2019 – Surobi Scribbles http://surobiscribbles.com Every Small Scribble Can Turn Into Art Mon, 05 Apr 2021 15:20:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 https://i0.wp.com/surobiscribbles.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/cropped-Snapseed-1.jpg?fit=32%2C32 2019 – Surobi Scribbles http://surobiscribbles.com 32 32 194697337 The Ultimate Guide And Review Of Hyde Park Winter Wonderland http://surobiscribbles.com/the-ultimate-guide-and-review-of-hyde-park-winter-wonderland/ Sun, 19 Jan 2020 10:00:00 +0000 http://surobiscribbles.com/?p=482 As a teen traveller, I really admire travelling to many places in London around me. One of the places, however, that I really adore going is Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park. I went on the 23rd December 2019. Even on a normal day, Hyde Park is an amazing place to visit but during this festive time, it may be worth visiting this wonder. But did I actually enjoy it?

What is Hyde Park Winter Wonderland?

It is a spectacular destination where there is so much to discover such as rides, games, food and crowds of people!

What did I like about Hyde Park Winter Wonderland?

  • I loved how it is free to enter so anyone can enter from around the world and see all the amazing attractions! 
  • It is a place where some celebrities have also visited so it is an iconic place for anyone to enjoy due to its accessibility and how it is so family-friendly! Therefore, you can take many new pictures and videos!
  • There were so many activities available such as rides (the Ferris wheel looks good) and even games (to win prizes and souvenirs). I and my sister tried the Mac and Cheese from the Mac Factory (it was amazing!) We also tried the Halloumi fries and I tried some Churros too. The lights in the night illuminated the park and were just wonderful to see. 
  • Even after going round the fair twice or thrice, I and my sister still kept discovering new things.
  • There are many people which gives that fun festive and community vibe!

What didn’t I like about Hyde Park Winter Wonderland?

  • You must ensure that if you try any food, ensure it is Halal for the Muslims and if you try any rides, stay safe!
  • Also, it is easy to get lost in this place, so stay close to the people you are travelling with! I and my sister had to search for this game I wanted to play for ages and it was worth it in the end.

Would I recommend it?

Yes, I really enjoyed my experience and I would recommend it to anyone out there but I would recommend going with lots of people than solo as it is more fun with your loved ones. 

This was my short review or diary entry about Sky Garden. These are my opinions about this place. Make sure to check out my other articles:


Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

10 things to do before the New Year 2020 http://surobiscribbles.com/10-things-to-do-before-the-new-year-2020/ Tue, 24 Dec 2019 10:00:00 +0000 http://surobiscribbles.com/?p=476 Have you ever felt like you were starting a new year, feeling excited, and gave yourself so many new goals that you never managed to complete?

Well, there is no need to sulk because, in today’s article of the month, I will be sharing ten things that you can do before the New Year to have that refreshing feeling, but hopefully also one step closer to achieving your goals. 

These tips are subjective and it is your choice on whether to follow them or not :). 

Plan your New Year’s Resolutions

Okay, I know that some people are probably fed up of setting themselves New Year’s Resolutions and failing to complete them within the first week of the new year. However, remember to never give up and keep going. A great example of this is my sister who despite having gone through most of this year, she still managed to lose weight on the last few months which was one of her goals. 

One tip is to give yourself small achievable goals for each big resolution and set yourself up to three or four resolutions.

Organise your room

If your room is looking a bit like an old bird’s nest, it is time for you to clean up.

Cleaning helps to not only make you feel fresh and organised for the year, but it also helps to declutter your room.

What’s more, you can also add some new room decor to give a new vibe to your room.

Spend time with your family

Throughout the year, you may have been quite busy with ongoing tasks. Now that the year is ending, I think it is the best time to reflect on your year and rejuvenate by having a good old chat with your family about anything and everything.

Ask for forgiveness

Starting a new year is like planting a brand new farm ready to grow new trees of memories. If you don’t want that old weed to be stuck in your farm, I would recommend that you forgive people who have wronged you to get that feeling out of your chest and ask for forgiveness to start the new year with healthy good relationships.

You could also eliminate toxic people from your life to begin a year of positivity.

Do one random act of kindness

Being kind gives peace to your soul.

Therefore, do as many random acts of kindness to have that feeling of warmth and happiness in your soul from remembering the person’s smile that you helped. Trust me when I say that it will make you feel good inside.

Set up a planning system that works for you 

Realised that you were quite disorganised this year and drowning in cramming or last-minute work stress?

Not to fear, maybe the solution is to plan efficiently and write to-do lists. Set up a planning system where you will keep track of your activities and write to-do lists. Some examples are bullet journaling, a pre-made academic diary, a simple notebook or even a digital app. Set it up to be motivated to start using it.

