how to get lots of work done – Surobi Scribbles Every Small Scribble Can Turn Into Art Mon, 29 Jun 2020 17:26:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 how to get lots of work done – Surobi Scribbles 32 32 194697337 How To Stop Procrastinating And Start Working Wed, 01 Apr 2020 10:00:22 +0000 It’s already midday…and you still haven’t managed to pick up your pen and start working…what can you do? Procrastination is a vital issue that many people face daily and it prevents them from getting work done.

In this article, I will talk about the various ways on how you can overcome procrastination and increase your productivity levels daily. 

Tip #1: Clean your room. 

If you are living in a room that is messy and disorganised it is very unlikely for you to get any work done. Therefore, if you want to stop procrastinating, clean and maintain your room because a clean environment leads to a clean mind.

Tip #2: Make a to-do list.

If you still have things going on in your mind, it is time for you to do a brain dump. List out all the tasks you have in mind and if it is a lot, prioritise your tasks using the article I made before:

Tip #3: Have the motivation to start.

If you lack that motivation, you can always just search up some motivational quotes to study or even ask someone to motivate you. But this gives short-term motivation. I would recommend that whatever you are doing, count the days, not the months. E.G: there may be more than a month left till your exam but it may only be 31 days which sounds a bit more daunting.

Tip #4: Tie up your hair and wear good clothing.

If your hair is all over the place, you may not feel motivated. Tie up your hair into a loose bun or ponytail or just comb it out. You may feel better. 

Tip #5: Remove distractions. 

Now it is time to put your phone away and remove anything that will distract you. If you want a noise-free environment, then you may need to tell your parents to keep your younger siblings out of your room.

Tip #6: Set timers. Start working.

Give yourself the challenge to work within the amount of time you set. 

Tip #7: Take a break.

After studying at short, regular intervals, have breaks to rejuvenate your energy.

Tip #8: Continue this process. 

Keep doing your work without any distractions, with times and breaks in between until you get all your work done.

Tip #9: Give yourself a reward after doing all your work.

If you have finished all your work, reward yourself. For example, you could watch an episode of the show you are watching or talk to your friend on the phone.

Tip #10: Make a timetable or calendar with all your events. 

For the future, in order to avoid procrastination, write out the events in a monthly calendar and stick to it. It is about self-discipline and hard work with minimal stress.

Remember to follow these tips only if you want to. If you enjoyed this article, please share it with your family and friends and then get back to work! And if you finish all your work, here is a treat, another article from me: 

If you want to watch a funny TED talk about procrastination, I recommend:

Thank you for reading and have a lovely day!
