books – Surobi Scribbles Every Small Scribble Can Turn Into Art Sun, 07 Mar 2021 21:52:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 books – Surobi Scribbles 32 32 194697337 The Signs Before The Day of Judgement by Ibn Kathir / Honest Book Review 2021 Sun, 07 Mar 2021 21:52:16 +0000 As a Muslim girl, I am very lucky to have a collection of Islamic books at home. I decided to pick up this book ‘The Signs Before The Day of Judgement’ and really understood some of the signs. However, was this book worth it?

What this book is about:

This Islamic book is entirely upon Hadiths and is by an eminent Islamic scholar. It describes the signs from the Dajjal, temptations to the Last Days. This book is also really helpful for non-Muslims too.

What it has taught me:

  • Remember your purpose in life. This life is temporary so beware of the signs and remember that this world will come to an end one day.
  • The Dajjal has many signs and characteristics and as Muslims, we must be aware of them. 
  • There is a lot of Hadiths and information that the Prophet gave. 
  • You can definitely see some of the signs today and this is quite a first-hand source and quite authentic.
  • It also gives ways to protect yourself from the Dajjal and all the Fitnahs.

What I like about this book:

I like that it was very detailed but short, mostly authentic and very clear to understand. It is a good reminder for everyone.

What I didn’t like about this book:

It was quite repetitive as the Hadiths kept repeating.

My rating:

To conclude, I would highly recommend this book to both Muslims and non-Muslims. This is a great reminder to remember this world is temporary and what to be cautious about. May Allah bless the author.

Where to buy the book from:

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‘Enjoy Your Life: The Art of Interaction With People’ by Dr Muhammad Al-’Areefi // Honest Book Review 2020 Sat, 04 Jul 2020 18:34:48 +0000 So recently, I have been starting to read more non-fiction books which help with self-development and self-growth. It is really important to not only know how to read and write which is what we get taught but also how to speak and listen. Therefore, I picked up this book and it was quite a long, detailed and informative read. So, would I recommend it?

What this book is about:

This Islamic book is deduced from a study of the Prophet’s life. Essentially, it is about how to interact with others, from listening to an individual to how to build stronger relationships. This is vital in today’s world where many relationships are breaking up – more divorces are occurring and some people cannot build stronger bonds due to distractions like our phone. This book is surely a practical guide which nurtures your soul, makes you self aware and leads you to a historical context dating to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

What it has taught me:

Master the control of your tongue. Help by your speech if you cannot do so.

This is a very long read. I think the best lessons I complied is:

Giving advice: Compliment others. Only look at the good and leave the bad. Encourage them and supplicate for them. Do not be harsh and be brief when giving advice. It is advised to make dua for them, say something good about them or bad about yourself and then give them advice gently. Make them realise their wrongdoings. Remember to think from the victim’s perspective. The advice does not have to be followed in your presence. Be lively.

Character: Tell people that you love them and win their hearts by doing this. Display these emotions and call them by their name.

Keep others’ secrets and be selective on who you tell your secrets. 

Be straightforward, honest and bold if you know you cannot do something since Allah elevates the honour of the ones who are humble. Stick to your principles.

Smile and be generous.

Listen attentively and avoid arguments. Remember that you can disagree and still be friends.

A woman is softened by kind behaviour and a child is softened by the balance of discipline and love. 

Do not think that people are of a similar nature as they differ tremendously. Know the personality of the one you are dealing with and this will make them love you. Talk about what they like to hear, not what you like to relate.

Do not expose problems you are unaware of and do not expound on small matters. Keep enjoying your life with what you have available and you will always be happy, as you would be grateful for what you already have.

The first meeting imprints 70% of the impression that one has of a person in their mind. So be nice the first time.

Taking advice: Do not feel bad to also admit your faults and make the intention to not repeat them again.

If someone gives you valuable advice, you should take it without being arrogant.

Dealing with meddlesome people: Do not interfere with others’ businesses. If others try to ask you a question that you don’t want to answer turn the table. E.G: ‘How much salary do you make?’ ‘Why do you ask? Do you have a job for me?’ ‘No’ ‘Most people nowadays spend their money on clothes. Oh did you see Zara?’ Just be kind. 

When dealing with embarrassing situations, just smile and then respond calmly as it shows you are a mountain. As your worth increases, the less angry you become. Others will defend you.

