best year – Surobi Scribbles Every Small Scribble Can Turn Into Art Mon, 29 Jun 2020 17:35:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 best year – Surobi Scribbles 32 32 194697337 One Of My Best Years: 2019 Mon, 23 Dec 2019 10:48:11 +0000 2019 has been an amazing, hectic year. I can’t even begin to describe my joy on the experiences I had, the lessons I learnt and the number of times I have seen myself and others smile. I am so so grateful to have everything that I have in life and I am so happy that Allah has given me one extra year to live to the fullest. Not only did I go to many places, but I also became more outgoing and I was also able to write my moments on this website. This post will hopefully allow me to express my emotions and reflection this year. I also advise that you also reflect on your year so that you can feel blessed for this year and improve yourself for the next year. It’s just amazing how over 7 billion people in this one planet get the same amount of time each day but everyone uses their time in a different way. That’s what makes each and every one of us special and different.

Anyways, I can probably sit here all day long telling you my gratitude towards everything but I really want to highlight the important events of this year. 

My word of the year 2019: Progressive 

My definition of progressive: someone who improves themselves or is more open-minded to things like change.

The dictionary definition of progressive: Happening or developing gradually or in stages. It could also be favouring change or innovation.

This year, I feel that I went out of my comfort zone to push and improve myself. I achieved this in several ways such as:

  • Going out with my friends more frequently to improve communication skills and build stronger friendships. This also helped me to try new foods as we went to some new eating places of different cuisines.
  • Travelling with my sister to 39 places around London which built our confidence, gave us new stories to tell and made ourselves feel grateful to live in such a wonderful place.
  • Got more confident to post pictures of myself in social media which helped me start new conversations with some friends.
  • Became more ‘health-conscious’ as I try my best to exercise regularly and also try to avoid sugary foods.
  • And of course, posting over 50 articles on this website! Even though I opened my website last year, I feel like I really fell in love with creating articles this year. I hope that I have helped at least one person out there or made them smile.

The main lesson that I learnt this year is to have low expectations but work hard. This tip was given by my brother. This was after I had high expectations to do well in a math test and got quite low on it. I was really disappointed but on the next one, I had low expectations and worked hard and scored higher. I feel that it made me less stressed and it felt more rewarding after I achieved that good grade.

All these factors and events have made an extraordinary 2019. This doesn’t mean that I had a perfect year – there were obviously some sad moments too but we should cherish the happy ones as I feel that the happy moments outweigh the small sad moments. 

But is there anything that I could have done to improve 2019?

  • Worry less. I feel that are certain days where I was bound to feel stressed or nervous such as before an exam. I did feel a bit nervous before an exam but that is completely fine and In Sha Allah, I will be able to manage it better in the future.

I don’t feel that I have any regrets towards this year. 

2020 goals 

My word of the year 2020 In Sha Allah will be: Polymath

My definition of polymath: someone who is involved or associated in many different fields – multi-skilled or multitalented. 

The dictionary definition of polymath: a person of wide knowledge or learning.

I want to In Sha Allah be an even better version of myself next year and I hope you do too.

Thank you to everyone who helped make this year amazing – family, friends, teachers, people who clicked onto articles and anyone who made me or others around me smile.

If you enjoyed this article as much as I loved writing it, please share it with your family and friends and encourage them to start planning for 2020. Make the next year and decade the best!

And please do remember that these are my emotions – I don’t intend to brag in any way!

Check out my other articles:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!
