life lesspns 2022 – Surobi Scribbles Every Small Scribble Can Turn Into Art Mon, 27 Nov 2023 09:55:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 life lesspns 2022 – Surobi Scribbles 32 32 194697337 5 Common Life Lessons You Should Not Follow Sun, 11 Sep 2022 20:09:54 +0000 Hello everyone! After spending over 17 years on this planet, I have heard my fair share of life advice and lessons all over the Internet and even from experience/people I have met. Life advice is free, but do you have to follow them? The answer is no. You choose what to believe in.

So, based on my experiences, here are five common life lessons that I don’t wholeheartedly follow. Do you agree with me? Comment down below.

Time heals.

This life advice is a very common one for anyone going through a tough time and it is a statement that reassures the individual that with time, everything will get better. They should remain patient. While I agree that you should be patient and that Allah has something better planned as mentioned in the Quran, you also need to do certain actions to help yourself. Of course, not every problem can be fixed straightaway but take your time to go and look for potential solutions by reading books, gaining support from others or even reading a blog like this one. A gem might be waiting for you which will hold the key to fix your hardships.

Say yes to everything.

I disagree with this life advice quite a lot. Saying yes to everything can not only make you burnt out and constantly people pleasing, but it also means you do not know your priorities long-term. It is really important to learn how to say no at times too. Always saying yes is dangerous as you want to be happy long term so do things that will make you happy long term and that is the key to making the right decisions. 


YOLO, or also known as You Only Live Once, could not be further from the truth. Again, it is important to enjoy your life and be happy, but it does not come at the risk to harming others and also completely forgetting about the Hereafter. As a Muslim, I am aware that my actions are being recorded and that I will be accountable for them. Therefore, I do need to control any temptations I have and do the best thing that is right for me throughout my life. 

Pretend that this is your last day on Earth.

This is a very deep one. Of course, anyone can die at any time and there is no way you can predict that. But, again, I believe that if people acted every day that today was their last day, it would be completely unrealistic. You might not do your homework as you would want to instead spend time with your loved ones. But of course, homework is still important and as I always say you do have to think long term and work towards your goals. So therefore, pretending today is your last day could destress you for a short period of time if you are too caught up in this world, but it will not help in the long run.

Money doesn’t buy you happiness.

Now I am going to be honest. I have always been a person who doesn’t have my top goal as becoming a millionaire or having the biggest mansion (of course, I wouldn’t mind it though). But even I have to confess that to some degree, money does buy you happiness. Money does give you that food in your stomach that gives you the energy to work and have a laugh with your loved ones. Money does provide you with fresh clean clothes that make you smell good. Money does give you a roof over your house so you can feel safe and protected. With that being said, there is also a threshold for how much money one feels satisfied and that is around £33,864 in the UK. So yes, do work hard, earn your money because you will thank yourself for it but also don’t forget to enjoy the journey and destress along the way. Think long term.

So that was my article on the five common life lessons dissected on to why I am not 100% convinced by them. Of course, there is a grain of truth in everything but it is up to you to make your choices and decisions. You ultimately choose what to believe in.

Comment down below your biggest life advices that helped you.

Thank you for reading and have a lovely day! 
