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Jabir ibn Abdullah reported:

The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, would return on the day of Eid by using a different route from which he came.

We have finally come to the last Ramadan article of the year…In Sha Allah, we will live to see another Ramadan. But for today’s article, I wanted to write a very exciting article on how to prepare for Eid-ul-Fitr. As exciting as Eid may be, it does come with a lot of preparation and in order to make sure you can make the most out of the day, you should plan ahead. So today, I will be giving you a step-by-step guide on how I like to prepare for Eid which will hopefully help you guys out. I will also give you guys a rough overview of what to do on Eid and how to manage your time.

But before I start, remember that you should not spend too much time preparing for Eid because it is also the last ten days of Ramadan when you can gain blessings. Don’t fall into the traps of the devil by preparing too much instead of worshipping Allah. If you want to know more about this, check out my article:

W H A T  T O D O B E F O R E  E I D

Buy your outfit, makeup and accessories

It is Sunnah to buy or wear your best clothes and go out to see your friends, family and relatives looking and smelling good. This will help you to feel excited for the day which will make you feel happy.

Decorate your house

You don’t have to splurge all your money on decorating but by adding a new vase of flowers or by giving a simple touch to your room can make you feel different and remember about Eid.

Plan on what you will do on Eid

Eid can sometimes become a bit hectic if you don’t plan ahead, so by knowing what time you will wake up or when people are coming to your house will help you to be prepared.

Prepare your gifts

Eid is a time of joy and expecting gifts from each other. It is good to prepare some gifts for everyone as seeing that smile on their face from receiving your gift is amazing in itself. For the children, you can also give an extra small bag of candy.

Invite others

Inviting others will help you to meet up with your old relatives and let them have some amazing food cooked by you or your parents. Send invitation cards, call or text your relatives to invite them to your house (remember to ask your parents first though).

Prepare the food

It is good to cook some dishes the night before Eid to make sure that you don’t get too busy cooking in the morning of Eid. Some prepare the sweet dish for breakfast the night before to wake up to a lovely breakfast.

Make sure to relax and don’t worry too much about how the day is going to go because you don’t want to stress out. It is a brilliant feast and time for breaking the routine for fasting.

T I P S  F O R T H E  D A Y O F E I D

  • Don’t miss the Eid prayers. I know of many who miss the Eid prayers because they forget about all that they have done during Ramadan. Remember, Eid is not the time for you to stop all your good habits from Ramadan, it’s just the start. Then you can go home, wash up and dress in your new outfits.
  • Give to charity. By giving Eidi to the younger ones and giving charity to the poor can make sure you are not forgetting about the power of charity even on Eid.
  • Spend time with your family and relatives. This is what Eid is all about so enjoy it!

Those were my tips on how to prepare for Eid. Make this Eid the best Eid yet! And little disclaimer: Eid is not about showing off and forgetting your etiquettes of Ramadan, remember all the good that you have done in the past month. If this article helped you in any way, please share it with your family and friends so that In Sha Allah you get the reward too. If you enjoyed this article, check out my other articles too:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

The Blessings of Taraweeh Prayers Explained // My Ramadan Series Sat, 18 May 2019 15:00:12 +0000 The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:

“Whoever prays Taraweeh with the Imam until he finishes, it will be recorded as if he spent the whole night in prayer.” ( Al-Tirmidhi).

One of the most beautiful blessings of Ramadan that us Muslims get is this special prayer known as Qiyaam or Taraweeh. Taraweeh prayers help the Ummah and all the Muslims to get together and pray, regardless of the gender, race or age. It is a very spiritual time and reminds me that prayer always gives peace to my soul. However, there is more to this special prayer that you may have thought. In today’s article, I will be sharing with you some interesting facts about Taraweeh prayer.

The word Taraweeh means ‘rest and relaxation’

This word means rest and relaxation because back in the days, people used to take a break and rest after every four ra’kats as it is a long prayer.

Your 5 daily prayers are more important than Taraweeh

Your 5 daily prayers are Fardh (obligatory) whilst Taraweeh is Sunnah (recommended). Try your best to do them but your 5 daily prayers should always be the top priority.

The Prophet requested the Taraweeh prayer to be a Sunnah

In the last year of the Prophet’s life, he started praying Taraweeh in the night. Some people prayed that night with him. Since word spread around about this, more and more people started coming to pray this Taraweeh prayer. By the fourth night, the mosque was packed with people wanting to pray Taraweeh and waiting for the Prophet (pbuh). However, the Prophet did not go because he said: “Nothing prevented me from coming out to you except the fact that I feared that it would be made obligatory for you.” (Muslim)

Therefore, this prayer became a Sunnah because not everyone would be able to pray Taraweeh every night.

