how to – Surobi Scribbles Every Small Scribble Can Turn Into Art Mon, 03 Jul 2023 09:42:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 how to – Surobi Scribbles 32 32 194697337 How To Stop Comparing Yourself To Others / 10 Life-Changing Tips Mon, 03 Jul 2023 09:42:49 +0000 I am tired of seeing you waste your life and your time because you are busy looking at other people’s businesses and not minding your own business. You are sitting there thinking about that boy or that girl who is making millions, going to the best places and just working on themselves when you are wasting your own time. 

I understand. I used to be that girl. I used to compare myself to others and maybe even feel jealous of others’ successes. But not anymore. I stopped comparing myself to others using the tips below. 

I am saving you thousands of dollars by telling you the ten tips that I used to stop this toxic behaviour. Are you ready to stop comparing yourself to others?

Firstly, why do we compare ourselves to others?

The answer is simple. It is due to how the brains of primitive species are wired as well as what society keeps telling us. Society benefits by not feeling like you are enough. That is why the makeup industry exists, for example. Insecure women can buy makeup and this will benefit the economy. 

By feeding into this toxic behaviour of comparison, you are benefiting the economy by trying to chase more. Do you want to live life constantly feeling like you are not enough? If not, then stop comparing yourself to others.

Another reason is that our brains, which are wired for survival and problem-solving, tell us that we need to have the best selective advantage to survive. Heard of ‘survival of the fittest’ in Biology? Yes, so you think by comparing yourself to others and trying to become better, you are more likely to survive. When in reality, you no longer need to compete with others to survive. You just need to compete with yourself. 

Here are the ten tips you must implement:

Choose the second thought

The first habit to stop comparing yourself to others is to choose the second thought. Realise that your problem-solving brain is used to giving your thoughts and these thoughts create feelings. If your brain says ‘oh, Sara makes so much more money than me, so she is so much more intelligent than me,’ you don’t have to react to this thought. You can choose to tell yourself something more honest and kinder to yourself such as ‘yes, she may make more money than me but I am learning and I have my own timeline.’ This takes practice and consistency, but it surely helps.

Life is subjective and depends on your perspective

Many people compare themselves to others based on external factors such as looks and weight. These things are completely subjective, which depends on your perspective. Someone who you may see as unattractive is to someone else a very good-looking person and vice versa. It is about your perspective – do you really want to live your life calling yourself ugly or incapable?

Know your worth and have unconditional self-love 

The saddest thing is when people less qualified than you, who perhaps have half the knowledge that you have are getting what you want in life purely due to believing and loving themselves. You need to know your worth and start loving yourself. This is because we are worthy all the time regardless of the situation and once you know this, you won’t feel unworthy when you are around anyone.

You only have the pixel

Whether you are comparing yourself to that girl on social media or even to your own sister who you have lived with your whole life, you have no right to compare yourself with them. Why? Because you only have a pixel of their lives. You will never know all their weaknesses, struggles and problems they face daily because you have never stepped in their shoes. And trust me, you will never want their problems because everything you face is given by Allah and unique to what your soul can bear.

You don’t know what was taken away from them

The next time you feel jealous of anyone, here is what you should do: realise that you don’t know what was taken away from them. If someone got into your dream university, you don’t know how many extra hours they spent studying in their room to get to that place. Perhaps, that person had to be with a single parent. If someone got their dream partner, you don’t know how many people they needed to meet or how many years they were looking for marriage before they found their spouse. Whatever was taken away from them may be a blessing for you.

See your strengths (but don’t attach yourself to other things)

It is very important to step back once in a while and acknowledge all your strengths. We are constantly told to keep improving but improvement can only occur with self-acceptance. Write a list of your strengths and things that make you stand out. For example, for me, it is that I have a blog where I can help people and document my experiences. However, do not attach to these external things because you shouldn’t attach your worth to anything external.

Allah has decided to create you as a human and He is not done with you

You have two great blessings. Firstly, Allah has decided to create you a human when He could have created you as a snake, ant or even a rock. He decided to create you a human because He sees you as worthy and gave you free will. Secondly, the fact that you are still breathing means that Allah is not done with you. Isn’t that so refreshing? Allah is giving you opportunities to keep going.

