health – Surobi Scribbles Every Small Scribble Can Turn Into Art Sun, 15 Nov 2020 19:30:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 health – Surobi Scribbles 32 32 194697337 Health / Poetry by @surobiscribbles Sun, 15 Nov 2020 19:30:06 +0000
My poem on ‘Health’

One thing that many people take for granted is their good health. They may complain day and night about not having enough but the fact that they are actually able to say that in itself is a blessing…not everyone can speak. If you are looking at this, chances are you have eyes which is a blessing in itself. Since you are alive, your heart is pumping out blood.

There have been many cases that I have seen personally or heard of, of people who were well, fit and healthy but suddenly were inflicted with a disease or a health problem which may have impacted their life in some way. 

This is not to scare you but for you to be grateful for the little things in life which to someone else may be great. Alhamdulillah, I have good health and you should thank God too. 

Pray to God to keep us healthy and be grateful for it. And if you do have a certain problem, seek help and pray to God to heal it and also be thankful it wasn’t anything worse.

Be Happy. Be Healthy.

Please share this short, motivational reminder to anyone and everyone. 

What does happiness mean to you? Comment down below.

Please check out my other articles relating to Islamic content, My Experiences, Teenage Advice, Book Reviews and Poetry.

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

How Drinking More Water Impacted Me Sat, 21 Dec 2019 16:08:44 +0000 We are all filled with busy tasks and busy life. However, this should not stop us from taking care of ourselves and having a healthier lifestyle. When some people get asked about what they may be working towards to build a healthier lifestyle, they may often suggest drinking more water. This is because despite knowing the miraculous health benefits of drinking water, we are still caught up with our busy lives that we neglect the importance of water. I have tried several methods to help me to drink more water in the past and they haven’t really worked.

So I set myself a challenge to drink as much water as possible for a week (not counting weekends)  to see if it had any changes on me. This was very interesting and do remember that everyone is different so if you do a challenge like this, you may not get these specific benefits. These benefits may not also have just been from drinking more water, but I did try to keep it as fair as possible.

The average teenager, I believe, should be having 2 litres of water daily.

So these are my results:

Day 1: Drank approximately 1.5 litres of water

  • I felt that my skin looked a little more hydrated or glowy.
  • I felt that I had a little more energy so I felt awake.
  • I think I felt less bloated after eating.

Day 2: Drank approximately 2 litres of water 

  • I felt less hungry as I was drinking more water.
  • I still had that slight glow on my face.
  • I felt more energised.

Day 3: Drank approximately 1-1.5 litres of water as I wasn’t having a very good day so I forgot to drink more water.

  • I felt thirstier and drier on my throat.
  • That glow from my skin was fading slowly.
  • I had the same fewer energy levels than before I had started doing this challenge.

Day 4: Drank approximately 1 litre of water as I actually forgot.

  • My skin felt a bit drier.

Day 5: Drank approximately 1 litre of water.

  • I had a glowing skin even though I hadn’t had that much water and this could be the side effects of drinking more water than usual consistently.
  • I had more energy as I walked very long distances that day.

So these were what helped me and again this may not happen for you and you may want to research the benefits.

Drinking water is crucial for everyone and I think it could be a good New Year’s Resolution if you want to maintain a wholesome lifestyle. 

My aim is to drink in school days 1 litre of water in school and 1 litre after school. 

I hope you enjoyed this article. Please check out my other ones:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

How Important Is Sleep? Sat, 02 Nov 2019 15:53:28 +0000 As you grow older you gain more responsibilities, more work which means more hours awake right…? Wrong! Any human can have a full number of hours of sleep to maintain a healthy lifestyle because, without good health, you can’t do anything else. So is sleep underestimated or overestimated? We shall find out the miraculous benefits of having a good night’s sleep.

Sleep helps you to be more focused

Just think about it… the last time you had a good night’s sleep, did you feel unfocused? Sleeping can help you to be more attentive and sharper. 

Sleep helps you to maintain your weight

When you don’t sleep enough, there are changes in the levels of hormones that signal hunger and fullness throughout the day. This means that you are more tempted to choose unhealthy foods and this can slowly make you gain those extra few pounds.

Sleep helps your immune system function

Your immune system is important to keep you healthy and protect you from diseases, so therefore, sleep will allow that power in your body to be strong.

Sleep helps to protect and strengthen your memory

If you forget the simplest things, maybe it is because you are not having enough sleep. Two stages of sleep can help with creative thinking, memory processing, long-term memory and procedural memory. Wow…

Sleep helps to keep your heart healthy.

Heart disease, stress, inflammation to your cardiovascular system, high blood pressure, stroke or heart condition… sleep reduces the risk of these problems.

Sleep can kill pain

When you are sick, sleeping can sometimes help to recover so it is really important to relax. So that may help if you have a broken ankle. 

Sleep could reduce your chances of diabetes

It affects how your body processes glucose. Therefore sleep can impact how your body works.

Sleep can maintain good relationships

If you don’t sleep well, you can end up feeling grumpy. This means that you may vent your anger and bad mood to people around you, which can break good relationships.

Sleep may help prevent cancer

Melatonin, a hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle, is thought to protect cancer as it appears to suppress the growth of tumorx.

Sleep can make you ‘look better’

You will hopefully not have those tired bags under your eyes after sleeping, so you have that refreshed glow on your skin and it may possibly make you look younger too.

Sleep, as you can see, is vital and it may be hard sometimes to get those 8-9 hours of sleep but remember all these benefits. Try to turn off your devices one hour before sleep and also have an alarm to avoid oversleeping.

If you enjoyed this article, make sure to share this article with your family and friends. Check out my other articles:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!
