places in london – Surobi Scribbles Every Small Scribble Can Turn Into Art Mon, 05 Apr 2021 15:24:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 places in london – Surobi Scribbles 32 32 194697337 How I Travelled To 39 Places In 6 Weeks Sun, 27 Oct 2019 17:37:56 +0000 ‘Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.’

‘Truly, travel gives you stories to tell and memories to love.’

I feel really proud and happy to say that I have visited 39 places over the summer. Even though I know that this is the end of the spectacular summer that I had, I know that these moments will be embraced. Some days, I and my sister went to 5 places in one day whilst on other days, we spent hours in only one place. I truly feel grateful to have been able to go out with my sister (who needs a partner when you have a family). From the graffiti that I saw in Shoreditch to the wind rushing through my body in Victoria Park, I loved every second of it. In this article, I will hopefully reveal the ways that my sister and I were able to travel to so many of the best places in London.

Save up some money for travelling

If you want to pay for your own travels, it is recommended to save up some money for travelling throughout the year.

Research places around you

If you want to start travelling, you must start off by being comfortable and familiar with your own surroundings. I thought it would be great to travel around in London first, so I researched in Google to find the best places in London. I found many places near me.

Write the places in a Google Doc

You should then consider which places interest you. Write these places on a piece of paper or a Google Doc and it would be useful to also search up in Google Maps how long it will take you to get there, and with which transport.

Take someone with you

It would be really useful to have someone go with you as travelling solo can sometimes get boring. Luckily, my sister and I were able to go together as my sister is an adult but seek your parents’ permission, go out with them or just get everyone along with you.

Schedule which days you are free and check the weather forecast

It is advised to then speak to the people that you are travelling with and negotiate when you are free. For example, some days I was busy with other events and some days my sister had work so you need to agree when and where you are going.

Also, check the weather forecast as you don’t want it to be raining if you are going to a park.

Pack your bag and other essentials

It is really important to have essentials with you on the trip in case of an emergency. These things include your phone, headphones, snacks, money, tissue, an umbrella and other necessary things.

Have Google Maps ready 

One of you should have data so you can track how to get to the destination. One tip that my sister used is also to screenshot the way you are taking and have the app on without data as it still keeps tracking. Try and see if it works for you!

Take pictures

It is good to have fun and take pictures in that place to look back at them a few years later or at the end of the summer. But make sure you are actually allowed to take pictures in that specific place first!

Have a motivation to travel

Whether it is to have a cute Instagram feed or have stories to tell your friends about all the wonderful places, have a motivation to travel. Otherwise, you will never feel like to get out of your house in the summer.

Just have fun

The main reason for travelling is to have fun, so don’t make it seem like a chore, just enjoy all the seconds you spend with the person you are travelling with.

I hope this inspires at least one of you to travel. Travelling is amazing but seek your parents’ permission first. Make sure to share this article with your family and friends. Please check out my other articles:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

Victoria Park: Boring or Beautiful? Sun, 27 Oct 2019 17:20:41 +0000

It makes me upset but proud to say that this was the last place of the summer holidays that I and my sister visited out of the whopping 39 places that we visited over the summer. I remember that my sister and I were in a bad mood that day, so we went to a quiet park to just finish our hectic, loud but amazing summer. But was it actually a good place to end the summer with?

What is Victoria Park?

Victoria Park is a park in Tower Hamlets and I was really surprised to find out that there are approximately 9 million visitors every year.

What did I like about Victoria Park?

  • When I went, it was pretty quiet which gave me time to reflect on the summer, look at the grass and nearly just meditate.
  • There was a large green space, which was like a breath of fresh air.
  • It is really big, so you can play cards, have a picnic, exercise or chat to your loved ones.

What didn’t I like about Victoria Park?

  • It was quite plain from the entrance I took and I didn’t really see anything special -there was just grass, trees and benches. I did hear apparently that there are other attractions in the park but unfortunately, my sister and I got bored and left.

Would I recommend it?

Not necessarily, because it is just an ordinary park and we didn’t see any attractions. Maybe if you want to relax, it would be a good place to go or if you want to see other attractions, maybe go from a different entrance that we took.

This was my short review or diary entry about Victoria Park. These are my opinions about this place. Make sure to check out my other articles:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

Sky Garden: An Unforgettable Experience Sat, 26 Oct 2019 21:36:25 +0000

‘Sometimes the best events are the ones that you have to wait for.’

Without any hesitation, I must confess that Sky Garden was the best place that I had been to this summer. I remember my sister booking seats for us at the beginning of the summer holidays with excited looks on our faces, and it was much better than we expected. It was indescribable and truly underrated as not many people know about it. So, since you guys already know how much I loved this place, it is now time to explain my adventure:

What is Sky Garden?

It is a scenic point, also known as a skyscraper featuring a top-floor restaurant.

