how to study – Surobi Scribbles Every Small Scribble Can Turn Into Art Sun, 15 Nov 2020 17:39:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 how to study – Surobi Scribbles 32 32 194697337 How to Catch Up With Schoolwork Sun, 15 Nov 2020 17:39:06 +0000 During the winter, it is inevitable for many people to get sick with a flu or cold. However, due to COVID-19, there may be even more possibilities of you staying at home and having to miss those vital lessons in school. If you have just missed a day, a week or even a few weeks of school and you are concerned about how you will catch up with this huge pile of work, then do not fear as in this article, I will share some simple steps to catch up with any schoolwork you have missed. 

Step 1: Find out what work you have missed

For each of your subjects, ask someone in your class or your teacher about what you have missed. They can show you and you can understand how much work you have to catch up with. 

Step 2: Try not to miss any more school

After seeing this huge amount of work, you may feel overwhelmed and confused on how you are supposed to catch up with previous lessons and stay on top of the current lessons. The best thing to do is not to add extra work on yourself and just try not to miss any more school. 

Step 3: Make a revision timetable and a routine

For the first few days or weeks of catching up, you may feel disorganised. My tip would be to create a routine with times designated to do work that is being set now but also times where you are completing tasks from the previous lessons that you missed. Try to focus on one or two different subjects every day and if you follow this, you will see progress. 

Step 4: Create to do lists with deadlines

Now that you have made a routine and know at which times you will study (remember to incorporate breaks!) you now want to start creating daily to-do lists with deadlines. I like to use my bullet journal and I can also migrate tasks for future dates. Plan every day and make sure what you have to do and this will keep you on track to finish the work. 

Step 5: Remove distractions

Now you may sit at your desk, your couch or the floor (wherever you study) but you don’t feel motivated to get started. Is it because you have your phone next to you? If so, remove your distractions and start being productive.

Step 6: Seek help from your teachers, friends and parents

Whether you are feeling stressed with this work, or you don’t understand the catch up work, I would advise you to seek help from your peers, teachers or parents. It is okay to share your feelings and get some help.

Step 7: Ask for a time extension

If your teacher has set a specific deadline for an assignment, and you feel that you cannot keep up with it, it may be worth asking for a time extension to your teacher so you have more time to complete it. 

Step 8: Don’t stress

Please do not stress. It is just not worth it and will end up wasting more time and energy than actually doing the work.

Step 9: Catch up on holidays

If you have a few tasks that are not urgent and you know you can delay, perhaps you could migrate it for the weekends or the holidays. Since lessons do not happen on the weekends or holidays, you won’t have the current lessons to go to and you can spend this time catching up. 

Step 10: Manage your time efficiently

Catching up is all about time management. When you make your routine, please do include some breaks and maybe some extracurriculars, skills or hobbies that you can also do alongside studying. This will ensure you are not getting bored with studying.

Those were some of my tips and advice on how to catch up. It is okay to catch up with work. As always, comment down below how you catch up with work when you miss school.

Please check out my other articles relating to Islamic content, My Experiences, Teenage Advice, Book Reviews and Poetry.

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

How To Remove Your Distractions And Start Being Productive Sun, 04 Oct 2020 19:12:59 +0000 From your phone to noise to an unclean environment, there may be distractions all around you. But in order to have a productive study session or even while learning a new skill, it is vital for you to remove those distractions and ensure that you have high levels of concentration to get the work done. But the question is: What are distractions and how can you actually remove them?

In today’s article, I will be answering this question to ensure that you have a distraction-free zone to complete all your tasks.

What Is A Distraction?

A thing that prevents someone from concentrating on something else. – Google

For example, if you are trying to do your math homework while also trying to talk to your friends unnecessarily, it may decrease your productivity and efficiency of that task or it may just take longer to complete the math homework. Everyone gets distracted but it’s about how you deal with it.

Examples Of Distractions:

  • Phone 
  • Social Media
  • Unnecessary Noise 
  • People Talking To You
  • An Untidy Area
  • Negative Thoughts
  • Being Hungry
  • Being Tired

How To Remove These Distractions:


If you are not using your phone for your work and you don’t need it while working, put it away.

Try not to place the phone in your work area. Put it in another room, give it to someone else in your family, put it in aeroplane mode or even use an app such as Forest to grow trees while you are studying. These are all pretty good ways to ensure that you are not using your phone while studying.

Social Media

Well let’s say that you need to use your laptop for your homework but you still have access to all your social media in your laptop…what do you do then? In that case, I would say to place an extension on your laptop. Use these at your own risk. With these extensions, you can block certain websites that distract you for a set period of time while you are working so you can’t access them. Problem solved.

