museums – Surobi Scribbles Every Small Scribble Can Turn Into Art Mon, 05 Apr 2021 15:25:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 museums – Surobi Scribbles 32 32 194697337 Is Tate Modern Really That Good? Sat, 26 Oct 2019 21:13:20 +0000

When I first heard of Tate Modern, I was a bit sceptical. But when I researched this gallery online, I realised how famous it was. I decided to go this summer with my sister to really see what all the commotion was about. So does this gallery really deserve all this fame?

What is Tate Modern?

Tate Modern is an art gallery that contains international modern art. It is the fifth-most visited art museum by visitors annually in the world.

What did I like about Tate Modern?

  • I really liked how there was unique art that was different from the other museums I visited e.g. Babel is a tall radio tower.
  • I really liked how most arts were placed on a white background which allowed the viewers to appreciate and look at the art.
  • I also liked how the gallery was really big and spacious and there were also plenty of souvenir shops.

What didn’t I like about Tate Modern?

  • One thing that I disliked about Tate Modern was that some of the exhibitions that had adult content were out in the open, which were bad for some children. Also, you may not realise that specific areas are age-restricted so be careful.

Would I recommend it?

Overall, yes, I would recommend it and I totally understand why it’s famous. It is well-constructed and very interesting.

This was my short review or diary entry about Tate Modern. These are my opinions about this place. Make sure to check out my other articles:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

Is The National Maritime Museum As Good As It Seems? Sat, 19 Oct 2019 14:34:58 +0000

I visited quite a few galleries and museums during the summer, but I did not expect to go to this particular museum. Whilst I and my sister were on the Queen’s House, we spotted this museum and my sister insisted on going. But, was this unexpected visit worth it?

What is the National Maritime Museum?

It is a museum in Greenwich and part of the Royal Museums in Greenwich. It displays many objects with free entry.

What did I like about the National Maritime Museum?

  • I liked the objects inside the museum such as large boats – perfect to take some pictures with.
  • There were several souvenir shops so you can remember your experience. 
  • It is a place of learning – you can learn about the history connected to the sea.

What didn’t I like about the National Maritime Museum?

  • We didn’t get to see much as some of the exhibitions were paid. This meant that our visit was very short.

Would I recommend it?

No, I felt that it became a bit boring after a short period of time because most exhibitions were similar. But it was still interesting to see the marine objects as I still like art and history.

This was my short review or diary entry about the National Maritime Museum. These are my opinions about this place. Make sure to check out my other articles:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

The Queen’s House: Is It Royal? Sat, 19 Oct 2019 14:27:38 +0000

An unknown place that I had never heard of before was The Queen’s House. And no, it’s not Buckingham Palace, it is actually a museum in Greenwich and the way I found this place is through the famous stairs inside this building: Tulip Stairs. So is this museum really as valuable as its name?

What is the Queen’s House?

It is a museum in Greenwich, that contains Tulip Stairs, and where you can see some historical art for free. It is actually also a wedding venue that you can hire if you are getting married…did not know that!

What did I like about the Queen’s House?

  • I liked the famous Tulip Stairs inside which is very elegant and well built. It was quite satisfying to look at.
  • Outside the Queen’s House is a beautiful green space with pillars and is very relaxing to sit.
  • I really liked the art and sculptures and I got to read about some of the past monarchies.

What didn’t I like about The Queen’s House?

  • It can get a bit boring after a certain amount of time if you are not into history or looking at art. I personally liked it though.

Would I recommend it?

Yes, I would recommend it because it was very informative and relaxing.

This was my short review or diary entry about the Queen’s House. These are my opinions about this place. Make sure to check out my other articles:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

The National Gallery: A Museum of Masterpieces Sat, 05 Oct 2019 13:57:59 +0000

London is definitely known for its amazing museums and galleries filled with a rich history. The next museum I visited was the National Gallery where I truly saw some extravagant European art. I really enjoyed the experience and here are my opinions:

What is The National Gallery?

The National Gallery is an art museum in Trafalgar Square where you can find some amazing art of all kinds.

What did I like about The National Gallery?

  • I loved the paintings as that was the main centre of attention. They were placed on a red wall which really made it eye-catching and authentic. 
  • The paintings also had the explanation behind it so you could learn and educate from them.
  • The ceiling was also very beautifully decorated.
  • There were also seating areas where you can sit down and closely look at the art.

What didn’t I like about The National Gallery?

  • I realised that some people can get bored after a long period of time if they are not that interested in history or if they are not very arty.

Would I recommend it?

Yes, I would recommend it because it inspired my art and definitely increased my creativity levels, but you can get bored later on.

This was my short review or diary entry about The National Gallery. These are my opinions about this place. Make sure to check out my other articles:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

The British Museum: A Place of Pure Art Sat, 05 Oct 2019 13:52:25 +0000

The British Museum was much prettier and interesting than I had expected. It was filled with beautiful artefacts of the past as well as statues, exhibitions and a variety of objects. It was definitely very spectacular and is perfect for taking many pictures. So, without any further ado, would I recommend it?

What is the British Museum?

The British Museum is a public institution dedicated to human history, art and culture. It is also the most visited museum in the UK by visitor count annually.

What did I like about the British Museum?

  • I loved the variety of artefacts and objects from the past that you can explore.
  • You can learn many things about history.
  • It is good for all ages and is free to enter.
  • You can take some amazing pictures and really read about what is available to expand your knowledge about history.

What didn’t I like about the British Museum?

  • It is very big so you can get lost, so it would be handy to stay close to the people you are travelling with.
  • Also, if you get bored looking at historical objects or reading about them, it may be boring but even though I am not studying history, I still found it very interesting.

Would I recommend it?

It’s a yes from me because I truly enjoyed the experience and made me feel privileged to go to the most visited museum in the UK.

This was my short review or diary entry about the British Museum. These are my opinions about this place. Make sure to check out my other articles:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!
