my experience – Surobi Scribbles Every Small Scribble Can Turn Into Art Tue, 21 Jul 2020 15:01:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 my experience – Surobi Scribbles 32 32 194697337 How Lockdown Has Changed My Life // COVID-19 Tue, 21 Jul 2020 15:01:51 +0000 Updated on Tuesday 21st July 2020

With over 14 million cases of Coronavirus cases and over 600,000 deaths worldwide, everyone knows how big COVID-19 has been and the numerable impacts it has had on so many people. My name is Surobi, a 15-year-old teenager and I am one of the many people who have faced lockdown here in the UK due to COVID-19. As I have just graduated Year 10 while quarantining for the past 4 months, it has been quite a journey for me at home. So, here I shall tell you my somewhat 4-month review of quarantining and how it has changed my life just like it has for many others around this world.

Now before I get started, make sure to not compare how much you have done to me as I am privileged to be living with a supportive family who has been there with me this whole time, which may not be the same for everyone reading this. Now let’s go down memory lane:

I Created My First Two Podcasts

I wanted to create my own podcast for quite a long time as I actually love to talk, express my thoughts and connect with people. This lockdown was the perfect opportunity where I could have a flexible routine and incorporate a new side project into my life. So in April 2019, I started my first podcast ‘The Chat Library’ with my sister which now has over 25 episodes and some of my friends know about it. Soon after, I created another podcast too, and this is what I now do weekly.

 I Created My Instagram Pages

Another thing that I have managed to do is create my own Instagram pages. I have a whole Instagram  @thechatlibrary for my podcast and I have also started my personal Instagram page where I share my passionate poetry and photography known as  @surobiscribbles. I somehow also managed to grow about 60 followers in my personal Instagram account in just about 2 weeks (what!) This is also something I have incorporated into my routine. 

I Kept A Record For How Many Days I Can Stay At Home 

I am quite an adventurous person and I love to go out. However, this lockdown allowed me to challenge myself and push myself out of my comfort zone by staying at home. I think that it is possible to stay productive and motivated at home and even though going outside may be fun, you need to realise that you have to adapt to change and sometimes be flexible.

It Was More Inevitable To Have Low And Good Days

It is normal that as social creatures, it may be hard when you are suddenly just restricted to staying at home. I have realised that it is okay to feel tired of staying at home and having the discipline to stay as productive as you can be. But, also I have cherished the happy days such as celebrating my birthday at home and really enjoying the small, simple things in life with my nearest and dearest people like my family.

I Got Closer To My Religion

As a Muslim student living in the busy life in the UK, it can sometimes be hard to take a step back and spend some time on your religion. While staying at home, I have built good habits which have changed my routine. Through Salah, my routine is more structured and I know that Allah is there to help me in this uncertain time.

These were five ways that my routine has changed in this lockdown and some of these things will still be carrying on when I go back to school in September. 

All my thoughts go to those who have suffered in any way from this virus whether you have stayed at home for weeks or if you have a loved one who has sadly passed away from this virus. 

I do believe that doing these 5 things have made this lockdown which could have been a negative experience into a more positive one. 

Check out other articles related to COVID-19:

Remember to take care of yourself, and stay happy, healthy and well.

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

My 2-Month Review of Quarantining Due to COVID-19 Sun, 07 Jun 2020 19:31:33 +0000 Updated on Sunday 7th June 2020

For many people, this lockdown has been quite difficult, harsh and tough. For others, they have understood that this time is not the best but have tried to make the most out of this time. If you don’t already know me, my name is Surobi. I am a 14-year-old student living in the UK who is one of the over 65 million people who are facing the experience of being in lockdown due to coronavirus.

As I am writing this, it is Day 82 of me quarantining from this deadly virus (I started quarantining on 18th March 2020. This is truly an experience that has mixed feelings – sympathetic to those who are suffering from this illness, but also find that you can grow as a person during this time. I have already made four articles on my website about my first one month experience while quarantining which you can check out.

But today, I will be writing about my two-month experience of self-quarantining. 

The only times I have stepped right outside of my house:

Friday 20th March

Sunday 24th May

I Have Got Used To Online School.

Just like many other students in the UK, I have been getting work set from my teachers through Google Classroom. This is quite uncommon but to some extent, it gives me that flexibility to work at my own pace. I also find that my teachers are setting me more work than usual so we do not fall behind so I have been mostly keeping busy.

I Have Learnt More Self-Discipline

Self-discipline is vital for everyone to keep productive and motivated. I think having online school has helped me to take more responsibility and really make sure I am staying on top of my work as I do not want this work to pile up later.

I Have Other Side Projects

I want to ensure that I spend this time having fun at home but also to have come out of this pandemic as a more knowledgable person. So, I launched my own podcast which is ‘The Chat Library’ which is new and exciting (now available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and more so check it out). I also have another anonymous podcast which I shall not share here but these have kept me busy and connected with my ideas.

I Have Participated In Ramadan and Eid In Different Ways

Every year, I and my family would usually go out to our relatives’ houses, go to a restaurant or travel somewhere far for Eid. However, this year I did not go to others’ houses in Ramadan and Eid. This was quite different but also gave me some time to spend with my family and try something new.

I Have A Longer Screen Time

This was quite inevitable but I have longer screen time as I go on social media but also because I make more content for my website and Podcasts. I also do, however, communicate with my family and have fun with them too.

I hope that this gave you an insight into how quarantine may look like for a 14-year-old girl living in the UK. Of course, this is just my personal experience (not everyone’s) and I am not trying to brag about everything as I am truly grateful for what I have. Please do not compare yourself to my experience and do what is logical and right for you. 

All my thoughts go to those who have loved ones who are suffering from this horrible disease or who have contracted COVID-19 themselves. Please stay at home if you are advised to do so and only go out if it is necessary. Pray to God and take care of yourself and your family and stay happy and healthy :). Please check out my other articles related to COVID-19 below or surf through my website for other articles.

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!