Unnecessary Noise

If you are studying in a library, for example, and there are people talking which is distracting you and making it difficult for you to focus, I would suggest trying to block out the unnecessary noise by either playing white noise, listening to non-lyrical music or even moving to another area. If it is someone who you know making the noise, you could simply tell them to quiet down respectfully.

People Talking To You

If you are trying to study and your brother comes into your room and starts distracting you, you could simply try telling them to come back when you are free. Try to maybe have a notice on your door to let your family know when you are studying if needed to prevent them breaking your bubble of concentration. If your friend tries talking to you face-to-face, explain nicely that you are studying and they can come back after a set amount of time.

An Untidy Area

Sometimes, the distraction may lie in where you are studying. If you look at your study space and realise it is untidy before even starting to study, chances are you may feel like procrastinating. Therefore, if needed, spend 5-10 minutes before starting to study to tidy up. Not only does it make you feel put-together, but it may also increase your productivity for your next study sessions.

Negative Thoughts

If you are trying to study while having worries, it may decrease your productivity as the worry may take control of your focus. Instead, try to write down these negative thoughts and write the solutions next to it. If you don’t have a solution, then assign yourself time for when you will deal with that problem, either by thinking about it or talking to someone. This will ensure that you can give your full focus to your work.

Being Hungry

Some people cannot concentrate if they have not had their food. Therefore, in order to solve that problem, you could simply make sure you have proper meals during the days and also make some quick study snacks to have while you are studying. Mind you, I said ‘quick’ which means you can make the study snacks in 5-10 minutes, it should not cut out your studying time to make these.

Being Tired

If you have not had enough sleep the night before, it is more likely you will feel tired and lose focus very easily. Try to get the work done quickly and then have an early night to get the optimum hours of sleep you need. If you are just tired because you have had a long day, take regular breaks in between your study sessions so you have time to rejuvenate yourself.

There were some of the distractions that I could think of. Remember, it is okay to get distracted or even have a low day because it’s part of human nature and you can learn how to deal with it. But just keep working hard and don’t stress.

Comment down below what common distraction do you face. Please check out my other articles relating to Islamic content, My Experiences, Teenage Advice, Book Reviews and Poetry.

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

How To Stop Procrastinating And Start Working Wed, 01 Apr 2020 10:00:22 +0000 It’s already midday…and you still haven’t managed to pick up your pen and start working…what can you do? Procrastination is a vital issue that many people face daily and it prevents them from getting work done.

In this article, I will talk about the various ways on how you can overcome procrastination and increase your productivity levels daily. 

Tip #1: Clean your room. 

If you are living in a room that is messy and disorganised it is very unlikely for you to get any work done. Therefore, if you want to stop procrastinating, clean and maintain your room because a clean environment leads to a clean mind.

Tip #2: Make a to-do list.

If you still have things going on in your mind, it is time for you to do a brain dump. List out all the tasks you have in mind and if it is a lot, prioritise your tasks using the article I made before:

Tip #3: Have the motivation to start.

If you lack that motivation, you can always just search up some motivational quotes to study or even ask someone to motivate you. But this gives short-term motivation. I would recommend that whatever you are doing, count the days, not the months. E.G: there may be more than a month left till your exam but it may only be 31 days which sounds a bit more daunting.

Tip #4: Tie up your hair and wear good clothing.

If your hair is all over the place, you may not feel motivated. Tie up your hair into a loose bun or ponytail or just comb it out. You may feel better. 

Tip #5: Remove distractions. 

Now it is time to put your phone away and remove anything that will distract you. If you want a noise-free environment, then you may need to tell your parents to keep your younger siblings out of your room.

Tip #6: Set timers. Start working.

Give yourself the challenge to work within the amount of time you set. 

Tip #7: Take a break.

After studying at short, regular intervals, have breaks to rejuvenate your energy.

Tip #8: Continue this process. 

Keep doing your work without any distractions, with times and breaks in between until you get all your work done.

Tip #9: Give yourself a reward after doing all your work.

If you have finished all your work, reward yourself. For example, you could watch an episode of the show you are watching or talk to your friend on the phone.

Tip #10: Make a timetable or calendar with all your events. 

For the future, in order to avoid procrastination, write out the events in a monthly calendar and stick to it. It is about self-discipline and hard work with minimal stress.

Remember to follow these tips only if you want to. If you enjoyed this article, please share it with your family and friends and then get back to work! And if you finish all your work, here is a treat, another article from me: 

If you want to watch a funny TED talk about procrastination, I recommend:

Thank you for reading and have a lovely day!

