12 Lessons From Prophet Dawud (pbuh) / The Prophets Series of Ramadan 2020

And Solomon had inherited Dawud, and he (Solomon) said, “O people! We have been taught the language of birds and we are given everything. Really, (all) this is truly a gift. ” (Surah 27:16)

Assalamu alaikum, fellow Muslims and non-Muslims. 

We may all know the importance of the Qur’an, the Holy Book written by Allah (swt). However, we may not necessarily follow the teachings of the Qur’an and follow the role models that were sent to the Earth to spread the word of Islam. In order to remind you of the important lessons taught by each of the significant prophets mentioned in the Qur’an, I will In Sha Allah, be starting a prophets series. This will contain lessons I learnt from each of the prophets. I am trying my best to In Sha Allah post every day of Ramadan about each prophet.

Today, we will talk about our twentieth prophet, who is Dawud or David (pbuh). If you would like to know the story, sources are available below. If I also make any mistakes, I apologise and Allah (swt) knows the best. 

Being strong physically and mentally is important for you. You should also try to seek knowledge.

Talut had all these characteristics which made him fit to be a king, as commanded by Allah. Therefore, after showing a sign, the Bani Israel accepted Talut as a king.

You can be tested by Allah in several ways.

Allah tested the Bani Israel army to see if they would drink the water that He told them not to drink and if they must, they can only drink one sip of water. Lots of people from the Bani Israel drank lots of water.

You can make someone lose their trust upon you very easily. 

Talut did not take the Bani Israel who did not follow his commands.

Most of the time, it is quality over quantity.

The Bani Israel who now had such a small army felt scared and some of them decided to run away which meant they had little faith in Allah. But the Bani Israel army was destined to win as they had worked hard and had Allah by their side.

Showing off to others is really disliked by Allah.

Jalut, the big leader of the army on the other side, wanted to show off his strength by challenging anyone from Bani Israel to fight him.

Do not fear people, just believe in Allah.

Dawud (pbuh) as a young teenager volunteered to fight with Jalut even though everyone else was scared. He had a strong faith in Allah and had power from Him. Dawud (pbuh) killed Jalut and Bani Israel won the war.

You will be rewarded for your faith in Allah.

Dawud (pbuh) was rewarded for being so faithful to Allah that he married King Talut’s daughter, became the king’s advisor and became a prophet. He also received a special power which was that he had the most beautiful voice in the world. He also knew the language of birds and animals. He also gave Dawud (pbuh) special knowledge to be a very good judge. He could also mould iron and make it to any shape.

Always give your judgement about something after hearing both sides of the party.

Dawud (pbuh) learnt that he should do this when two angels came to his prayer room to solve their problem and then Dawud (pbuh) started saying his judgement before hearing both parties.

This was wrong.

Earning your own money for your own living expenses is better if you can do that.

Dawud (pbuh), from the advice of an angel, started to earn his own money by seeking weapons for his living expenses rather than using his treasury from being a king.

Good inventions are amazing.

Dawud (pbuh) invented a new way of making shields and also making the armor more flexible and lighter for the soldiers.

No one can escape the Angel of Death.

When Allah commands, He will tell the Angel of Death to come and take your soul away and not even a king like Dawud (pbuh) can escape that. Never commit suicide as only Allah can decide when you will die.

You can supplicate for a dead person to go to Jannah and earn rewards.

A lot of people came to pray for Dawud’s funeral and do his Janazah.

These were some of the lessons that I captured from Dawud (pbuh). The story of Dawud (pbuh) is beautifully said in this Youtube video which I used to create this article:

Please share this article with your family and friends to get some rewards this Ramadan. In Sha Allah, you will stay well.

Thank you for reading and have a lovely day!