increase your productivity levels – Surobi Scribbles Every Small Scribble Can Turn Into Art Thu, 02 Jul 2020 16:43:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 increase your productivity levels – Surobi Scribbles 32 32 194697337 Start Being Productive From Now During COVID-19 Mon, 15 Jun 2020 22:00:50 +0000 One of the gifts that we have been given as humans is the equality of time. Everyone has been given the same amount of time, yet some individuals still complain that they ‘don’t have enough time’. Yes, I understand that we all have different circumstances and some of you may have many distractions around you or possibly limited access to certain facilities. But I am here to tell you that you can accomplish your dreams and goals with what you have through hard work and the right approach. And to begin with, the habit of time-management is vital.

If you are new here, my name is Surobi. I am a teenager and student who also is trying her best to create weekly podcasts on ‘The Chat Library’ (available in over 5 podcast platforms), create weekly blog posts on this website and stay updated with 2 Instagram pages (@surobiscribbles and @thechatlibrary). And if I can do it, you can probably do it too.

So here are my tips:

Habit 1: Find out what your true end goal and purpose is

A lot of people live very disorganised lives due to the fact that they don’t know why they are there. You need to find out what you are working towards. For example, instead of making school a place you go to just because ‘it’s required by law’, make it a place you are going to ‘seek knowledge and learn skills for life’. Find your purpose in life, and this doesn’t necessarily only mean your future career.

Habit 2: Write down your general routine

Now, after you have received that boss of motivation and purpose, it is time to look at yourself right now. Be honest to yourself but write down your general routine at the moment, meaning what you do generally on a daily basis.

Habit 3: Figure out your limits

If you realise that your routine is packed with unproductive tasks, it is most likely due to the little devil within you who tries to stop you from achieving things. Everyone has a different devil within and also different problems in life. Try to figure out what is limiting you to be productive.

Habit 4: Try to work on your problems

This may take time but you need to exercise this muscle every day bit by bit. You need to have a positive approach that if you have problems from stress to family problems to being undervalued, you need to solve them.

Habit 5: Get rid of your distractions

If there is anything physically that you can remove from your life quite easily, try to do so. An example of this is your phone so have limited screen time, put it somewhere else when you are working or even hand it to someone else.

Habit 6: Make small adaptable changes/habits into your life

When you are working on these problems, believe strongly that you will solve it and also do it slowly. You can’t expect yourself to completely eliminate your social media in one go if you have been using it for 5 hours daily. Take it slow but try to stay consistent.

Habit 7: Have a planning system

A lot of people do end up procrastinating because they have so many tasks and they don’t know where to start from. Start by writing a brain dump of all the tasks and then prioritise and go from there. You can stay consistent on doing this procedure by having a set planning system, whether it is a bullet journal, academic planner or a digital app.

Habit 8: Set aside time for relaxation and self-care

Relaxation and self-care are needed so when you are incorporating healthy habits into your life, ensure that you also have time in the week where you focus on yourself. This is not always a fixed time but just try to assign times where you can take care of yourself and not tire yourself out.

Habit 9: It’s okay to have a break

Remember that sometimes it is okay to have a break. But do not use your breaks as a reason to procrastinate. What I am saying here is that if you feel burnt out, want to reward yourself for actually achieving something good or if it is spontaneous, then you should have a break. 

Habit 10: Keep accountable with someone else

If you are finding it hard to do these tips, do not worry. Take it slow bt if you need some extra help, ask for help! You can ask for help from a trusted adult who is most likely to be your parents, older siblings or a counsellor. You can change your life for the better.

These were some of the tips that sort of helps me to manage my time well and I hope this helped. Use these tips to your own risk as it is your choice. And remember, that you should never give up because that is just not worth it. 

If you liked this article, you will probably like this one too:

Also, you can click on the clickables above for more about me, my podcast, Instagram pages and this website.

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

How To Manage Your Time More Effectively Sat, 01 Feb 2020 11:00:00 +0000 How many times did you have a goal to have a productive day, but you ended up in your bed, procrastinating? Everyone may have low days but it is important to remember that you hold control for what you do and you hold responsibility for delaying your tasks. It can be difficult to find the balance between having fun and doing work despite all of us on this planet having the same 24 hours in a day. 

So what’s the solution? One is that you need to manage your time more effectively. So, in today’s article, I wanted to share a few tips on how I manage my time more effectively to make the most out of it. I hope it helps :).

Figure out whether you are a morning person or a night owl.

Do you prefer waking up really early and completing your work before leaving the house or do you prefer working in the evenings with a mug of hot tea? After finding out, incorporate this into your routine.

Plan a routine.

Now after figuring out when you like to work best, and when you have free time, you can plan a weekly overview of how your week should look like. Take into account your work time, free time and even extracurriculars. You can choose how detailed you want this routine to be.

Have a planning system that will track all your tasks.

Whether it is bullet-journaling, an academic diary, a digital app or even a simple notebook, find a place to jot down your to-do lists and keep track of your past, present and future. As said in the quote “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail,” make sure to plan daily.

Prioritise your tasks. 

This will help you to know which tasks you should do when and set out the day in order of tasks importance.

Practise good, consistent habits.

It can then take quite some time to get used to this routine but have the self-discipline to keep striving to do your best. You may see the long-term effects of feeling more put-together and may even have more time in your hands. One healthy habit I would suggest for students is to always pack your backpack and tidy up your uniform for school the night before.

Set timers for each task.

To manage your time, you need to keep track of it. The simplest way to do this is by setting timers for each task. If your phone, however, distracts you while doing so, then it is best to buy a timer which alerts you (optional). This will help you to put you in a time constraint and make sure you are not spending too long on one task. By setting timers, you also challenge yourself to complete the task quicker.

Remove distractions.

When performing tasks, especially important ones, it is crucial to remove distractions so that you can focus on your task and get it done quicker. For example, if you keep using your phone while doing your Math homework, it will probably take you longer than doing it without any distractions. 

Be in the present moment.

This may contradict what I said earlier about planning, but it really isn’t. Being in the present moment means that when you are doing a task put all your focus, energy and concentration on that task. For instance, when you study, try not to fade away thinking about something unrelated to it.

Take care of your sleep, diet and organisation.

As much as these three things can be forgotten, they do still play a huge role in your time management. A bad diet and lack of sleep can lead to low concentration levels and high-stress levels which can be wasting your time. Get enough sleep and take time off to have your regular meals too as health is important.

Allocate different spaces for different tasks. 

Your desk should be for work-related tasks whilst your dining room should be to relax. That way, your brain knows which places are for what and can act upon it. 

These were some of my easy time-management tips. I hope this helps (try it out if you want) and for me, it works better the more I practise them. Please share it with your family and friends. 

Please also check out my other articles:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!