How To Ace Your Exams While Fasting During Ramadan // My Ramadan Series Sat, 11 May 2019 12:00:29 +0000 “Whoever observes fasts during the month of Ramadan out of sincere faith, and hoping to attain Allah’s rewards, then all his past sins will be forgiven.” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

Ramadan is finally here…but so are your exams. Millions of Muslim students are revising while fasting through the hot hours of Ramadan. As a Muslim student myself, I have collected a few personal tips that have helped me get through the month, alongside hours of revision. Today, I would like to share with you some of my tips and I hope that these help you In Sha Allah to get your work done more easily.

Eat nutritious food

Healthy food means a healthy you so by having an Iftar and Suhoor packed with foods that will give you the energy and brainpower to survive revision is very handy. Try to have foods that will keep you full for longer and will contain protein (but don’t eat too much). Examples include oily fish, eggs, fruits, vegetables and green tea. Don’t miss Iftar and Suhoor. If you want more information about how to eat healthy during Ramadan then check out this article:

Drink fluids

Fluids are so important to help you keep concentrated throughout the day. As I always say, water is the best option so try drinking 8-12 cups of water per day. You can also have soups. It will stop you from feeling dehydrated and tired quicker, so you won’t start procrastinating.

Follow the ⅓ rule

The ⅓ rule is not only used for students but for anyone out there. It is to have ⅓ food, ⅓ water and ⅓ of air (space). This will allow you to eat moderately and keep healthy.

Create a timetable

A timetable is extremely useful for students as you can visually manage your time and plan efficiently. You will also be much more organised. During Ramadan, I would advise sleeping during the daytime after school and revising between the hours of Iftar and Suhoor. This is because you will have more energy after you have eaten rather than a long fasting day after school.

Have longer breaks

Having longer breaks is more efficient while fasting in Ramadan as it will give you time to fuel yourself up. During your breaks, you can do Dhikr or watch an Islamic video.

Prioritise your tasks

Prioritising your tasks is extremely important especially during Ramadan as you must be using your energy and brain power to perform tasks that are sooner rather than later. I would advise studying for exams that are in 3 days or less.

Remove distractions

Removing distractions is vital as it will allow you to get your work done quickly without checking your notifications from Instagram every second.

Reward yourself

After going through a day of work, treat yourself so you feel happy and motivated for the next day. You can have a dessert for Iftar or socialise with your friends while going to the mosque.

Study with friends

Now, this tip can have a few pros and cons. By studying with a group of friends while fasting can help you as you will feel that someone is going through the same struggle as you and you are completing your work. However, this can also have a downside if you are that type of person who gets distracted when you are with your friends.

Make time for Dhikr

Remember that Ramadan is not only about fasting, it is also about creating a strong relationship with Allah (swt). Try to spend time praying the obligatory prayers, reading the Quran and being kind to others because this is a time to gain rewards for the Hereafter.

That was some of my tips on how I personally study while fasting during Ramadan. If you enjoyed this article and it helped you, please share it with your family and friends to gain some rewards In Sha Allah. If you liked this article, check out my other articles like the one below:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

School Essentials Every Student Must Have Sat, 16 Feb 2019 15:23:55 +0000 As a full-time student, I love studying with cute stationery, colourful notebooks and some music and I’m sure you do too. If, however, you have not found those key necessities that every student needs, I urge for you to read this article right now. In today’s article, I will be sharing with you 5 cheap school essentials that every student needs to spice up their life.

A sturdy pencilcase

The first neccesity, in my opinion, is to definitely have a sturdy pencilcase. This doesn’t need to be pricey or branded as long as it holds your supplies and stop them from getting lost. Plus, we all feel guilty when we have lost all our stationery by the first month of school so keep it in a pencilcase.

A planner

Whether it is a monthly, weekly or daily planner, have an outlet to put down all your tasks and prioritize them to get your work done quickly. You can even plan for the future or look back at your previous tasks with this notebook.

A day folder

This could be in the form of a binder or an expandable file folder where you store all your papers, letters and forms. This will hopefully help you keep organised which is the key to being a successful student. You can take this folder to school or keep it at home – the choice is yours.

A good note-taking pen

However simple this may seem, the next school essential is to have a good note-taking pen. My favourite is the Cello Pin Point Pen, which I have bought from Amazon (not sponsored). It has a thin tip which is perfect to make your handwriting look neat and gives a smooth look. It also has great pigmentation and it’s perfect for me. Experiment to your liking and find the best pen for yourself.

