how to gain rewards – Surobi Scribbles Every Small Scribble Can Turn Into Art Thu, 02 Jul 2020 16:39:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 how to gain rewards – Surobi Scribbles 32 32 194697337 The Blessings of Taraweeh Prayers Explained // My Ramadan Series Sat, 18 May 2019 15:00:12 +0000 The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:

“Whoever prays Taraweeh with the Imam until he finishes, it will be recorded as if he spent the whole night in prayer.” ( Al-Tirmidhi).

One of the most beautiful blessings of Ramadan that us Muslims get is this special prayer known as Qiyaam or Taraweeh. Taraweeh prayers help the Ummah and all the Muslims to get together and pray, regardless of the gender, race or age. It is a very spiritual time and reminds me that prayer always gives peace to my soul. However, there is more to this special prayer that you may have thought. In today’s article, I will be sharing with you some interesting facts about Taraweeh prayer.

The word Taraweeh means ‘rest and relaxation’

This word means rest and relaxation because back in the days, people used to take a break and rest after every four ra’kats as it is a long prayer.

Your 5 daily prayers are more important than Taraweeh

Your 5 daily prayers are Fardh (obligatory) whilst Taraweeh is Sunnah (recommended). Try your best to do them but your 5 daily prayers should always be the top priority.

The Prophet requested the Taraweeh prayer to be a Sunnah

In the last year of the Prophet’s life, he started praying Taraweeh in the night. Some people prayed that night with him. Since word spread around about this, more and more people started coming to pray this Taraweeh prayer. By the fourth night, the mosque was packed with people wanting to pray Taraweeh and waiting for the Prophet (pbuh). However, the Prophet did not go because he said: “Nothing prevented me from coming out to you except the fact that I feared that it would be made obligatory for you.” (Muslim)

Therefore, this prayer became a Sunnah because not everyone would be able to pray Taraweeh every night.

If you finish Taraweeh with the Imam, you get the reward for praying the whole night

This is an immense blessing. If you go to the mosque to pray Taraweeh, try to pray however many ra’kats the Imam is doing that day and finish your prayer there.  

Your past sins will be forgiven if you pray Taraweeh in the night

It has been said in a Hadith that if you pray Taraweeh prayers in the hope of receiving Allah’s rewards, then you will have all your past sins forgiven.

The reward of offering Taraweeh all month can be said to be equal to the reward of performing Hajj

Another amazing reward that you can get from praying Taraweeh consistently every night, is getting the same rewards as performing Hajj. This is a great opportunity for everyone.

Umar (pbuh) asked people to offer in one congregation behind the Imam

After the Prophet (pbuh) had passed away, the Deen was complete and the Taraweeh prayers would not be able to be Fardh. Therefore, Umar (pbuh) made the decision to congregate all the people behind Hazrat Ubay ibn Ka’ab (pbuh). If Muslims performed it with congregation it would bring them the same reward without making the Taraweeh a Fard. Since the time of Umar (RA) the offering of Taraweeh in the congregation has become a part of the daily Ramadan prayers for all the Muslims.

Those were some interesting facts and the history of the Taraweeh prayers. If you learnt something new or this article has helped you in any way, please share it with your family and friends and In Sha Allah, you will be able to gain some rewards too. Check out my other articles too:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

15 Hugely Rewarded Deeds In Ramadan 2019 // My Ramadan Series Sun, 05 May 2019 15:00:20 +0000

“….And whoever performs an obligatory act during it (Ramadan), he is like whoever performed seventy obligatory acts in other times.” (Sahih Ibn Khuzaymah)

As we already may know, Ramadan is the month of forgiveness and mercy and the time to become the best version of yourself to gain rewards from Allah. Therefore, we want to do simple tasks that can help us gain those rewards for this life and the Hereafter. This is the reason why in today’s article I would like to share with you 15 deeds that can help you to gain rewards and be spiritual in this blessed month.

Perform your obligatory prayers

As simple as it may sound, you must perform your obligatory prayers during Ramadan as it is a pillar of Islam and can give you rewards. So many people still don’t pray regularly during Ramadan, so In Sha Allah, we can change this as soon as possible.

Do Dhikr

Dhikr is the remembrance of Allah. It is important as we all must remember the most Merciful One and the One who has created us all. You can do this by reciting some Duas (like the ones on my website) or even by attempting to learn the 99 names of Allah.

Give to charity

Some people prefer to give Zakah during the month of Ramadan as it gives more rewards. If possible, try to give a little charity every day of Ramadan, and you could In Sha Allah be loved by the poor and Allah.

Pray in the mosque

Praying with the Ummah raises your spirits of Ramadan as we all are going through fasting and we can feel each other’s struggles of fasting. By praying in the mosque, you can talk to other Muslims, get Islamic advice and also motivate others to attend the mosque.