Envision yourself in a year

Imagine yourself in a year. Even if there isn’t a drastic difference, you should want to improve yourself as a person internally and externally. Set a few goals of who you want to be and keep them realistic. You could also make a vision board or make a word of the year.

Complete any unfinished projects

If you had any ongoing projects throughout the year, then it is possibly time for you to complete them. For example, maybe you were saving for a bag and after you saved, you never got around to buying the bag. You can now complete that task. 

Reflect on this year

As well as preparing for this year, you must also reflect on this year. What were the positives and negatives? How can you improve? As I always say, there is always room for improvement.

Write a letter to yourself to read for next year at that same time 

This is like a time capsule. Write a personal letter to yourself to read next year. For example, if you write about the whole year on 31st December, keep that letter and don’t read it until next year’s 31st December. It is exciting, personal and fun!

These were ten things that I think everyone should do before the new year. It is your choice if you want to follow these or not and if this list looks a bit overwhelming, don’t worry, it is actually fun! Make sure to share this article with your family and friends if you enjoyed and please check out my other articles:

P.S I just wanted to say that I am so grateful and happy for anyone who has even taken a moment to click on these articles. I believe I have written over 50 articles on this website this year and I have enjoyed doing so. I feel blessed to have gone to so many new places and discovered so much this year as well as having fun!

Thanks to everyone!! 

Thank you for reading, have a lovely day and Happy New Year!

One Of My Best Years: 2019 http://surobiscribbles.com/one-of-my-best-years-2019/ Mon, 23 Dec 2019 10:48:11 +0000 http://surobiscribbles.com/?p=472 2019 has been an amazing, hectic year. I can’t even begin to describe my joy on the experiences I had, the lessons I learnt and the number of times I have seen myself and others smile. I am so so grateful to have everything that I have in life and I am so happy that Allah has given me one extra year to live to the fullest. Not only did I go to many places, but I also became more outgoing and I was also able to write my moments on this website. This post will hopefully allow me to express my emotions and reflection this year. I also advise that you also reflect on your year so that you can feel blessed for this year and improve yourself for the next year. It’s just amazing how over 7 billion people in this one planet get the same amount of time each day but everyone uses their time in a different way. That’s what makes each and every one of us special and different.

Anyways, I can probably sit here all day long telling you my gratitude towards everything but I really want to highlight the important events of this year. 

My word of the year 2019: Progressive 

My definition of progressive: someone who improves themselves or is more open-minded to things like change.

The dictionary definition of progressive: Happening or developing gradually or in stages. It could also be favouring change or innovation.

This year, I feel that I went out of my comfort zone to push and improve myself. I achieved this in several ways such as:

  • Going out with my friends more frequently to improve communication skills and build stronger friendships. This also helped me to try new foods as we went to some new eating places of different cuisines.
  • Travelling with my sister to 39 places around London which built our confidence, gave us new stories to tell and made ourselves feel grateful to live in such a wonderful place.
  • Got more confident to post pictures of myself in social media which helped me start new conversations with some friends.
  • Became more ‘health-conscious’ as I try my best to exercise regularly and also try to avoid sugary foods.
  • And of course, posting over 50 articles on this website! Even though I opened my website last year, I feel like I really fell in love with creating articles this year. I hope that I have helped at least one person out there or made them smile.

The main lesson that I learnt this year is to have low expectations but work hard. This tip was given by my brother. This was after I had high expectations to do well in a math test and got quite low on it. I was really disappointed but on the next one, I had low expectations and worked hard and scored higher. I feel that it made me less stressed and it felt more rewarding after I achieved that good grade.

All these factors and events have made an extraordinary 2019. This doesn’t mean that I had a perfect year – there were obviously some sad moments too but we should cherish the happy ones as I feel that the happy moments outweigh the small sad moments. 

But is there anything that I could have done to improve 2019?

  • Worry less. I feel that are certain days where I was bound to feel stressed or nervous such as before an exam. I did feel a bit nervous before an exam but that is completely fine and In Sha Allah, I will be able to manage it better in the future.

I don’t feel that I have any regrets towards this year. 

2020 goals 

My word of the year 2020 In Sha Allah will be: Polymath

My definition of polymath: someone who is involved or associated in many different fields – multi-skilled or multitalented. 

The dictionary definition of polymath: a person of wide knowledge or learning.

I want to In Sha Allah be an even better version of myself next year and I hope you do too.

Thank you to everyone who helped make this year amazing – family, friends, teachers, people who clicked onto articles and anyone who made me or others around me smile.

If you enjoyed this article as much as I loved writing it, please share it with your family and friends and encourage them to start planning for 2020. Make the next year and decade the best!

And please do remember that these are my emotions – I don’t intend to brag in any way!

Check out my other articles:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!