A good bag

This final school essential amongst many others has a big range. A good bag is vital for a student and there are many for you to choose from out there. For me, a good bag is a backpack that is stylish and has a neutral colour and also contains 3-4 compartments to store everything. For you, it could be a colourful handbag with lots of space. Do you, but make sure it is used efficiently to store all everything. I take mine to school everyday and it really does help.

That was some of my school essentials that I think every student must have. You don’t need expensive items to be successful. There is obviously so many other items that students need as well as the drive and motivation to do well. If you need motivation, I would recommend for you guys to check out this article:

Check out my other recent articles too:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

How To Reduce Stress For Students Fri, 08 Feb 2019 20:15:34 +0000 “Oh, how do I solve this math question? How will I remember all this content? When will I finally get that A?” These could be some of the questions that you may ask yourself. However, whether or not you solve these questions, it can deteriorate your mental health. In today’s article, I will share with you some tips on how to reduce stress for students, which will hopefully allow you to be a good student and a happy person.

Take breaks

One way that can instantly reduce stress for anyone is to take breaks. Don’t try to study for 5 hours straight – instead try to study in small chunks with breaks in between. This will allow you to have enough energy left for the next study session and not be overwhelmed by all the work that you have. Take breaks by having a walk or doing some simple stretches.

Do breathing exercises

Take a deep breath in for five seconds and let it out for five seconds. Do this several times until you feel better but do it slowly and concentrate only on your breathing.

Get enough sleep

You have probably heard all the benefits of getting sleep since birth so I won’t write a whole list about that. I just want to keep it short and simple: sleep is important to keep concentrated throughout the day, mental health and productivity. Research has shown that an average teenager needs about 8-10 hours of sleep to function best, so get to bed on time!


Laughing has been proven to reduce stress as you trigger yourself to smile, be happy and forget about the stress. It increases oxygen flow and blood flow which makes you happy and automatically reduces stress. Make yourself laugh by looking at funny memes or talking to others.

Don’t worry about the future and don’t compare yourself to others

By doing your homework in time, it stops you from doing things last-minute and stressing about it. But if you are in that situation right now, just pray and don’t worry about the future or comparing yourself to your neighbour, enemy, friend, cousin or whoever. You are yourself.

That was some of my tips on how to reduce stress for students. I don’t get stressed too much about studies but a little stress is okay as it shows that you care about the work. Leave in the comments down below what you do in order to manage stress. Check out my other articles too:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

How To Prioritise Your Tasks: The 5-step Method Fri, 28 Sep 2018 20:29:05 +0000 Are you that person who feels as if their tasks will never end?  Maybe it’s because you do everything last-minute,  or because you don’t plan efficiently. Prioritizing can help you to make your tasks feel more manageable. In today’s article, I will be sharing with you a quick, efficient 5-step method to prioritize your tasks.

     1) Write a to-do list for everything you have to do.

Start off by writing everything from your head in a piece of paper. From watching Season 6 of your favorite show to revising for that exam to doing all your chores, just write whatever worry or task you have to accomplish. Do not worry about how it looks or whichever order it is in.

    2) Make a key with highlighters or colored pens.

Take four different colored pens or highlighters and make a small key. For example, I can take a pink, yellow, orange and a green highlighter. Then you assign each color to a specific deadline. For instance, I make pink the deadline for ‘today’, yellow for ‘tomorrow/within a few days’, orange for ‘by end of this week’, and green for ‘2 weeks or more’. This will allow you to have a visual outline of each task deadline.

    3)    Highlight/underline each task according to its due date.

This is the most important part. You have to now prioritize and see every single task, check its deadline, and continue along the list. For me, if I have homework due tomorrow, that is definitely more important than going out shopping to buy some new pair of trainers. Go through and highlight, and you shall see everything come into place.

    4)    Write the to-do list for today.

After you have highlighted, see which are due today and tomorrow. Take a separate piece of paper and write down your to-do list for today. By your visual outline, you should easily be able to spot which tasks you have to do today and by tomorrow. This will allow you to not be overwhelmed.

   5)   Set the other tasks for future dates on a calendar.

All the other tasks should be put on a monthly calendar or a weekly calendar. This will allow you to visualize your upcoming tasks and you will feel like you have dealt with every task. You can then bin the piece of paper with all the tasks you had to do or simply keep it somewhere.

I hope this article helps you to feel a bit more organized and productive. It’s important to deal with this and know exactly what you will do before starting. Check out my other articles too:

Why You Must Journal Everyday

9 Tips For Everlasting Motivation

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day.