What did I like about Sky Garden?

  • I loved the impeccable view – you can see some of the most famous tourist attractions in London in one go. It is very high up and amazing!
  • I also really liked the plants inside the building as it just gives it an exotic and natural vibe, and not every restaurant has some fresh plants inside.
  • One of the most amazing things is the price to enter: it’s free!
  • The place was overcrowded even though not many people know about it so again, it truly gave the vibes of diversity as I saw people of different ages and cultures.
  • It provides seating areas where you can sit down – I loved playing cards with my sister in a skyscraper – it truly felt magical.

What didn’t I like about Sky Garden?

  • As much as I love complimenting this place, I must say the small cons. One thing that I didn’t like was the lack of or no Halal food available. In the restaurant, I just wish there was food available for different religions.
  • Also, you do have to book to come in at least 3 weeks or one month in advance, which may be a disadvantage to some tourists who only come to London for a few days and not able to book. But I didn’t mind this as I truly thought the wait was worth it and booking decreases overcrowding.

Would I recommend it? 

You should know the answer by now: YES. But obviously, if you are scared of heights or you hate overcrowding, maybe it’s not for you.

This was my short review or diary entry about Sky Garden. These are my opinions about this place. Make sure to check out my other articles:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

Millfields Park: A Quiet Fresh Park Sat, 26 Oct 2019 21:23:12 +0000

If you have been on this website for a long time, you should know that I love parks, gardens, water and just nature in general. I have discovered quite a few parks in London and this is just one example of the numerous things you can do in a park. You can also comment down below if you like parks.

What is Millfields Park?

Millfields Park is a riverside park about 2 minutes away from Clapton Pond. I came to this place with my sister to play cards, eat and take some pictures.

What did I like about Millfields Park?

  • I really liked how you can do numerous things in this park such as hang out with your friends, play cards, eat or even exercise. 
  • I also liked how it was just an open space so you can meditate and chill.
  • I believe there are also pitches and tennis courts.

What didn’t I like about Millfields Park?

  • I sadly did not manage to see the other sites of the park available but that was what I could not see.

Would I recommend it?

Yes, it is just a normal park and there are many other parks like this in London. But, it’s still a place where you can relax.

This was my short review or diary entry about Millfields Park. These are my opinions about this place. Make sure to check out my other articles:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

Clapton Pond: An Unknown But Relaxing Pond Sat, 26 Oct 2019 21:18:02 +0000

After a hectic but amazing summer where I knew that school was just around the corner, I wanted to go somewhere that was calm and allowed me to reflect on these amazing travels which I am truly grateful for. I headed down to Clapton Pond to do just that. But was my experience truly reflective?

What is Clapton Pond?

Clapton Pond is a pond in the London Borough of Hackney.

What did I like about Clapton Pond?

  • I really liked how there were very few people which allowed my sister and me to fully take pictures and reflect on the past summer.
  • The garden was filled with nature which just gave the garden a fresh lively touch. 
  • There were also benches and seating areas provided so you can even spend hours enjoying this small intimate pond, with your loved ones.

What didn’t I like about Clapton Pond?

  • It was smaller than I expected, but it was okay. At the end of the day, it was still a normal garden which meant that I and my sister got bored after a short period of time, and we headed to the next place nearby, Millfields Park (next article).

Would I recommend it?

Yes, I would recommend it but for me, it wasn’t a place that I could stay in for many hours. 

This was my short review or diary entry about Clapton Pond. These are my opinions about this place. Make sure to check out my other articles:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

Is Tate Modern Really That Good? Sat, 26 Oct 2019 21:13:20 +0000

When I first heard of Tate Modern, I was a bit sceptical. But when I researched this gallery online, I realised how famous it was. I decided to go this summer with my sister to really see what all the commotion was about. So does this gallery really deserve all this fame?

What is Tate Modern?

Tate Modern is an art gallery that contains international modern art. It is the fifth-most visited art museum by visitors annually in the world.

What did I like about Tate Modern?

  • I really liked how there was unique art that was different from the other museums I visited e.g. Babel is a tall radio tower.
  • I really liked how most arts were placed on a white background which allowed the viewers to appreciate and look at the art.
  • I also liked how the gallery was really big and spacious and there were also plenty of souvenir shops.

What didn’t I like about Tate Modern?

  • One thing that I disliked about Tate Modern was that some of the exhibitions that had adult content were out in the open, which were bad for some children. Also, you may not realise that specific areas are age-restricted so be careful.

Would I recommend it?

Overall, yes, I would recommend it and I totally understand why it’s famous. It is well-constructed and very interesting.

