birthday – Surobi Scribbles Every Small Scribble Can Turn Into Art Mon, 27 Nov 2023 09:59:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 birthday – Surobi Scribbles 32 32 194697337 18 Things I Have Learnt In 18 Years of My Life (Part 1) Mon, 24 Jul 2023 10:37:22 +0000 Everyone loves learning new life lessons as advice and self-development can inspire one to become the best version of themselves. Self-improvement can allow you to learn more about yourself so that you can live a more fulfilling life and learn from every experience that you have.

Alhamdulillah, I turned 18 years old on 19th July 2023. I honestly felt cool and like a grown-up with my responsibilities, which was very exciting! I am genuinely so grateful to Allah for being able to witness these eighteen years on this planet and I also want to share some of the wisdom that I learned in these eighteen years with you all!

So, in this article, I will share 6 of the 18 life lessons that I learned in 18 years of my life. These life lessons are based on self-development, self-love and becoming the best version of yourself. I hope that you benefit from this article, and let’s get started!

Everything works out in the end

It is guaranteed that everything works out in the end. Proof? Think back to a situation where you had a huge problem that made you feel nervous, anxious or worried. Does that problem still exist? Probably not. Even if that problem exists, you learnt how to deal with it or you learned something new. I believe that everything will work out, whatever I am going through. Just keep doing what makes you happy long term.

Emotions are a part of the human experience. 

So many people go through life suppressing or escaping from their emotions. But emotions are a part of the human experience! Being sad or overjoyed are both completely valid emotions. But just remember that you can love and accept these emotions and not follow them. That is because emotional problems cannot be fixed with logic. Every emotion will pass eventually, whether it is happiness or anger. You can also tell yourself that ‘this emotion is very real, but it may not be true,’ to ensure that you don’t let your emotions affect you negatively or cause you to take actions that harm you down the line. 

Boundaries. Boundaries. Boundaries. 

One of the most powerful things I have personally learnt in my life is the importance of boundaries. Boundaries are knowing the line so no one can get too close to you. I am sacred and therefore, no one deserves to get in my space unless I allow it. That is where boundaries come in because I know my worth and I won’t let anyone walk all over me. You need to think this highly of yourself because the truth is people do whatever they want because of themselves, but you have the power to put up with only what you want. I always embody my boundaries and values regardless of the situation.

Friends come into your life for a reason and usually for a season

I have had my fair share of friendships in my life, where there have been friends who have taught me valuable lessons. I strongly believe that you are the average of the 5 people you stay with so you have the choice of who you will let these five people be. If you cannot find those five people, it is better to be alone because your energy is precious. It is okay and best for you to let go of people who are not aligned with your energy. Check out how to be happy alone here

No matter what you do, there will always be someone who loves you and also someone who hates you.

This can be a comforting but also a harsh statement to read at the same time. But the good news is that you have control. You can choose to be that someone for you who loves you and live your life from a place of getting up again and again or you can choose to be clouded in negative thoughts. Regardless, people can trigger you but don’t be controlled by them. You have the power to choose to speak to yourself in a way that will make you happy long term. 

When it comes to others, there will always be some people who love you and some people who hate you, and that is based on their beliefs and their versions of their stories. As long as you are doing what makes you happy long term and remembering your purpose on this Earth, you are doing just fine.

Allah is sufficient for everyone.

Allah is truly sufficient for everyone. He is the only one you need. You can never be disappointed if you truly trust Allah, remember that He is always there for you and that He is the best of planners. He is the one who has kept you alive up till this point. Saying the statement ‘Hasbiyallahu la ilaha illalah’ brings me a lot of peace and ease. Remember, trust in yourself by working hard and also trust in Allah that He has your back.

That was the first part of six of the eighteen lessons I learnt in eighteen years of my life. I hope that this article benefitted you in any way. Please share this article with others, because what you share with the world comes back around to you!

Keep a look out on this blog for part 2 and part 3 with more amazing life lessons! You can subscribe here to check out my blog whenever I publish: Get My Blog On Your Emails For Free

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

P.S I would really appreciate it if you followed on me on my Medium blog and also on my TikTok account.