You are only competing with yourself 

The only person you are competing with is yourself. And that is because you only know yourself. You know all the struggles you have endured. You have been with yourself through thick and thin. You are your own best friend. So, you should only be focused on how you will become a better friend to yourself daily and how you can improve.

Ask yourself – how can I give myself that thing I am desiring?

Don’t think that Allah has scarce resources. When you are jealous of someone, identify what it is that you are desiring. For instance, if you are jealous of that person’s clear skin, acknowledge and then ask yourself – how can I be more confident in my skin? How can I alter my skincare routine to get clearer skin? Allah can help you achieve what you want. 

Trust that God has a unique timeline for you

I know that it is not always possible to have a quick fix and that is when you have to trust Allah’s timing. If you are seeing other teenagers your age earning money and you can’t find a job, then you have to keep working hard in the best you can in your situation, and then keep faith in Allah. Allah loves those who have faith in Him so don’t give up! Indeed, what is to come will be better than what has gone by.

The bottom line:

When you accept yourself by knowing your worth, love yourself the way you are and keep improving yourself, you won’t need to compare yourself to anyone and the right people will also accept you the way you are based on their perspectives. 

That is all! I hope you have enjoyed reading this article and I hope you benefitted from it! Please share this article with others, because what you share with the world comes back around to you!

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

P.S I would really appreciate it if you followed on me on my Medium blog and also on my TikTok account.

15 Things You Should Know By 15 Years of Age Sun, 02 Aug 2020 20:03:17 +0000 Just two weeks ago, I turned 15! I am very grateful and privileged to Allah that I am able to live another year and these 15 years have been filled with lessons and experiences that have made me the person that I am today. Last year, when I was 14 years old, I made an article about things I have learnt as a 14-year-old but in this blog, I wanted to share 15 things I think that every teenager should know how to do. 

Of course, as a disclaimer, you can use this list if you are not 15 yet to maybe accomplish some of these things and if you have passed 15 years of age, then you can check to see if you can do these things. And it is your choice if you want to do these things, do it at your own risk and you can accomplish these at any age. 🙂

Have a bucket list or set of goals. This really gives that sense of motivation and push for who you really want to become when you are older. 

Have a side project. Don’t neglect the fact that nowadays, skills are also very important alongside grades to get into good colleges, universities and jobs. So, if that’s your aim, join an extracurricular activity or create something new, like a podcast.

Have at least one reliable support system. I have found that my best friends in life are my family. Don’t neglect your parents as a teenager as many people regret that later in life.

Understand that peer pressure is not the way to go forward. Peer pressure drives many teenagers at this age but it really isn’t worth it.

Develop certain habits. Mastering certain habits such as making a daily to-do list and cleaning your room often are quite helpful.

Know how to edit photos. I think this may be a life skill that everyone can learn and I think it’s p

Know how to cook/make at least 5 good recipes. Even if you are not a great cook, try to learn five simple recipes that you can make at any time for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Know how to have your own me-time. Learn to spend time with yourself and not be covered in guilt and negativity but in a positive light.

Know how to do grocery shopping by yourself. Only do this if your parents allow you but I think whenever I have done this, I have felt this sense of renowned independence. 

Know how to have fun without the screen. What a lot of people are guilty of is finding that the only way to relax is looking at a screen. That is wrong. Find other traditional ways of having breaks too such as going for a walk. 

Know how to clean your room regularly. Cleaning your room is something that you may not like to do but if you want to live alone, you will be compelled to do it. It really doesn’t take that long.

Know how to manage money. Ask your parents if you can have your own bank account and learn to manage the money and not just spend it all straightaway. 

Have your own signature. I have changed my signature a few times but know I am quite stuck to one, so have a consistent signature of your own.

Know that it is okay to have low days (but you need to get back up). All teenagers go through low days but remember it is okay and all you got to do is get back up.

Those were 15 things I think every teenager should try to know. It is okay if you don’t know all of them. 

If you want some more juicy tips and advice, check out my other links such as my podcast.

Also, surf around my website.

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

‘Enjoy Your Life: The Art of Interaction With People’ by Dr Muhammad Al-’Areefi // Honest Book Review 2020 Sat, 04 Jul 2020 18:34:48 +0000 So recently, I have been starting to read more non-fiction books which help with self-development and self-growth. It is really important to not only know how to read and write which is what we get taught but also how to speak and listen. Therefore, I picked up this book and it was quite a long, detailed and informative read. So, would I recommend it?