This was my short review or diary entry about Tate Modern. These are my opinions about this place. Make sure to check out my other articles:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

Millennium Bridge: Is It Overrated? Wed, 23 Oct 2019 21:05:08 +0000

Have you ever heard of Millennium Bridge? I visited this place a couple of months back and truly understood its value. So this is why this summer, I visited this place again with my sister. I really liked the experience and how it led me to my next destination (read the next article). So is Millennium Bridge truly overrated?

What is the Millennium Bridge?

Millennium Bridge is a steel suspension bridge that connects Bankside with The City Of London. This famous tourist attraction has also been featured in many movies including ‘Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince’, and I believe in the Bollywood movie ‘Housefull 3’.

What did I like about Millennium Bridge?

  • I really liked the view as you walk on the bridge – you can see St Paul’s Cathedral and the River Thames was reflecting the beautiful sunshine.
  • It was the perfect place to take many pictures.
  • It was very crowded due to pedestrians having to cross to the other side and also because of its popularity.

What didn’t I like about Millennium Bridge?

  • There wasn’t anything, in particular, I didn’t like except that you should hold on tight to your valuables as you would not want it to fall in the water.

Would I recommend it?

Yes, I would recommend it because it is popular for a good reason, it lets you cross to the other side and you get to see the River Thames. What more do you want?

This was my short review or diary entry about Millennium Bridge. These are my opinions about this place. Make sure to check out my other articles:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

Bermondsey Beach: Truly A Relaxing Atmosphere Wed, 23 Oct 2019 20:58:39 +0000

This summer, I really wanted to go to a beach but I wanted to try a new beach that I never heard of. Bermondsey Beach was the answer so I and my sister travelled to Bermondsey Beach. What I saw was surprising. Read on to find out my findings:

What is Bermondsey Beach?

Bermondsey Beach is a public beach in London where you can see some tourist attractions and water.

What did I like about Bermondsey Beach?

  • I liked that it was an unusual beach as when I went there were little to no people so we could just enjoy the water quietly.
  • You could clearly see the tourist attractions.
  • There was a gush of wind passing through the place.

What didn’t I like about Bermondsey Beach?

  • I didn’t like that you could not touch the water and when we used Google Maps, it showed that we had reached the beach but there was a bridge blocking us from the water.
  • There wasn’t any sand, demonstrating that it is not your typical beach like Southend-on-sea or Brighton.

Would I recommend it?

Yes, I would recommend going there to just relax with your loved ones on a cool afternoon to enjoy the water.

This was my short review or diary entry about Bermondsey Beach. These are my opinions about this place. Make sure to check out my other articles:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

Greenwich Foot Tunnel: Is It Safe? Wed, 23 Oct 2019 20:53:22 +0000

From a young age, I was taught that tunnels are dark, deep and dangerous. So, when I was heading down to Greenwich Foot Tunnel, I felt a mixture of emotions run down my spine. I wanted to walk down this dark tunnel – it would be a brand new adventure. So did I enjoy my experience at this particular tunnel?

What is Greenwich Foot Tunnel?

It is a tunnel that crosses beneath the River Thames, linking Greenwich on the south bank with Millwall on the north.

What did I like about the Greenwich Foot Tunnel?

  • I liked that you can cross from the north to the south for free as some people may not want to pay for a cruise to get to the other side.
  • There is enough space for lots of people to walk through.

What didn’t I like about Greenwich Foot Tunnel?

  • I didn’t like the smell as it was a bit unpleasant. Also, I didn’t really feel that safe as it was quite dark so I and my sister didn’t walk all the way to the other side and left after a few minutes. 

Would I recommend it?

I think I would recommend going in the day when it’s much safer just to see the entrance but I don’t think I would recommend staying there for long or walking to the other side as I didn’t feel very safe. 

This was my short review or diary entry about the Greenwich Foot Tunnel. These are my opinions about this place. Make sure to check out my other articles:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

Should You Visit Cutty Sark? Tue, 22 Oct 2019 13:55:51 +0000

One of the places near The Queen’s House and The National Maritime Museum is Cutty Sark. It was definitely very beautiful to look at from the outside even though I didn’t go inside. But, would I approve of this place?

What is Cutty Sark?

Cutty Sark is a British clipper ship that is an award-winning visitor attraction in Greenwich, London.

What did I like about Cutty Sark?

  • I liked how it was a very unique attraction – it was a high ship that is not very common.
  • It related to the River Thames that was just nearby.
  • It truly has an amazing view of London from the ground and it was very relaxing.

What did I not like about Cutty Sark?

  • You do need to walk quite a bit from the University of Greenwich to Cutty Sark, so if you like walking, this is for you. But it can get boring after a period of time as there aren’t many activities available.

Would I recommend Cutty Sark?

Yes, I would recommend Cutty Sark because it was very relaxing and it’s perfect to take some pictures.

This was my short review or diary entry about Cutty Sark. These are my opinions about this place. Make sure to check out my other articles:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!
