new year's resolutions – Surobi Scribbles Every Small Scribble Can Turn Into Art Mon, 27 Nov 2023 09:49:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 new year's resolutions – Surobi Scribbles 32 32 194697337 Top 22 Favourites of 2022 / The Year of Consistency and Growth Sun, 01 Jan 2023 20:30:03 +0000 I wrote this article and was ready to have it posted on 31st December 2022, but there were a few technical issues. Hence, I am posting it on 1st January 2023. 🙂

It is that time of the year where we sit down and we reflect. We truly reflect on all the brilliant times and the bad moments. We admire the gifts and the times of growth. We cherish the love given by our families and learn from the lessons. 

In this article, I will be sharing the top 22 things of 2022. From books to music to moments, I hope to document some of my best highlights of this year, as well as recommend you some new things to try for 2023! 

Disclaimer: My intention is not to show off or brag. I have also had my own share of bad days this year but I choose to focus on the positives. If you need help with anything, please reach out to me in the comments or contact me via my email privately.

My Word of the Year and Why:

Word: Consistency

This year, it was all about being consistent and applying the lessons I learnt throughout my life to authentically be me. To me, consistency was showing up on both the good and the bad days!

My Top Quote of The Year And Why:

‘And they planned and Allah also planned, and Allah is the best of planners’.

(Surah Al-Imran 3:54)

This is my favourite quote of the year and it somewhat encapsulated some of the moments of this year. It is okay to plan out your goals – I love to be ambitious and know where I am going in life. But sometimes, the GPS can reroute and Allah can take you somewhere else. Stay calm and patient. Always follow your gut and keep moving. One day, you will realise that there was a reason why everything happened to you <3.

Top 2 Books of 2022

I don’t necessarily agree with all the lessons in each of these books but there were some lessons that I learnt or were reiterated to me in these books. 

Who Moved My Cheese? 

This was one of the most recent books I have read and it was so creative yet insightful! This book is a business fable based on two mice and two Littlepeople (humans the size of mice) who are looking for Cheese. The Cheese is a metaphor for what we want in life and the story describes the lessons that they learn while trying to look for the New Cheese. Because of its versatility, I would highly recommend this book to anyone!

The Courage To Be Disliked 

This was another great book which I still keep some lessons from. For example, treat all relationships as horizontally not vertically, meaning that treat everyone the same. Another great lesson was that you create symptoms for problems and problems arise due to people. There were some very unique lessons here!

Top 5 Places/Restaurants of 2022

Mi Chaii

This was a 5/5 afternoon tea place for me as it sold Asian afternoon tea. It was very delicious and I remember that coupled with the great service, great conversations with my sister and with the great food, I really enjoyed this place!

Brigit’s Bakery 

This was a very unique experience where I had an afternoon tea in a bus for the first time. This is where I had my bridesmaid proposal (where my sister asked me if I could be her bridesmaid). The vibes were so cool and with the picturesque view, tasty cupcakes and being in a cute bus, it made me feel very special and honoured.

Chai Ki 

I ate this food on the hottest day of Britain (19 July), so it was hard to eat this in the heat, but going back I really enjoyed this food! They even gave me a free cake at the end because it was my birthday that day!


Again, the fuchkas from this place are so memorable. I really enjoyed having this food near the window and it was truly a pleasant experience!

Bond Street

Bond Street in the winter has beautiful lights which really look very pretty when you walk around. I would recommend going there in the winter and when it is a bit darker to see the colours of the lights but stay safe though! 

A bonus: I also really liked going to other cities and areas in London and admiring the views there!

Top 5 Nasheeds of 2022

I have listened to many nasheeds and it was hard for me to shorten it to 5 of my top nasheeds. All of these songs below are vocals only to the best of my knowledge, so enjoy these nasheeds in 2023!

Love Nwantiti Ckay by Rhamzan  

This was one of my favourite nasheeds and according to YouTube, I listened to it over 43 times. It is pure talent that Rhamzan is showing through his vocal only beats to make it sound like music while also keeping the lyrics Halal! I enjoyed listening to this Nasheed and God bless Rhamzan!

Grateful by Muad and Siedd 

Another song that makes me feel positive and full of energy is ‘Grateful’. It incorporates the remembrance of Allah as well as having some light vocals only beats. I would highly recommend anyone giving this a listen and enjoying the tunes like I did. Masha Allah Allahumma Barik to these two talented singers.

Good Day by Maher Zain 

If you want to wake up to some upbeat music in the morning, I have the song for you! I enjoyed listening to this song especially in the start of 2022. It is absolutely amazing Alhamdulillah! Maher Zain radiates talent through his songs and according to YouTube, I am one of his top 0.5% of listeners. 

Eidun Saeed by Mesut Kurtis feat. Maher Zain 

I remember mostly listening to this song in Ramadan time, reminding me of the joys of Eid. This was very joyous and also had a great combination of two great songs Mesut Kurtis and Maher Zain. As Ramadan is approaching, remind yourself of the great rewards of Ramadan by listening to this song In Sha Allah! 

Heartbeat by Muad 

This song is for mothers and I would love to sing this to my mother. This song is emotional, so sweet and beautifully composed.

Top 5 Moments of 2022

I am blessed to have had many great memories and moments this year Alhamdulillah. But here I have listed a few of them: 

Endless Trips With My Sister  

From Mi Chaii to Chai Ki to Charista to Cinnamon Bazaar, my sister and I are incredibly privileged and grateful to have been able to try new foods from different cuisines (I promise we tried other cuisines except Indian lol!) All these conversations, food and places will be forever treasured!