What this book is about:

This Islamic book is deduced from a study of the Prophet’s life. Essentially, it is about how to interact with others, from listening to an individual to how to build stronger relationships. This is vital in today’s world where many relationships are breaking up – more divorces are occurring and some people cannot build stronger bonds due to distractions like our phone. This book is surely a practical guide which nurtures your soul, makes you self aware and leads you to a historical context dating to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

What it has taught me:

Master the control of your tongue. Help by your speech if you cannot do so.

This is a very long read. I think the best lessons I complied is:

Giving advice: Compliment others. Only look at the good and leave the bad. Encourage them and supplicate for them. Do not be harsh and be brief when giving advice. It is advised to make dua for them, say something good about them or bad about yourself and then give them advice gently. Make them realise their wrongdoings. Remember to think from the victim’s perspective. The advice does not have to be followed in your presence. Be lively.

Character: Tell people that you love them and win their hearts by doing this. Display these emotions and call them by their name.

Keep others’ secrets and be selective on who you tell your secrets. 

Be straightforward, honest and bold if you know you cannot do something since Allah elevates the honour of the ones who are humble. Stick to your principles.

Smile and be generous.

Listen attentively and avoid arguments. Remember that you can disagree and still be friends.

A woman is softened by kind behaviour and a child is softened by the balance of discipline and love. 

Do not think that people are of a similar nature as they differ tremendously. Know the personality of the one you are dealing with and this will make them love you. Talk about what they like to hear, not what you like to relate.

Do not expose problems you are unaware of and do not expound on small matters. Keep enjoying your life with what you have available and you will always be happy, as you would be grateful for what you already have.

The first meeting imprints 70% of the impression that one has of a person in their mind. So be nice the first time.

Taking advice: Do not feel bad to also admit your faults and make the intention to not repeat them again.

If someone gives you valuable advice, you should take it without being arrogant.

Dealing with meddlesome people: Do not interfere with others’ businesses. If others try to ask you a question that you don’t want to answer turn the table. E.G: ‘How much salary do you make?’ ‘Why do you ask? Do you have a job for me?’ ‘No’ ‘Most people nowadays spend their money on clothes. Oh did you see Zara?’ Just be kind. 

When dealing with embarrassing situations, just smile and then respond calmly as it shows you are a mountain. As your worth increases, the less angry you become. Others will defend you.

 When someone says something bad to you, pray for them or just say ‘upon you too’. The best preacher is the one who preaches with his actions before his words. Do not curse them.

What I like about this book:

I like that it was very detailed and it was practical as it compared it to the Prophet (pbuh).

What I didn’t like about this book:

It was pretty long so it is easy to forget some of the lessons as you are reading.

My rating: 3.5/5

To conclude, I would recommend this book, but I feel that it may not appeal to some readers who may not want to read long books. Any teenage or adult Muslim should read this. However, I think that it is worth the value and hard work that the author has put into it and the extensive research he has done. May Allah bless him.

Where to buy the book from:

I hope you have enjoyed reading this article. This link is not sponsored. Comment down below whether you have read the book too. If you enjoyed this article, check out my other articles too:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

How To Learn New Skills For FREE Mon, 29 Jun 2020 09:59:42 +0000 Nowadays, a lot of young people say that they don’t have enough time. And this usually strikes me because we all have 24 hours in a day and yet, we think that time is what is limiting us from fulfilling our dreams and goals. My name is Surobi and I am a 14-year-old teenager and I’m not going to lie to you when I say that I think I have some extra knowledge outside of my school curriculum thanks to the free facilities I have around me.

By using these free skills, I have been able to make my own podcast, website and build 2 Instagram pages that are growing.

Before you think about starting to learn a new skill, you need to ask yourself three questions:

  • What skill do you want to learn?
  • Do you have time to learn this new skill?
  • What value will it add upon you?

If you feel that you need more time, get your priorities straight, remove your distractions and build a routine. It may be difficult at first but you will stand out.

So here are the 5 TOP FREE ways you can learn new skills.


