dear teen – Surobi Scribbles Every Small Scribble Can Turn Into Art Sun, 18 Sep 2022 19:57:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 dear teen – Surobi Scribbles 32 32 194697337 Dear Teenagers When You Are Feeling Down / #DearTeen Series 2 Thu, 25 Nov 2021 20:18:07 +0000 It’s okay. It’s okay that you are feeling down. It is okay whether you are feeling tired after a long day or even if you feel that you are falling into a pit of depression. It is okay. It is normal.

Take a look around you. You will find yourself in a safe place. You might be in your room, in a public place, or even in school. There might be people around you or there might not be. The sunshine might be peeking in or maybe there are bright night lights on. Take a second to look around. 

You are safe. Even if your brain is running around trying to constantly find the solution to problems or you might feel like panicking, you need to remind yourself that you are safe. There are people a few steps away from you, who love you wholeheartedly, ready to shower you with love and warmth. There is God watching you from above, carving a path for you right now. And most importantly, you have YOU. You are worthy and you are your own best friend. You are there for you, and remind yourself that. 

Now, take a deep breath and let yourself feel through the emotions. Is it pain that you are feeling? Frustration? Anger? Disappointment? Confusion? Sadness? Or simply tiredness? Let yourself feel. 

Trust that you will find the solution. With every breath you take, you are getting closer to the solution to the problem you have. Now move around your body and slowly start to lift your mood. Gradually and slowly, rise up from the depths of the sadness because you are worthy and deserving of happiness. It might take time, so don’t rush because…

‘After every hardship comes ease’

(Surah 94:06)

The lesson for today is that you, yes, you will have problems and ups and downs in life and everyone else does too. But if you remain calm, things will get better.

I am Surobi. I am usually quite a happy person and I want to encourage you all to own your emotions like a rockstar and be happier.

With love,


Dear Teenagers On Your Birthday / #DearTeen Series 1 Mon, 19 Jul 2021 10:17:30 +0000 Congratulations! You have survived another year on this Earth. Maybe you are feeling happy and excited as this is your special day. Maybe you are feeling grateful for being on this day once again. Or maybe you are feeling sad or nervous for what is yet to come. We are teenagers so we may have a mixture of emotions.

It is okay to feel happy, grateful, overwhelmed, confused or whatever other emotion that you feel. Instead of running away from your emotions, let yourself pat your stomach, feel that emotion and hear it.

Love that part of you that is feeling a certain way. Hear it. And then let go of that emotion and let yourself light your life for this special day.

If there is one thing I had to say to all teenagers is that teenagehood may be a rocky road but this road is leading to the right path for you. God has planned it all for you so don’t be too anxious or worried because Allah loves us all and wants to see us happy.

Promise yourself that you will be there for yourself all the time, no matter the circumstances. Promise yourself that you will not abandon yourself and you will be your own best friend.

Today, on the 19th July 2021, I have turned 16, and I believe that I have come a long way and I am so proud of myself. And I promise that I will always be there for myself and I am here to love my life.

Take control and be there for yourself.

With love, 

