exam diaries – Surobi Scribbles http://surobiscribbles.com Every Small Scribble Can Turn Into Art Mon, 27 Nov 2023 10:38:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 https://i0.wp.com/surobiscribbles.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/cropped-Snapseed-1.jpg?fit=32%2C32 exam diaries – Surobi Scribbles http://surobiscribbles.com 32 32 194697337 My GCSE Exam Diary / Three Amazing Weeks of Chaos And Celebration http://surobiscribbles.com/my-gcse-exam-diary-three-amazing-weeks-of-chaos-and-celebration/ Wed, 26 May 2021 22:08:18 +0000 http://surobiscribbles.com/?p=1142 GCSEs… the well-known acronym to all teenagers in the UK. For the past three weeks, I, Surobi Mohammed, as a 15-year-old, had to sit assessments rather than actual GCSE exams for the first time in decades. There were some slight differences than normal years which I will discuss today. So stick around to jump into my journey of how I overcame my GCSEs.

What Are The Differences Between Normal GCSE Exams and This Year’s One?

Firstly, don’t take my word for this because every school is cooperating differently. In my school, we have been having assessments throughout the school year and some of the tests contribute to our final grade. These May exams are especially important because they have been conducted in exam conditions and therefore have high efficacy and validity. 

This is in comparison to normal years where in most subjects, 100% of your grade would depend on the final exams.

First Week of Exams:

I started my first week of exams while fasting during Ramadan so my sleep schedule was different than normal.

Monday 10th May

I had one exam: English Language Paper 2

During this exam, I learned that: 

  1. Wake up at least two hours before your exams (as I felt quite sleepy during the exam)
  2. Every exam has a different seating plan (so prepare well)
  3. Don’t discuss about the exam before and after (I know it’s tempting but don’t do it)

I revised throughout the rest of the day.

Tuesday 11th May

On this day, it was quite disastrous. I woke up at 8:07am which was just about 30 minutes before I was supposed to be in school. I got ready and ran to school (yes while fasting) so I did feel quite tired. However, I felt much more alert and focused so from my first exam that day: Maths Paper 1, I learned that:

  1. Don’t run late to your exams.
  2. Do some form of light exercise before your exam (don’t run, maybe walk around a bit) to wake yourself up as it helped me.

I then went to the computer room where I stayed until my drama exam. I talked to some friends, went to the toilet, went through some drama flashcards and played a game. I did not do too much last-minute revision for this exam. My second exam was the Component 3 Drama Exam. Obviously, remember to:

  1. Go to the toilet before your exam.
  2. Relax to calm yourself down.

Wednesday 12th May

My school was kind enough to leave this day off for study leave with no exams allocated as there was a possibility Eid would happen on this day. I stayed at home and revised on this day.

Thursday 13th May

My school also did not have any exams on this day. Therefore, I celebrated Eid on this day! I got ready, went out for a photoshoot with my sister and mother, and then went to Bread And Oregano to try the food there. It was delicious. After that, I did some revision in the evening (because I was still a GCSE student).

Friday 14th May

Ater the celebration of Eid, my schedule changed but my exams were there waiting for me. I went to school quite early because my school kindly offered breakfast. However, I ate breakfast at home and revised in the morning leading up to my exam. The first exam I had was the Science exam (composed of Chemistry and Physics). Two lessons I learned was that:

  1. Don’t revise too last-minute.
  2. Eat breakfast (I did that).

After that exam, I stayed in school in the computer rooms for about an hour where I chatted to some friends and went through some RE flashcards. I then attended a RE revision session kindly held by my RE teacher and after that, my friends and I ate lunch (it wasn’t Ramadan anymore). We then did the RE exam and it was pretty good.

Saturday 15th May and Sunday 16th May 

I relaxed and also revised after my first week of exams.

Monday 17th May

I only had one exam on this day: Geography Paper. I did my geography paper and one thing i learned here was that:

  1. Let yourself breathe before the exam.
  2. Get rid of distractions.

For the rest of the day, I stayed at home and revised.

Tuesday 18th May

I did not have any exams on this day, so I stayed at home and revised.

Wednesday 19th May

I had two exams on this day. My first exam was the English Literature Paper 1. It was okay. One thing that I learned is that:

  1. After the exam, forget about it and leave it up to God.

I then stayed in school and I again chatted to some friends, revised Spanish and ate my lunch. I then had my Spanish Paper as my second exam. I told my sister about my exam updates after school. The lesson to remember is that:

  1. Talk to someone about exams and let out your feelings.

Thursday 20th May

I only had one exam on this day and that was Maths Paper 2. I did the exam and that was pretty much it. One thing I learned is that:

  1. Ignore anyone’s comments on how the exam went after the exam. It will not add value to you and instead may end up making you feel stressed.

Friday 21st May

I only had one and my final ever written exam. That was my Biology Paper 2.

I attended a revision session for Biology in the morning and it really helped me. I then ate lunch, chatted to friends and then did my exam. 

  1. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself during the exam.
  2. Check your answers.
  3. Attend revision sessions when they are offered to you.

Saturday 22nd May and Sunday 23rd May 

I mostly relaxed and had a good time. I also did some GCSE Photography work.

Monday 24th May and Tuesday 25th May

I had no exams so I went to the library with my dad, printed out my GCSE Photography work and did work on GCSE Photography. I emailed my Photography teacher and learned the updates for the exams. I also relaxed.

Wednesday 26th May

That was today! Today was my last ever exam! I had my Photography Focus day. We were each assigned our own table and from 8:30am to 2:30pm, we worked in exam conditions (with break and lunch times included). I had quite a lot of fun, doing this creative subject as my last exam. After school I chatted to my friends, took photos with them and attended my dental appointment.

So… this was my GCSE exam experience. It was really a chaotic and celebratory two weeks filled with memories and lessons. I can use this article as a memoir of how my GCSE exams went. I hope this gave you an insight on how GCSEs were for me and also some exam tips you can use for your exams. 

I am now on my holidays for the next 3 months!!!

Comment down below how your exam experiences have been.

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!
