M Y E X P E R I E N C E – Surobi Scribbles https://surobiscribbles.com Every Small Scribble Can Turn Into Art Mon, 29 Jun 2020 17:25:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.4 https://i0.wp.com/surobiscribbles.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/cropped-Snapseed-1.jpg?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 M Y E X P E R I E N C E – Surobi Scribbles https://surobiscribbles.com 32 32 194697337 My 2-Month Review of Quarantining Due to COVID-19 https://surobiscribbles.com/my-2-month-review-of-quarantining-due-to-covid-19/ Sun, 07 Jun 2020 19:31:33 +0000 http://surobiscribbles.com/?p=672 Updated on Sunday 7th June 2020

For many people, this lockdown has been quite difficult, harsh and tough. For others, they have understood that this time is not the best but have tried to make the most out of this time. If you don’t already know me, my name is Surobi. I am a 14-year-old student living in the UK who is one of the over 65 million people who are facing the experience of being in lockdown due to coronavirus.

As I am writing this, it is Day 82 of me quarantining from this deadly virus (I started quarantining on 18th March 2020. This is truly an experience that has mixed feelings – sympathetic to those who are suffering from this illness, but also find that you can grow as a person during this time. I have already made four articles on my website about my first one month experience while quarantining which you can check out.

But today, I will be writing about my two-month experience of self-quarantining. 

The only times I have stepped right outside of my house:

Friday 20th March

Sunday 24th May

I Have Got Used To Online School.

Just like many other students in the UK, I have been getting work set from my teachers through Google Classroom. This is quite uncommon but to some extent, it gives me that flexibility to work at my own pace. I also find that my teachers are setting me more work than usual so we do not fall behind so I have been mostly keeping busy.

I Have Learnt More Self-Discipline

Self-discipline is vital for everyone to keep productive and motivated. I think having online school has helped me to take more responsibility and really make sure I am staying on top of my work as I do not want this work to pile up later.

I Have Other Side Projects

I want to ensure that I spend this time having fun at home but also to have come out of this pandemic as a more knowledgable person. So, I launched my own podcast which is ‘The Chat Library’ which is new and exciting (now available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and more so check it out). I also have another anonymous podcast which I shall not share here but these have kept me busy and connected with my ideas.

I Have Participated In Ramadan and Eid In Different Ways

Every year, I and my family would usually go out to our relatives’ houses, go to a restaurant or travel somewhere far for Eid. However, this year I did not go to others’ houses in Ramadan and Eid. This was quite different but also gave me some time to spend with my family and try something new.

I Have A Longer Screen Time

This was quite inevitable but I have longer screen time as I go on social media but also because I make more content for my website and Podcasts. I also do, however, communicate with my family and have fun with them too.

I hope that this gave you an insight into how quarantine may look like for a 14-year-old girl living in the UK. Of course, this is just my personal experience (not everyone’s) and I am not trying to brag about everything as I am truly grateful for what I have. Please do not compare yourself to my experience and do what is logical and right for you. 

All my thoughts go to those who have loved ones who are suffering from this horrible disease or who have contracted COVID-19 themselves. Please stay at home if you are advised to do so and only go out if it is necessary. Pray to God and take care of yourself and your family and stay happy and healthy :). Please check out my other articles related to COVID-19 below or surf through my website for other articles.

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

Stuck At Home During COVID-19 Lockdown: My Quarantine Experience pt.4 https://surobiscribbles.com/stuck-at-home-during-covid-19-lockdown-my-quarantine-experience-pt-4/ Sat, 25 Apr 2020 10:00:00 +0000 http://surobiscribbles.com/?p=562 COVID-19, Coronavirus, Lockdown, Deaths, Quarantine, Self-isolation…these are all the common keywords I have been hearing for the past one month. This tragedy of COVID-19 has impacted my daily life as well as the lives of many others. Due to this, I have been staying at home or quarantining since Wednesday 18th March 2020. 