Absolutely the best way that I could think of to learn free skills was YouTube. YouTube is where you can watch free videos and little do many teenagers know that there are so many skills and knowledge available. Even if you can’t decide on any skill right now, you could watch documentaries and also speeches like TEDTalks. One of my best shows that I watch is Dragon’s Den, where I have learnt key terminology like ‘net profit’ ‘margin’ ‘turnover’. You have no excuse to learn at least one new skill if you have YouTube.

Free Apps

Many apps nowadays are absolutely free and getting the premium version is not really necessary. Duolingo and Memrise are great examples for those of you who want to learn the basics of a language. If you want to memorise a religious book such as the Quran or the Bible there are free apps out there with the whole text. You can learn from these apps from 5 minutes a day to hours, the choice is yours.

Volunteering In Your Local Community Or School

Some people don’t realise the potential of their own local community or school. If you especially live in a developed country, your borough or school may be holding events for young people which you may not even know. Try to research about your borough or ask one of your teachers about clubs and if you find some events, ask your parents if you can join them. For example, some boroughs/schools have a basketball club, drama club and other activities to teach and give opportunities to young people.

Blog Posts

How many times have you not known something and you Googled it? If so, you may know the wide access to blog posts that are absolutely free. In fact, you are reading about how to learn new skills in a blog post right now. Some say that you can even learn how to master using Microsoft Excel through a number of free blog posts that are out there.

Free Courses And Audiobooks

A lot of people think that the only way to get access to a SkillShare class or a Udemy course is to pay but some recommend to start with the free trial and if you really like it, you can actually pay later. If you are a teenager with a budget, you could save up some money if you really like the free trial but if you can learn what you need within that free trial, that’s not wrong too.

These were some of the ways you can learn free new skills. I am very privileged to be able to buy facilities if I need to but I understand other teenagers may not be able to do that.  Use these tips to your own risk as it is your choice. And remember, that you should never give up because that is just not worth it. Stay safe, happy and well.

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

The Three Different Planning Systems I Use 2020 Sun, 01 Mar 2020 11:00:00 +0000 Hey guys! In today’s article, I wanted to share the three different planning systems that I use regularly in this year of 2020 as well as some of the advantages and disadvantages of each planning system. Some people may say that having too many planning systems is too overwhelming but I personally find that it increases my productivity levels in different ways. It is completely your choice to do whichever planning systems you like. So without any further ado, let’s get started:

The First Planning System: Bullet Journaling

Bullet journaling has become a trend in social media such as Pinterest and Youtube nowadays. I personally love it due to many reasons. Bullet journaling is simply to help you track the past, organize the present and plan for the future. From to-do lists to habit trackers, it is really easy to use. I use my bullet journal every day particularly to make to-do lists and fill in my habit tracker.

I have the Leuchtturm1917 squared paper notebook.


  • It is very flexible so you can buy any notebook or binder to start it up.
  • You can make to-do lists as detailed as you want and in any layout.
  • It is very personalised and you can decorate it however you like.


  • There is a big misconception that you MUST decorate your bullet journal. 

The Second Planning System: A One Line A Day Journal

A One Line A Day Journal is literally in the name! It is when you write one line every day and this can be anything from a thought, a specific event, or gratitude of that day. It only takes about 30 seconds to write that line and it is very easy. I personally use the Wilko One Line A Day Journal.


  • They are a summarised version of what happened that day and you don’t need to write an essay every day. You can read these in a few years’ time.
  • It is extremely quick to use and it gives that one minute in the day to sit down and reflect on your day. This means it is easier to sustain as it won’t take off time from your schedule.
  • The one I bought is A6 size so it is portable and lightweight to take anywhere.


  • Many people say that doing this method does not relieve stress like normal journaling so if you want to relieve stress, you may want to write everything down.

The Third Planning System: My School Planner

As I live in the UK, my secondary school provides me with a school planner. I believe that they do this with most secondary schools in the UK. This is a planner which you need to bring to school every single day and write down your homework and deadlines. I think this is extremely useful and even if this planner was not compulsory, I would probably still have something like this.  


  • It is compulsory so I don’t forget it and I have it out on my desk during lessons to write down any homework I have. This also ensures I don’t forget my homework. 
  • My school planner has an organised system as it has tables every day so we can write the subject, the homework and the deadline.
  • I have made it a habit to check my school planner every day after school and do my homework.


  • It is not very flexible but it is very easy to use.