My Sister’s Wedding 

This year was a big year for my sister. She graduated and she got married Allahumma Barik. My sister’s wedding was fabulous Alhamdulillah, as I got my makeup, henna and photos done professionally, got to spend time with my sister and also talk to my family and close relatives. 

Going out of London and other areas in London such as Southall

For the past few years, I have always travelled within London (which just shows you can never run out of places to travel within London!) and this year, we ventured out to other areas of London such as Southall and two other cities outside of London. 

Chandraat and Eid 

This year’s Eid ul Adha has to be the best Eid in my life! From going to Chandraat to going to Eid prayers to eating at a restaurant, it was a fun-packed day. 

Going To Islamic Events 

Alhamdulillah, I have grown even closer to my religion this year, and I have also been able to attend events. I got to see more Muslims and I got to meet people such as Hamza Tzortzis, Aatif Nawaz and Ali Official.

Top 5 Lessons of 2022

Some/all of these lessons were lessons I had known before but they were re-emphasised and reiterated this year to me. 

Trust your gut

If you have to make any decision in life, always trust your gut. It will always give you the right response and the right answer. I have always made the right decision by following my gut.

Diversify your identity

Make sure you have other things going on in your life outside of academia. For me, some examples are my blog and my podcast. This allows me to channel my creativity towards something else, help others and build my brand. Do something that you are passionate about and will make you happy long term.

Go at your own pace.

This goes hand in hand with trusting your gut. But make sure you follow your gut and do things when they feel right to you and don’t be pressured by anyone. 

Company is key.

Throughout my years, I have always been quite selective with who I befriend and this year, I am blessed to have found some friends who are good. You are the average of the 5 people you stay with, so choose your group wisely.

Allah plays a huge role in success

I have seen many stories on YouTube where people get rejected from their dream university/job even though they have all the perfect grades, perfect qualifications and the perfect profile. This just goes to show that luck, or for me, Allah’s will and choice plays a huge role in success.

This was my long article on my top things in 2022. I could not list everything and of course, I am incredibly grateful Alhamdulillah for all of these blessings. Comment down below your best highlights of this year!  And Happy New Year!

Check out my latest posts:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

How To Set Goals For 2021 The RIGHT Way Sun, 03 Jan 2021 20:27:42 +0000 The new year is the perfect opportunity to set afresh and set some new goals. However, many people end up not achieving their goals correctly for many reasons. In this article, I will be discussing some of the reasons on why some individuals are not able to achieve their goals and also give some golden advice on how to set goals the right way. These are based upon my own advice, research and self-help books. 

So without any further ado, let’s get started:

Why can’t some people achieve their goals?

  • Not specific enough
  • No deadline
  • No way of incorporating it in their routine
  • Not a priority
  • Not attainable
  • Not measurable 
  • No motivation

These may be some of the reasons why you are not able to achieve your goals. You need to figure out what is keeping you from achieving these goals.

How can you really achieve your goals?

Step 1: Identify what type of person you are right now

Before you dive into the meat of how to achieve goals, you have to figure out your starting point which is who you are right now. Try to identify what type of person you are in 5 different aspects in your life e.g. family, friends, career/education, hobbies/spirituality and health. Be quite detailed on this and this will assist you on reflecting who you are right now and give you direction to your goals. For example, you may realise in terms of health, that you may be exercising very little.

Step 2: Identify who you want to become

After realising who you are as a person, you now want to start thinking about your dream life and the exact person you want to be. Again, make a table or create a vision board and write what your ‘dream identity’ would be doing on each of those 5 aspects you focused on earlier. You may start to really discover those things that you want to do. For example, your ‘dream identity’ might be exercising at least once a week in the ‘health’ aspect.  

Step 3: Write specific steps on each aspect

By doing the previous step, you now know how you want to be in each aspect of your life. It is now time to break down each step. For example, in your ‘health’ aspect of your table or vision board, you may have said that you want to exercise once a week. Now you really want to ask yourself the following questions: What type of exercise will you do? What time of the day will you do this? Do you need to buy a gym membership? How long will you exercise? Answer these questions.

Step 4: Break it down

Now that you know all the details of every small statement on each aspect of your ‘dream identity’, you can start to really take those steps to ensure that you fulfill these goals. For example, if you want to treadmill at the gym once a week, get yourself a gym membership as soon as possible.

Step 5: Incorporate it into your to do lists and/or habit tracker

You have paid for your gym membership. You know all the steps to go and exercise so go ahead and write down your first day of ‘exercise’ in your planning system or to-do list where you plan every day. If you want to gym every Sunday for one hour, add it to every Sunday of your academic yearly planner or bullet journal. You could also add it to your habit tracker.

Step 6: Don’t focus on the outcome. It is a system and a lifestyle change, not a temporary goal.

When writing it on your to-do list for the month, remember that this is not something that you will stop after a certain period. It is a lifestyle change. If you plan to exercise once a week, it is something you may want to do for the rest of your life. So enjoy the journey when you exercise every time and don’t necessarily focus on the outcome.

Step 7: Consistency.

The last step is extremely important. You need to pick yourself up in the days where you feel like to break out of that ‘dream identity’. Embody that ‘dream identity’ every day and whenever you don’t feel like going and doing something, ask yourself what your ‘dream identity’ would be doing. Don’t make it a dream anymore, make it a reality, Be consistent.

Those were some of the ways that you can fulfill your goals. Follow this step-by-step guide and this may help you to really achieve your goals and make it a reality in 2021.

What is your number 1 goal for 2021? Comment down below.

New here? Please check out my other articles relating to Islamic content, My Experiences, Teenage Advice, Book Reviews and Poetry.

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Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!