In this article, I wanted to share the positives (hard to find) and the negatives of this pandemic and how it has changed my one month of staying at home. This is just my own experience of what happened to me and feel free to comment below if you have been quarantining and your experience. I have also left some sources of any information, all information correct as of 18th April 2020, and please don’t take my word for anything. So here I shall get started.

This is my fourth article of the four articles I will be posting about my one-month quarantine experience so check out the previous articles :). Since this is the last article of this series, I have kept it positive :))

I Made My First Two Podcasts As A Fourteen-Year-Old Teenager

I am very thrilled to say that I have tried to make the best use of this quarantine period and I have started my own Podcasts. This was my way of sharing my stories alongside this website. Here is the link to it: The Chat Library. I also have another anonymous Podcast which I shall not share but I am truly also happy about. This is not to brag but to inspire all of you to produce your own content and build something good and new during this lockdown.

I Have Been Planning Some Upcoming Blog Posts For This Website

I have been planning some exciting content for this, which is mostly about Ramadan and I am In Sha Allah going to upload regularly so please stay tuned.

I Did My GCSE Biology Paper 2 Mock At Home

In the first article of this series, I mentioned that my GCSE Paper 2 Biology Mock was supposed to happen the day after my school was closed. My teacher then arranged for us to do it online and this was probably my first ever exam I have done online and it was definitely a new experience for me. 

I Have Been Praying More

As a Muslim teen with a busy life, it can be sometimes difficult to find time to remember Allah. But because I have been staying at home, I can now pray regularly to Allah and remember Him. If you struggle with praying or meditating regularly, or you want to be connected to Allah, this is the time!

I have also had time to read the Qur’an and pray for all of us to get out of this COVID-19 crisis.

I Have Been Preparing For Ramadan 

This year’s Ramadan will probably be very different from all the other Ramadans as we will probably have to stay at home and miss all the Iftar parties, miss attending the mosques and possibly even missing Eid outside (In Sha Allah not). Nonetheless, I have been trying my best to prepare and plan for Ramadan on this website and personally.

This was the last out of the four articles I will be posting about my quarantine experience. All my thoughts go to those who have loved ones who are suffering from this horrible disease or who have contracted COVID-19 themselves. Please stay at home if you are advised to do so and only go out if it is necessary. Pray to God and take care of yourself and your family and stay happy and healthy :). Check out my other articles:

COVID-19 Lockdown Secrets | How To Make The Most Out Of This Time

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

Stuck At Home During COVID-19 Lockdown: My Quarantine Experience pt.3 https://surobiscribbles.com/stuck-at-home-during-covid-19-lockdown-my-quarantine-experience-pt-3/ Thu, 23 Apr 2020 10:00:25 +0000 http://surobiscribbles.com/?p=559 COVID-19, Coronavirus, Lockdown, Deaths, Quarantine, Self-isolation…these are all the common keywords I have been hearing for the past one month. This tragedy of COVID-19 has impacted my daily life as well as the lives of many others. Due to this, I have been staying at home or quarantining since Wednesday 18th March 2020. 

In this article, I wanted to share the positives (hard to find) and the negatives of this pandemic and how it has changed my one month of staying at home. This is just my own experience of what happened to me and feel free to comment below if you have been quarantining and your experience. I have also left some sources of any information, all information correct as of 18th April 2020, and please don’t take my word for anything. So here I shall get started.

This is my third article of the four articles I will be posting about my one-month quarantine experience so stay tuned for the other last one and check out the previous two :).

I Have Resisted The Temptation Of Going Out 

As I have mentioned in my previous articles, the weather where I live has mostly been amazing with the sun peeking through the clouds and the soft breeze is very nice. However, all I do is look out of my window and resist the temptation of going out as I want to put in my bit and follow what the government is saying.

I Found Out That Prime Minister Boris Johnson Contracted COVID-19

Boris Johnson and coronavirus: the inside story of his illness

This was very upsetting to find out in the midst of the already saddening Coronavirus cases increasing every day. Everyone was praying for him to get well soon.