These are the three planning systems I have been using this year and tye have been working out for me well. I advise that you try different planning systems and choose which one works best for you :). Make sure to share this article with your family and friends if you enjoyed it. Please check out my other articles.

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

How To Manage Your Time More Effectively Sat, 01 Feb 2020 11:00:00 +0000 How many times did you have a goal to have a productive day, but you ended up in your bed, procrastinating? Everyone may have low days but it is important to remember that you hold control for what you do and you hold responsibility for delaying your tasks. It can be difficult to find the balance between having fun and doing work despite all of us on this planet having the same 24 hours in a day. 

So what’s the solution? One is that you need to manage your time more effectively. So, in today’s article, I wanted to share a few tips on how I manage my time more effectively to make the most out of it. I hope it helps :).

Figure out whether you are a morning person or a night owl.

Do you prefer waking up really early and completing your work before leaving the house or do you prefer working in the evenings with a mug of hot tea? After finding out, incorporate this into your routine.

Plan a routine.

Now after figuring out when you like to work best, and when you have free time, you can plan a weekly overview of how your week should look like. Take into account your work time, free time and even extracurriculars. You can choose how detailed you want this routine to be.

Have a planning system that will track all your tasks.

Whether it is bullet-journaling, an academic diary, a digital app or even a simple notebook, find a place to jot down your to-do lists and keep track of your past, present and future. As said in the quote “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail,” make sure to plan daily.

Prioritise your tasks. 

This will help you to know which tasks you should do when and set out the day in order of tasks importance.

Practise good, consistent habits.

It can then take quite some time to get used to this routine but have the self-discipline to keep striving to do your best. You may see the long-term effects of feeling more put-together and may even have more time in your hands. One healthy habit I would suggest for students is to always pack your backpack and tidy up your uniform for school the night before.

Set timers for each task.

To manage your time, you need to keep track of it. The simplest way to do this is by setting timers for each task. If your phone, however, distracts you while doing so, then it is best to buy a timer which alerts you (optional). This will help you to put you in a time constraint and make sure you are not spending too long on one task. By setting timers, you also challenge yourself to complete the task quicker.

Remove distractions.

When performing tasks, especially important ones, it is crucial to remove distractions so that you can focus on your task and get it done quicker. For example, if you keep using your phone while doing your Math homework, it will probably take you longer than doing it without any distractions. 

Be in the present moment.

This may contradict what I said earlier about planning, but it really isn’t. Being in the present moment means that when you are doing a task put all your focus, energy and concentration on that task. For instance, when you study, try not to fade away thinking about something unrelated to it.

Take care of your sleep, diet and organisation.

As much as these three things can be forgotten, they do still play a huge role in your time management. A bad diet and lack of sleep can lead to low concentration levels and high-stress levels which can be wasting your time. Get enough sleep and take time off to have your regular meals too as health is important.

Allocate different spaces for different tasks. 

Your desk should be for work-related tasks whilst your dining room should be to relax. That way, your brain knows which places are for what and can act upon it. 

These were some of my easy time-management tips. I hope this helps (try it out if you want) and for me, it works better the more I practise them. Please share it with your family and friends. 

Please also check out my other articles:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

How To Build A Strong Connection With Allah Wed, 01 Jan 2020 11:10:19 +0000 ‘Indeed, what is to come will be better for you than what has gone by.’ (Quran 93:4)

Hey guys! I hope that everyone has started the new year 2020 with happiness, joy, gratitude and motivation! I feel that this year has 12 new chapters and 365 new chances. Just don’t forget – believe in yourself and never give up!

Because the New Year is a time to improve yourself, you may also want to focus on your spiritual side and think about who really gave you this chance to live another year. For me as a Muslim, Allah has given me this chance to breathe and more opportunities to renew myself. Through the ups and downs of 2019, it is time to strengthen your connection with Allah. Make prayers as a time when you feel safe and peaceful.

But it can be hard to do this, as daily practises take time to turn into a habit. So in today’s article, I will share some ways that will In Sha Allah help you to build that connection with our beloved Allah.

Disclaimer: I am not an Imam or any professional, I am just a Muslim teenager striving to help others :).

Get to know about Allah.

