have enjoyed reading it as much as I liked writing it. 

Thank you again for reading, and have a lovely day!

How to Catch Up With Schoolwork Sun, 15 Nov 2020 17:39:06 +0000 During the winter, it is inevitable for many people to get sick with a flu or cold. However, due to COVID-19, there may be even more possibilities of you staying at home and having to miss those vital lessons in school. If you have just missed a day, a week or even a few weeks of school and you are concerned about how you will catch up with this huge pile of work, then do not fear as in this article, I will share some simple steps to catch up with any schoolwork you have missed. 

Step 1: Find out what work you have missed

For each of your subjects, ask someone in your class or your teacher about what you have missed. They can show you and you can understand how much work you have to catch up with. 

Step 2: Try not to miss any more school

After seeing this huge amount of work, you may feel overwhelmed and confused on how you are supposed to catch up with previous lessons and stay on top of the current lessons. The best thing to do is not to add extra work on yourself and just try not to miss any more school. 

Step 3: Make a revision timetable and a routine

For the first few days or weeks of catching up, you may feel disorganised. My tip would be to create a routine with times designated to do work that is being set now but also times where you are completing tasks from the previous lessons that you missed. Try to focus on one or two different subjects every day and if you follow this, you will see progress. 

Step 4: Create to do lists with deadlines

Now that you have made a routine and know at which times you will study (remember to incorporate breaks!) you now want to start creating daily to-do lists with deadlines. I like to use my bullet journal and I can also migrate tasks for future dates. Plan every day and make sure what you have to do and this will keep you on track to finish the work. 

Step 5: Remove distractions

Now you may sit at your desk, your couch or the floor (wherever you study) but you don’t feel motivated to get started. Is it because you have your phone next to you? If so, remove your distractions and start being productive.

Step 6: Seek help from your teachers, friends and parents

Whether you are feeling stressed with this work, or you don’t understand the catch up work, I would advise you to seek help from your peers, teachers or parents. It is okay to share your feelings and get some help.

Step 7: Ask for a time extension

If your teacher has set a specific deadline for an assignment, and you feel that you cannot keep up with it, it may be worth asking for a time extension to your teacher so you have more time to complete it. 

Step 8: Don’t stress

Please do not stress. It is just not worth it and will end up wasting more time and energy than actually doing the work.

Step 9: Catch up on holidays

If you have a few tasks that are not urgent and you know you can delay, perhaps you could migrate it for the weekends or the holidays. Since lessons do not happen on the weekends or holidays, you won’t have the current lessons to go to and you can spend this time catching up. 

Step 10: Manage your time efficiently

Catching up is all about time management. When you make your routine, please do include some breaks and maybe some extracurriculars, skills or hobbies that you can also do alongside studying. This will ensure you are not getting bored with studying.

Those were some of my tips and advice on how to catch up. It is okay to catch up with work. As always, comment down below how you catch up with work when you miss school.

Please check out my other articles relating to Islamic content, My Experiences, Teenage Advice, Book Reviews and Poetry.

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

The Ultimate Guide To Make Good Friends This School Year Tue, 11 Aug 2020 14:13:38 +0000 As back to school season is approaching for many people, you may start to think about what your goals are for this upcoming academic year. Getting good grades, joining more extracurricular activities and being more productive may just be a few goals. But one of your goals could also be to make new friends. It is never too late or bad to make new friends whether you have friends currently or whether you want to put yourself out there.

So, in today’s article, I will be sharing a few tips on how to meet new people and make your best friends this year. There is no direct answer to this and these tips are not guaranteed so take these tips to a pinch of salt. But some of these tips worked for me when I moved schools back in Year 8.

Let’s get started:

Firstly, figure out which institutions you can make friends from.

School is not the only place you can make friends. You can make friends in extracurricular activities, online and also in the workplace. Try to find which are applicable to you. For example, if you attend a regular ballet class, try to make new friends from there this year.

Have a few conversation starters up your sleeve. 

If you are shy, introverted or you just want to know how to converse with someone, then make sure that you have a few conversation starters. Here are a few:

  • Smile
  • Introduce yourself
  • Be yourself 
  • Compliment them
  • Try to find a similar interest e.g. if you see someone wearing a BTS t-shirt and you like BTS, then tell them you like it too and then talk to them about it
  • Keep regular eye contact
  • Adapt to others’ personalities (different people act a certain way)
  • Ask a question about the topic or class you are in
  • Keep the conversations going

Make sure not to overdo any of these. However, if you realise that the person you are talking to is not very interested, uncomfortable, or tries to move away, then chances are that they are not for you. 

Know your standards and what the characteristics are of a bad friend.

Sometimes, if you are new to making friends, you may not realise that people could trip you up. This is not always the case but just lookout for these signs.