We All Have Appreciated The NHS More

NHS We Love You: Thanking the heroes saving lives on the frontline

As a community, we are truly more grateful for the NHS more than ever as they are risking their own lives to save others’ lives. The Clap For Carers is very heartwarming to me and I believe that even after this pandemic goes, we should clap for all the workers of this country who try to make this country the best it can be.

I Have Started To Learn New Skills

In my opinion, this is the perfect time to learn that skill you have always wanted to learn or subscribe to that course you have always wanted to watch. I have definitely been doing that and therefore, I have started learning new skills, such as building my own website and even learning how to cook. I have definitely benefited from this.

I Have Been Reading More

As well as learning new skills, I have also been reading more. Reading is one of those things I love to do but when I go to school, I am busy and I don’t get enough time to do much of it. At this period, I have been reading more and gaining more knowledge. 

This was the third out of the four articles I will be posting about my quarantine experience. All my thoughts go to those who have loved ones who are suffering from this horrible disease or who have contracted COVID-19 themselves. Please stay at home if you are advised to do so and only go out if it is necessary. Pray to God and take care of yourself and your family and stay happy and healthy :). Check out my other articles:

COVID-19 Lockdown Secrets | How To Make The Most Out Of This Time

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

Stuck At Home During COVID-19 Lockdown: My Quarantine Experience pt.2 https://surobiscribbles.com/stuck-at-home-during-covid-19-lockdown-my-quarantine-experience-pt-2/ Tue, 21 Apr 2020 10:00:22 +0000 http://surobiscribbles.com/?p=556 COVID-19, Coronavirus, Lockdown, Deaths, Quarantine, Self-isolation…these are all the common keywords I have been hearing for the past one month. This tragedy of COVID-19 has impacted my daily life as well as the lives of many others. Due to this, I have been staying at home or quarantining since Wednesday 18th March 2020. 

In this article, I wanted to share the positives (hard to find) and the negatives of this pandemic and how it has changed my one month of staying at home. This is just my own experience of what happened to me and feel free to comment below if you have been quarantining and your experience. I have also left some sources of any information, all information correct as of 18th April 2020, and please don’t take my word for anything. So here I shall get started.

This is my second article of the four articles I will be posting about my one-month quarantine experience so stay tuned for the other two :).

The UK Went On Lockdown

UK lockdown extended for ‘at least’ three weeks

Coronavirus Update (Live): 2,313,897 Cases and 159,033 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic

Coronavirus UK: how many cases are there near me?

The UK went on lockdown and apparently, you can only go out for very limited reasons. The COVID-19 cases are increasing every day and the regular articles I look at are some of the above.

I Have Spent More Time With My Family

During this one-month quarantining, I have definitely seen my family members much more often and have talked to them more. My brother comes to my room more often and I talk to my sister more who shares a room with me. I also talk to my parents and all this has given me the opportunity to talk to my family more which I personally love to do but when we do talk about COVID-19, it still upsets me.

I Have Spent More Time On Social Media

Of course, one of the drawbacks to staying at home with access to your laptop, phone and other distractions is that you use them more. My screen time has been higher, mostly because I do watch more YouTube videos. However, a change that I have realised is that because I want to spend time learning new skills and accomplishing goals at the time I am staying at home, I have started watching more educational content such as Prophets Stories from Iqra Cartoon and listening to Podcasts.

I Read The News More Often

The news is a good place to keep connected with the world, learn new vocabulary and read more but it can be quite negative at times. I read the news often in the past but now I read about 2-3 articles daily on various websites mostly about COVID-19. This is good as I watch the news more and am more considerate to those who are suffering from the virus.

