palestinian – Surobi Scribbles Every Small Scribble Can Turn Into Art Mon, 24 May 2021 13:59:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 palestinian – Surobi Scribbles 32 32 194697337 Free Palestine / My Thoughts And How To Help Out Mon, 24 May 2021 13:54:51 +0000 All over the world, there is both happiness and suffering. On one side of the world, there are people becoming more and more successful, graduating with flying colours or even smiling every day. Then, there is the other dark side of the world where hearts stop beating every second, tears are flowing infinitely from innocent civilians and losing their precious homes they have treasured with them.

For this past month, Palestine has been suffering mercilessly due to the conflict with Israel. Children who were brought innocent into this world are being scarred as they witness their parents being murdered pitilessly, leaving them orphaned and feeling hopeless. Parents who have protected their little ones with their warmth and love are feeling helpless as they see their children being burned alive.

It is absolutely disgusting to witness this in the 21st century when we are in a world of more resources, technology, facilities and knowledge yet we fail to live together in peace.

And a lot of people agree. Which is why many individuals have been starting to raise awareness through social media platforms. Because surely remaining silent or staying neutral makes you part of the abuser, who is none other than Israel.

Quick Caveat: These are completely my own opinions. Please do the steps below at your own risk.

What is the Palestinian-Israel conflict?

This conflict is a long and complicated list of events that requires a lot of research in order to find out what ignited it and how it has led to today’s sufferings. I have linked some links explaining this below: (check out his Instagram stories about Palestine)

I understood this conflict best from Subhi Taha – make sure to check him out because he is doing great work Masha Allah.

But one thing to keep in mind is that we must always respect others. Yes, I absolutely do not support the Israeli’s crimes on Palestine but bear in mind that not every Israeli is bad, so if you do encounter an Israeli or Jewish person doing their normal activities, we should never bully or abuse them. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) would never support this. Instead, if we have to defend ourselves, that is when we should.

What Are The Positives of This News?

Now, obviously there are no ‘positives’ of innocent people being stripped of their homes, being burned alive and killed.

But one thing that I have realised is that:

  1. More celebrities and influencers have raised awareness about this issue despite being in risk of getting less brand deals or conflicting their industries e.g. Gigi Hadid, Bella Hadid, Huda Beauty
  2. Sky News somewhat supports Palestine as the presenter was debating with the Israeli UK ambassador
  3. We can now see who cares more about their reputation rather than innocent people being killed e.g. Nas Daily 

What Are The Lessons We Can Learn From This Conflict?

  1. We should not judge if someone does not post about it. This is because they may still be making their mind up about it and even though having a platform comes with responsibility, it is not our job to abuse anyone who has not posted about Palestine. At the end of the day, you can post about but you can’t force others to.
  2. We should not make this a social media reel. It is very sweet to see several content creators posting about freeing Palestine, however, when that raising awareness becomes part of earning more money, income, engagement or views, that becomes a problem. It is important to keep our intentions clear.
  3. Don’t get involved in Global Tahajjud Day because it is a Bidah.

What Can We Do To Help Palestine?

  1. Post about ‘Free Palestine’ with pure intentions.
  2. Wear a keffiyeh to be in solidarity with them
  3. Don’t buy products that support Israel – check if the product has the barcode 729 as that is Israel’s barcode.
  4. Donate to Palestine.
  5. Make Dua for them.
  6. Watch videos and research about it.

I hope this gave you some ideas and insight about this important issue. It is necessary for us to stand up for Palestine and make Dua for them. If you want to, you can share this article for those who may need it or want to know more about this, but if not please do at least try following the steps above.

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