 When someone says something bad to you, pray for them or just say ‘upon you too’. The best preacher is the one who preaches with his actions before his words. Do not curse them.

What I like about this book:

I like that it was very detailed and it was practical as it compared it to the Prophet (pbuh).

What I didn’t like about this book:

It was pretty long so it is easy to forget some of the lessons as you are reading.

My rating: 3.5/5

To conclude, I would recommend this book, but I feel that it may not appeal to some readers who may not want to read long books. Any teenage or adult Muslim should read this. However, I think that it is worth the value and hard work that the author has put into it and the extensive research he has done. May Allah bless him.

Where to buy the book from:

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‘The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Teenagers’ by Sean Covey // Honest Book Review Fri, 01 Mar 2019 20:50:51 +0000 Raise your hand if you have felt stuck as a teenager. I guess we all have. My name is Surobi, and I am a teenager. I live an amazingly happy life, due to the mercy of Allah. Yet I feel like I still have room for improvement, to lead a better life than what I currently have. Therefore, I got my hands on this book and I don’t regret it at all. The book that helped me to self-develop (which is the main aim of this website) is called, ‘The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Teenagers’. Today, I will tell you how I felt about this book, what it taught me and if I would recommend it to you.

What this book is about:

This book is a step-by-step guide that is practical in order to help any teenager to help improve self-confidence, build friendships, resist peer pressure, achieve goals and so on. It goes into detail about 7 habits that will allow you to kickstart into being a happy, healthy teenager. Personally, I think that even adults can read this book because it applies to everyone.

What it has taught me:

To summarise the 7 habits, they are:

Habit 1: Be proactive

Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind

Habit 3: Put first things first

Habit 4: Think win-win

Habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood

Habit 6: Synergize

Habit 7: Sharpen the saw

What I liked about this book:

  1. I liked that it was very friendly and direct instead of having long boring paragraphs. This kept me reading and I couldn’t keep the book down.
  2. It really explained each the habits in detail. For instance, in Habit 3, it explained that you must do important and not-urgent things by planning in rocks and then fitting the pebbles (smaller tasks) in your planner.
  3. I liked that it was relatable to teenagers which meant that it gave me the solution to problems that I didn’t know how to solve.
  4. It made my life more balanced than before.
  5. It allowed me to find advice for every aspect of my life such as making friends, doing well in school and even understanding others.

What I didn’t like about this book:

It could have been a bit shorter for those who just want to know the tips and not want to beat around the bush. I did take some time to read this book due to schoolwork.

My rating: 5/5

To conclude, I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to self-develop themselves and just wants to reflect on their teenage life in 10 years time and just be happy for all the experiences they had. Just read this book if you are older than 11-12 years old. It involved a lot of useful advice that a simple Youtube video or a Ted Talk could provide. I hope you read this book and like it as much as me.

Where to buy the book from:

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‘Wonder’ by R.J. Palacio // Honest Book Review Sun, 06 Jan 2019 11:40:07 +0000

R.J. Palacio’s book ‘Wonder’ is heart touching and meaningful. It is based around individuals in the world who care more about a person’s looks than their personality. In this novel, a boy called August Pullman has a deformed face due to all the surgeries he had in the past. His face acts as an obstacle throughout the story especially when he goes to school for the first time as a fifth grader. However, his parents and sister Olivia support him. Do his experiences in school impact his life or is it a happy ending? Read the book to find out.

What I liked about the book:

  1. I loved the lesson that the book signified which is that what’s within matters more than what is in the outside.
  2. It is an eye-opener as we all have insecurities and complaints about our life but reading this book can allow us to reflect on all the things we do have.
  3. The book includes different perspectives of the story as the novel contains 8 different parts with 8 characters speaking. This demonstrates what each character thinks of August such as his sister and his friends.
  4. There is a meaningful quote in every part of the book such as in Part 2 of the book: ‘Far above the World, Planet Earth is blue, and there’s nothing I can do.’ It’s amazing.

What I didn’t like about the book:

  1. I didn’t see anything bad in this book overall, but I would say that it may be confusing or overcomplicated for some readers as a lot happens in the book simultaneously.

My rating: 4.5/5

Overall, I would recommend to anyone over the age of 9 or 10 years old. It is the perfect book to read if you are feeling insecure about yourself as it can teach you to overcome it through August’s confidence. It also involved a mixture of feelings such as sadness and shock. I learnt many lessons by reading this book and I hope you love it too.

Where to buy the book from:

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