I Have Not Been Eating Out Due To This COVID-19 Lockdown

I used to eat out very often, even in school, before the lockdown but when I started quarantining, I stopped eating out and now I eat homemade food prepared by my parents. This is delicious and usually healthier and I do think that even after the pandemic goes away, I will eat out less often. You can find out more on my podcast about this. The Chat Library

This was the second out of the four articles I will be posting about my quarantine experience. All my thoughts go to those who have loved ones who are suffering from this horrible disease or who have contracted COVID-19 themselves. Please stay at home if you are advised to do so and only go out if it is necessary. Pray to God and take care of yourself and your family and stay happy and healthy :). Check out my other articles:

COVID-19 Lockdown Secrets | How To Make The Most Out Of This Time

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

Stuck At Home During COVID-19 Lockdown: My Quarantine Experience pt.1 https://surobiscribbles.com/stuck-at-home-during-covid-19-lockdown-my-quarantine-experience-pt-1/ Sun, 19 Apr 2020 15:51:48 +0000 http://surobiscribbles.com/?p=553 COVID-19, Coronavirus, Lockdown, Deaths, Quarantine, Self-isolation…these are all the common keywords I have been hearing for the past one month. This tragedy of COVID-19 has impacted my daily life as well as the lives of many others. Due to this, I have been staying at home or quarantining since Wednesday 18th March 2020. 

In this article, I wanted to share the positives (hard to find) and the negatives of this pandemic and how it has changed my one month of staying at home. This is just my own experience of what happened to me and feel free to comment below if you have been quarantining and your experience. I have also left some sources of any information, all information correct as of 18th April 2020, and please don’t take my word for anything. So here I shall get started.

This is my first article of the four articles I will be posting about my one-month quarantine experience so stay tuned for the other three :).

My School Closed and My Exams Were Cancelled

GCSE and A-Level exams cancelled: How will UK grades be calculated?

When will schools reopen in the UK, and is it safe to send my child back?

Tuesday 17th March 2020 was my last day in school. I received the letter that my school would partially close on my last lesson which was Drama. I was truly shocked and all my classmates were shrieking. This news was upsetting as I never thought in a million years that my school would be closed due to an invisible virus, but I knew that I had more time to spend time on myself and quarantining would help reduce the spread of the virus for everyone. I was also supposed to have my GCSE Biology Paper 2 Mock the next day, which I could not do the next day. On Friday 20th March, my school was shut fully as well as many other schools. 

I Started Home Learning/Online School At Home And I Struggled To Find Things To Do At Home

With this new situation, I initially struggled to find a routine for myself. However, I soon got back to work at home as my teachers were setting me tasks to do through Google Classroom. I started waking up at the same time I would wake up for school and just followed my normal school timetable by following the same lessons I would have on that day in school. I also had breaks in between and this helped me to get my work done. After that, I adapted to this online school. I then tried finding things to do at home and I found many activities for myself to do to make productive use of my time which I will talk about later.

The Last Time I Stepped Out of My House

The last time I stepped out of my house was on Friday 20th March 2020, where I went outside before the UK lockdown and that was right outside my house. I took some pictures with my sister for my GCSE Photography. After that, I have not stepped out of my house.

My Substitute For Going Out

With this new experience of being told to stay at home, I did sometimes have the urge to go out but I did not. I found my substitution to enjoy the new sunny weather from looking outside through my brother’s large window. I could still feel the fresh air.

I Started Appreciating More Time At Home

As an adventurous, outgoing person, this was difficult in the beginning but then, talking to my beloved family members, learning more skills and setting myself goals to have a more positive mindset really helped me think about myself. It taught me to be more considerate together for those who are suffering from this terrible virus. The unity that this world is having right now is quite remarkable and I can see that from the comfort of my home.

This was the first out of the four articles I will be posting about my quarantine experience. All my thoughts go to those who have loved ones who are suffering from this horrible disease or who have contracted COVID-19 themselves. Please stay at home if you are advised to do so and only go out if it is necessary. Pray to God and take care of yourself and your family and stay happy and healthy :). Check out my other articles:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!