  • Making you feel uncomfortable (peer pressure or doing things you don’t like)
  • Bullying you or making you feel bad about yourself
  • Giving you fake promises with no justification 
  • Tries to leave you out (especially in times of hardship) or refuses to be your friend

Again, don’t just judge a person if they only do any of these signs once or twice. Ensure that they have done these a couple of times and you then know that they are not for you.

After you feel like you are getting along with someone, know what to do next.

Take things slowly but if you, for example, if you are in a secondary school like me and you have a phone, possibly ask your parents if you can give them your phone number. This way, you can talk outside of school and keep in touch with them regularly. Some friends can be there to help you with your homework, while others may be there for you to go out. It is your choice of what you want to do. 

If you do go out with any of your friends, do tell your parents in advance for your safety and security especially if you are just a child or teenager.

Those were my tips on how to make good friends and possibly even meeting your best friends this year. Do not feel afraid to put yourself out there, however hard it may be.  Everyone is different and some people will like you and some won’t so just move on if needed.

Even if you are shy, don’t be afraid as they are just people like you. 

For more tips on how to make good friends, check out my podcast, available in over 5 podcast platforms. 

These were my tips. Make sure to surf through my website for more information:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

COVID-19: What Students Should Do Before School Reopens Wed, 27 May 2020 11:45:30 +0000 All around the world, we are facing an uncertain time of COVID-19, as I am writing this on Wednesday 27th May 2020. Schools have been closed in the UK, exams have been cancelled and so much has happened (as said in sources linked below). This can be very detrimental to many students who may be suffering from mental health issues, those who get bored easily at home, or who lack self-discipline. But do not worry, this is an issue that many students are facing. So in today’s article, I wanted to share a few things that I feel you can do before you return to school. You could use this as a checklist or bucket list and see what you can achieve before stepping in for your first day of school again. Do any of these tips to your own risk and at your own choice.

Take care of your mental health.

Since this is already a very uncertain time, you do not want to burden yourself too much with too much work. This can be the time for you to pause and reflect on yourself. If you lack motivation, feel burnout or require some purpose to get back to work, I recommend that you just take a break for possibly 2-3 days where you take care of your mental health by meditating, praying and talking to someone (video calling or people at home). I don’t recommend using too much social media at this time. However, you should not use the excuse of ‘mental health’ if you feel completely fine and you just want to procrastinate.

Organise your house.

Since nearly half of the academic year was nearly completed, your house may have started looking a bit disorganised. If that is the case, this is the perfect time for you to spice up and clean your house. Redecorate a bit of your house, organise everything and just live in a clean environment that you will feel productive and happy in.

Write down your goals.

As life could have taken a turn for you, especially if your exams were cancelled, it can be hard to define what you want to do currently. So, therefore, I recommend you to just grab a pen and a piece of paper and write down who you want to be in the future. Then try to write an action plan for your goals and how you can reach this. This will redefine your purpose for life.

Make a routine for yourself during this period.

It is best to try to make a routine that is adaptable to you only. If you find that you are distracted by younger siblings, for example, maybe you could wake up earlier when they are still asleep and get some work done before they wake up. Find a routine where you can really manage your time and obviously remember to have breaks in between.

Try to stay up-to-date with your schoolwork.

I recommend that you try to stay up-to-date with your schoolwork as later on, it can pile up. If this is hard for you to do due to the numerous distractions you have around you, then stick to the routine that you have made and maybe tell someone in your family to keep you accountable. You could also try to stick to your school timetable as closely as possible and try to do your lessons, especially if you are set work from your teachers.

Practise self-care.

Self-care does not only mean just having a spa routine, but it also means making sure that you eat well and exercise regularly. This is vital for you to ensure that you are also taking care of your physical health especially before going back to school.

Have a habit tracker.

This relates to my previous point about practising self-care and that is track those habits. Essentially, this is when you have a table with different habits you want to do regularly, such as having limited screen time, praying and exercising. You can tick these off daily or weekly. This will also help to build self-discipline.

Talk to someone regularly.

We, humans, are social creatures and I know it can be hard for most people to be told to stay behind shut doors and not be in the midst of our usually busy lives. However, if quarantining is recommended by the Government, we should follow it but if you need to talk to someone, I recommend that you talk to your family members who live with you at home, or alternatively, text, call or video chat your friends and relatives who don’t live with you.

Have a side project.

If you don’t have an extracurricular activity or a side project amongst your normal workload, then this could be the time for you to introduce this into your life. Starting a side project requires commitment but you can experiment now to see a side project you could do. Examples are creating a website, a Youtube channel, an Instagram or a Pinterest board to share with this world.

Learn something new.

This is also the time to gain some extra knowledge by watching relevant TED talks and documentaries. Knowledge is surely power and if you have always wanted to learn about a good specific topic or read that good book, then this is the time for you to do that!

I hope this article is helpful as it is like a checklist that if you want to follow if your school is currently closed due to coronavirus. Make sure to check out these sources for more information:


Stay safe and well. Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!