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Wood And Flames Review / The Best Pizza Place In London? Sun, 17 Jul 2022 21:25:37 +0000 My birthday is approaching soon In Sha Allah! However, I wanted to review last year’s place where I went for my birthday. Last year was my sweet 16th birthday and I thought I would share my experience of my birthday!

I had a wonderful birthday last year Alhamdulillah. I woke up early in the morning and responded to sweet messages from my friends. I then got ready, wore this beautiful pink feminine dress from Shein, and also did my makeup and hair. After getting ready, I had a photoshoot outside with my sister taking photos of me and then my sister and I went to the cake shop to buy myself a birthday cake. Whilst carrying the cake with us, we went to Wood and Flames where my two friends were waiting to start the birthday party! The rest of the afternoon was spent with my friends, and after I left the restaurant, I went home, freshened up, opened my gifts and had a lovely time!

Now, we will go on to review Wood and Flames and how they treated me on my birthday!

What is Wood and Flames?

Wood and Flames is a restaurant in Leyton where they are mostly known for their pizzas but they also sell burgers, sides and chicken and much more!

What I Ordered And My Opinions On It:


I don’t remember the exact pizzas I tried but they are shown above. Altogether, I loved that they looked stunning with the colours and the toppings being shown very clearly in the pizza. The toppings were also nicely distributed. It was executed nicely and I liked how they provided us with a wide selection of toppings, yet I felt that they were not the authentic Italian pizza I was looking for. It still tasted pretty delicious. I mostly enjoyed the pre-made pizza, rather than the one selected with the toppings. 

We also had a side of chips, which were your regular chips.

Overall, I would rate this a ⅗.

The Place:

The place was quite medium in size with nice lighting. I am pretty sure we were the only customers and we occupied the largest table. Also, I liked the decor as the tables were made of wood, as suggested in the name of the restaurant and I felt that I could comfortably chat to my friends and my sister.

The Service:

The service overall was good. The staff members were nice and they let us stay and sit down for the whole time and served the food nicely. When I had given them a phone call previously, they also were nice, and we didn’t need to book the table.

Would I Recommend It?

I would say that overall, based on my previous experiences, I would recommend coming here only once just to try the wide selection of toppings. The service, experience and decor is nice for a little birthday party with family and friends if you wish, but I would probably not come back here again because the pizza wasn’t authentically Italian. Thank you Wood and Flames!

My Rating: 3/5

My Rating System:

⅕ – was below average and would not recommend even trying once

⅖ – the food was average and would not recommend trying

⅗ – the food was delicious but would recommend trying maximum once

⅘ – the food was really good and would recommend trying here

5/5 – the food was outstanding and is one of my favourites!

Order from here (not sponsored):Wood and Flames | Wood & Flames, Leyton, Takeaway Order Online (

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

Dear Teenagers On Your Birthday / #DearTeen Series 1 Mon, 19 Jul 2021 10:17:30 +0000 Congratulations! You have survived another year on this Earth. Maybe you are feeling happy and excited as this is your special day. Maybe you are feeling grateful for being on this day once again. Or maybe you are feeling sad or nervous for what is yet to come. We are teenagers so we may have a mixture of emotions.

It is okay to feel happy, grateful, overwhelmed, confused or whatever other emotion that you feel. Instead of running away from your emotions, let yourself pat your stomach, feel that emotion and hear it.

Love that part of you that is feeling a certain way. Hear it. And then let go of that emotion and let yourself light your life for this special day.

If there is one thing I had to say to all teenagers is that teenagehood may be a rocky road but this road is leading to the right path for you. God has planned it all for you so don’t be too anxious or worried because Allah loves us all and wants to see us happy.

Promise yourself that you will be there for yourself all the time, no matter the circumstances. Promise yourself that you will not abandon yourself and you will be your own best friend.

Today, on the 19th July 2021, I have turned 16, and I believe that I have come a long way and I am so proud of myself. And I promise that I will always be there for myself and I am here to love my life.

Take control and be there for yourself.

With love, 