It is important to know who Allah really is as we cannot see Him. You need to know who you are prostrating to the floor for, whose words you are reading from the Quran and who you are putting your faith in. One way to do this is to read the 99 names of Allah as it truly demonstrates the nature of Allah and the love He has for all of us.

Read the translation of the Quran.

It can be easy to read the Quran in Arabic but to really connect with it in your heart, you should read the translation along with it. You can understand Allah’s words and this can even motivate you in daily life. For example, the verse at the beginning of this article really inspires me.

Learn about the Prophets.

The Prophets are our role models and the ones who were able to spread the message of Islam so much that Islam is such a wide religion now all over the world by the help of Allah.

They are the ones who we should strive to follow so by knowing their actions, how they overcame their tests and trials, and how they built a connection with Allah, we can follow it. You can watch trustworthy videos on YouTube related to this.

Perform acts of worship (Ibadah).

The five daily prayers are so crucial that it is even part of the five fundamental pillars of Islam. Even though our lives can get busy, we must remember Allah every day by reminding ourselves through the prayers. Incorporate your routine according to the prayers, not the other way around. For example, you may say that you will start studying after school after Asr prayer.

You could also read the Quran or give to charity.

Be grateful about everything and remember that Allah is the cause for all the good that has happened to you.

Through thick and thin, Allah has been there for you. Through hard times, Allah gave you the path to overcome it. Through every breath you take, Allah has control over it. Through all the happy times, Allah has given the success. You have so much to be grateful for and to thank for. Praying is only benefittable for you, not Him. So thank Allah and make the Niyyah to build a connection with Allah for 2020. 

I hope that you somehow benefit from this article In Sha Allah. Please share this article with your family and friends so you may also receive the reward In Sha Allah and please check out my other articles:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

14 things I have learnt in 14 years of my life / Life Lessons Tue, 23 Jul 2019 12:56:17 +0000

A few days ago, I turned 14 years old. I am extremely grateful and privileged to be able to have lived on this Earth for fourteen years of my life. Within those 14 years, I have gained some amazing experiences and cherished moments with my loved ones. But I have also learnt a lot. This is why in today’s article, I will be sharing 14 things/advice I have learnt in 14 years of my life. These are some of the beliefs that I wholeheartedly believe in and this is obviously just my viewpoint – you don’t have to agree with it. So without any further ado, here are my beliefs: 

You have to work hard for everything you want

From a young age, I was taught the power of education and how you have to work hard every step of your life. People may support you but no one will be there to spoonfeed you.

Make connections with people rather than sticking with one person

I have seen people who stuck to one person like glue for many months and years, yet once that person had left them, they didn’t have any other friends and were left heartbroken. Therefore, my tip is to try to have small connections with lots of people rather than focus on one person fully because if that one person leaves you, you will have no one to go to.

Pray to God and believe in him

I am a Muslim and I truly believe in Allah. Therefore, whether it’s the happiest of times or the hardest of times, I always pray to Allah as He has the potential to change anything and He can keep all your secrets without anyone knowing.

Believe in yourself

If you don’t believe in yourself, how do you expect others to believe in you? If you don’t love yourself, how will others love you? Have that self-confidence and feel that self-worth for everyone to value you.

Your phone can be your worst enemy

Nowadays, social media and having the latest iPhone is seen as a norm and a trend that everyone has to follow. But you have to look out for the disadvantages as well and really ask yourself if it is worth your time and energy.

Being rude to others won’t get you anywhere

Revenge is something that you have to really consider before you act upon it. If you want to take revenge on someone, it’s just making you go as low as that person. I truly believe that Allah sees and acts upon everything, so sometimes no action is the loudest action. However, this does not mean that if you really are facing injustice, you should not speak out.

Karma really exists

Speaking of revenge, it’s not always the best option. What goes around comes around. A real-life experience of mine is when a friend left me and after a few months, she also got ditched by her friends, and she then wanted to be my friend again. And I didn’t even have to do anything. 

Giving will always come back to you

Giving something to the world will always have a way of coming back to you. If you give to charity, you may end up getting that 9 on that Science test you’ve been wanting. 

Your family won’t ever be judgemental

I saw this quote in a movie and I really think it’s true. Any hardship you are facing or any secret you are hiding is not big enough to hide from your family as they are there to support you. My family have always been there for me and I know they won’t ever judge me, they will just correct me. 