If you finish Taraweeh with the Imam, you get the reward for praying the whole night

This is an immense blessing. If you go to the mosque to pray Taraweeh, try to pray however many ra’kats the Imam is doing that day and finish your prayer there.  

Your past sins will be forgiven if you pray Taraweeh in the night

It has been said in a Hadith that if you pray Taraweeh prayers in the hope of receiving Allah’s rewards, then you will have all your past sins forgiven.

The reward of offering Taraweeh all month can be said to be equal to the reward of performing Hajj

Another amazing reward that you can get from praying Taraweeh consistently every night, is getting the same rewards as performing Hajj. This is a great opportunity for everyone.

Umar (pbuh) asked people to offer in one congregation behind the Imam

After the Prophet (pbuh) had passed away, the Deen was complete and the Taraweeh prayers would not be able to be Fardh. Therefore, Umar (pbuh) made the decision to congregate all the people behind Hazrat Ubay ibn Ka’ab (pbuh). If Muslims performed it with congregation it would bring them the same reward without making the Taraweeh a Fard. Since the time of Umar (RA) the offering of Taraweeh in the congregation has become a part of the daily Ramadan prayers for all the Muslims.

Those were some interesting facts and the history of the Taraweeh prayers. If you learnt something new or this article has helped you in any way, please share it with your family and friends and In Sha Allah, you will be able to gain some rewards too. Check out my other articles too:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

How To Ace Your Exams While Fasting During Ramadan // My Ramadan Series Sat, 11 May 2019 12:00:29 +0000 “Whoever observes fasts during the month of Ramadan out of sincere faith, and hoping to attain Allah’s rewards, then all his past sins will be forgiven.” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

Ramadan is finally here…but so are your exams. Millions of Muslim students are revising while fasting through the hot hours of Ramadan. As a Muslim student myself, I have collected a few personal tips that have helped me get through the month, alongside hours of revision. Today, I would like to share with you some of my tips and I hope that these help you In Sha Allah to get your work done more easily.

Eat nutritious food

Healthy food means a healthy you so by having an Iftar and Suhoor packed with foods that will give you the energy and brainpower to survive revision is very handy. Try to have foods that will keep you full for longer and will contain protein (but don’t eat too much). Examples include oily fish, eggs, fruits, vegetables and green tea. Don’t miss Iftar and Suhoor. If you want more information about how to eat healthy during Ramadan then check out this article:

Drink fluids

Fluids are so important to help you keep concentrated throughout the day. As I always say, water is the best option so try drinking 8-12 cups of water per day. You can also have soups. It will stop you from feeling dehydrated and tired quicker, so you won’t start procrastinating.

Follow the ⅓ rule

The ⅓ rule is not only used for students but for anyone out there. It is to have ⅓ food, ⅓ water and ⅓ of air (space). This will allow you to eat moderately and keep healthy.

Create a timetable

A timetable is extremely useful for students as you can visually manage your time and plan efficiently. You will also be much more organised. During Ramadan, I would advise sleeping during the daytime after school and revising between the hours of Iftar and Suhoor. This is because you will have more energy after you have eaten rather than a long fasting day after school.

Have longer breaks

Having longer breaks is more efficient while fasting in Ramadan as it will give you time to fuel yourself up. During your breaks, you can do Dhikr or watch an Islamic video.

Prioritise your tasks

Prioritising your tasks is extremely important especially during Ramadan as you must be using your energy and brain power to perform tasks that are sooner rather than later. I would advise studying for exams that are in 3 days or less.

Remove distractions

Removing distractions is vital as it will allow you to get your work done quickly without checking your notifications from Instagram every second.

Reward yourself

After going through a day of work, treat yourself so you feel happy and motivated for the next day. You can have a dessert for Iftar or socialise with your friends while going to the mosque.

Study with friends

Now, this tip can have a few pros and cons. By studying with a group of friends while fasting can help you as you will feel that someone is going through the same struggle as you and you are completing your work. However, this can also have a downside if you are that type of person who gets distracted when you are with your friends.

Make time for Dhikr

Remember that Ramadan is not only about fasting, it is also about creating a strong relationship with Allah (swt). Try to spend time praying the obligatory prayers, reading the Quran and being kind to others because this is a time to gain rewards for the Hereafter.

That was some of my tips on how I personally study while fasting during Ramadan. If you enjoyed this article and it helped you, please share it with your family and friends to gain some rewards In Sha Allah. If you liked this article, check out my other articles like the one below:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!