Pray in Laylatul Qadr

Laylatul Qadr falls in one of the odd nights in the last ten days of Ramadan. Since we don’t know the exact date, we must try to especially pray during the last 10 days of Ramadan, so our prayers fall on that day. All of your previous sins can be forgiven if you pray in Laylatul Qadr and you can gain huge rewards.

Exhibit good manners

Good manners are always important regardless of the time of year, religion, age or gender. During Ramadan, however, you should try your best to forgive others, be kind and prevent backbiting/swearing.

Do a Private Act of Worship

A Private Act of Worship is doing something for the sake of Allah and not telling anyone in order to gain the reward. Intentions are really important for all actions, especially in Islam. Sometimes, we subconsciously end up showing off our actions and we lose the reward for it. Therefore, we should try doing something like helping someone or saying Duas at our own time without telling anyone.

Read the Qur’an

Reading every letter of the Quran can give outstanding rewards. Imagine reading even two or three pages every day – it could change your scales for the Hereafter.

Feed a fasting person

“Whoever feeds the person who is breaking his fast, he will have his reward (for his fasting) without decreasing anything from the reward of the fasting person.” — Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

Say your Salams

You can gain many rewards just for greeting your family members, relatives or any Muslim. By average, you can probably greet around 10 people every day.


Volunteering without anything in return could be amazing. You could tutor someone without pay, help someone, help in the mosque, the animal shelter…the list is endless.

Make others happy

Make others happy by smiling at them, complimenting them with sincerity or just thanking them for what they have done. The person could make Dua for you and you may gain rewards.

Perform I’tikaaf

I’tikaaf is a beautiful night of prayer, performing it will leave you feeling peaceful.

Spend time with your loved ones

Ramadan is a time to spend time with your loved ones, get closer and eat Iftar and Suhoor together. This can strengthen bonds.

Share your knowledge

Gain rewards by sharing good knowledge about topics such as the Prophets stories or whatever good you know (like this article).

That was my article for today about 15 things that you can do in order to gain immense rewards this Ramadan. If this article helped you, please share it with your family and friends as you will In Sha Allah get the reward too if they implement good actions too. Remember that every action comes with an intention so try to be sincere and humble this Ramadan. If you liked this article, check out my other articles:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

How You Can Make The Most Out Of This Ramadan 2019 // My Ramadan Series Fri, 29 Mar 2019 18:29:59 +0000

Clocks are ticking – there is approximately a month left till Ramadan 2019. Whether you are a Muslim or a non-Muslim, you are welcome to Ramadan. For Muslims, it is a spiritually blessed month to remember and embrace, where you can grab some rewards for your Hereafter. For non-Muslims, it is a time of discovery and learning new things as you see your Muslim friends fast.

Today, I will try to help you understand what Ramadan really is as well as my upcoming web series about Ramadan.

What is Ramadan?

Ramadan is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar, where Muslims all around the world observe fasting. This month is so special because it was the month that the last prophet, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was given the first revelation of the Quran. Therefore, blessings are widespread throughout this month and Muslims try to stop their bad habits. It truly is a peaceful month.

How long is Ramadan?

Ramadan lasts for approximately 29-30 days. Ramadan is observed from dawn to sunset. You eat before Fajr prayer, fast from Fajr till the Maghrib prayer and break your fast by saying the Dua at Maghrib time. Alongside this, you must also pray and read the Qur’an.

Why do we fast in Ramadan?

There are many reasons why Muslims fast in Ramadan. If you fast, you attain Taqwa which is self-consciousness. You are self conscious about what you are doing, the duties you are fulfilling for Allah and you also try to forget about materialistic things. You feel your empty stomach and your thirsty throat but the remembrance of Allah and saying His name is food for your soul. You also feel how the poor and needy feel in a daily basis so Ramadan is also a time for Muslims to give charity, particularly Zakah.

It is a very spiritual time where sins are forgiven and blessings can be earned. It allows you to reflect on all that you have done, and the way you know that your Ramadan has been accepted is by folowing these good habits like praying, giving to charity and being nice to others even after Ramadan.

Who fasts in Ramadan?

All Muslims fast in Ramadan but there are a few exceptions such as the sick people who need regular medication or fasts with difficulty like an old man. Travellers travelling long distances, pregnant, breastfeeding, menstruating, old or young children who haven’t hit puberty yet. Refer to Imams and Islamic websites for more information about this.

How can you earn many blessings and make the most out of this Ramadan?

In Sha Allah, in order to help as many Muslims and non-Muslims to gain rewards and know more about this holy month, I will be starting a series on this website about Ramadan. Some topics I will be talking about are:

  • How to gain more rewards
  • How to revise as fasting students

And many more…

If you want this month to be connected to Allah, stay tuned on this website for upcoming articles In Sha Allah. I will try my best (as a student) to upload articles about Ramadan for the next couple of weeks, leading up to and during Ramadan.

All the information I have said today is what I know but Allah knows best.

I am extremely excited for us to go on this beautiful journey of Ramadan In Sha Allah. Check out my other articles too to get a feel of this website:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!