Successful people do things that failures wouldn’t want to do

If you want to get a 9 on your exam, you have to sacrifice partying with your friends to study for that test. This is because successful people are willing to study and seek knowledge for the long-term, unlike failures who want to party for the short-term.

There are three things you will face in life: pain, loss and sacrifice

There is no progress without pain. For every loss, there is a better replacement. Every pain can make you more tolerant and stronger as a person. Every sacrifice is always paid off.

Prioritise and balance life 

In order to live life to the fullest, you have to find a balance between all the different aspects. Life can be busy at times but you have to prioritise. Should you use your phone or talk to your family? Should you study or party? You have to make some important life decisions yourself.

Learn to say no

If you answered ‘study’ in the question above, you now have to face the reality of saying ‘no’ to the host of the party. This can be difficult at times and you may feel selfish or may feel that you have not gone to enough parties. However, you have to remember that at the right time, after you have finished your exams, you can party. So for now, say no and later it can turn into a yes.

Never compare

There is a fine line between comparing yourself to someone else and getting inspired by someone else. When you compare yourself to someone else can you complain in your head, that is what can put you down. But if you get inspired, you feel good and work harder to exceed your capabilities. You want people to be inspired by you.

Life will be hectic but the successful ones are those who can get over every hurdle

Life will be hectic but in order to be successful, you must embrace those hurdles, climb them and be prepared for the next one. 

Those were 14 things I have learnt in 14 years of my life. I still have a lot to learn In Sha Allah. Remember that you don’t have to sacrifice all the time, you can find the balance between fun and work, and that’s what makes a successful person. Comment down below your beliefs and make sure to share this article with your family and friends.

Please check out my other articles:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

How to Keep Healthy While Fasting During Ramadan 2019// My Ramadan Series Sat, 27 Apr 2019 12:27:07 +0000

The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said:

‘Eat Suhoor, for in Suhoor there is blessing.’ [Sunan Al-Nasa’i.]

Have you ever realised that you are very hungry throughout the daylight hours of Ramadan? And then you end up having a food coma after eating Iftar? This is not very healthy during Ramadan as you are not following the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). In order to feel more energetic and healthy during Ramadan, and if you are also trying to maintain or lose your weight, I would recommend reading this article.

These tips are based upon my research through Youtube and the Internet, and some information is from my own experience.

Never skip Suhoor – As said in the Hadith above, it is extremely important to have Suhoor. This will help you to not feel hungry throughout the day, earn blessings and let you fuel up on energy and nutrients.

Avoid overeating – This is a simple tip yet it’s so helpful to keep you healthy during Ramadan.

Stay hydrated – Staying hydrated is vital to keep on going through the day. Water is the best choice so try to drink at least 8-12 cups of water per day.

Avoid working out during the fasting hours – This is useful as your energy levels can drastically decrease while fasting so instead, try to work out like 2-3 hours after Iftar, to digest the food. Drink lots of water during your workout.

Make sure to have your medicines correctly – If you are pregnant, or you have certain medicines to intake throughout the day, you should consult your doctor before fasting to know when you will have those medicines. You should adapt fasting to your physical condition.

This table will hopefully help you understand some meals or food that would be good and bad to take during Iftar and Suhoor, to keep more energetic and healthy during Ramadan. Use this table to your own risk.

Complex carbohydrates like oats or lentils
to keep your blood sugar steady
Sugary and processed foods. They won’t give you the energy needed.
High-fibre foods like dates, cereal and lots of fruit. These are digested slowly, keeping you full for longerCaffeinated drinks
Protein-rich foods like eggs or meat which could replenish your energy throughout
the day.
Deep frying/oily/junk food
Fruits and vegetablesReplace fried foods with grilled foods
Soups are good to give you nutrients and
keep you hydrated
Add seeds and yoghurts to your meals to
give you your vitamins

Take your meals slowly. Start with some water, a few dates, and after a few minutes, start your meal, which could be a soup with vegetables. Incorporate some lean protein and go from there. Eat slowly and make sure to monitor your sugar levels if you are diabetic.

That was my article today on how to keep healthy and energetic during Ramadan. I hope this helps you. In Sha Allah, more articles will be coming soon so stay tuned. Use these tips to your own risk. Check out my other Ramadan articles too:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!
