how to gain blessings – Surobi Scribbles Every Small Scribble Can Turn Into Art Thu, 02 Jul 2020 16:39:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 how to gain blessings – Surobi Scribbles 32 32 194697337 How to Prepare For Eid-ul-Fitr // My Ramadan Series Sat, 01 Jun 2019 15:00:46 +0000

Jabir ibn Abdullah reported:

The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, would return on the day of Eid by using a different route from which he came.

We have finally come to the last Ramadan article of the year…In Sha Allah, we will live to see another Ramadan. But for today’s article, I wanted to write a very exciting article on how to prepare for Eid-ul-Fitr. As exciting as Eid may be, it does come with a lot of preparation and in order to make sure you can make the most out of the day, you should plan ahead. So today, I will be giving you a step-by-step guide on how I like to prepare for Eid which will hopefully help you guys out. I will also give you guys a rough overview of what to do on Eid and how to manage your time.

But before I start, remember that you should not spend too much time preparing for Eid because it is also the last ten days of Ramadan when you can gain blessings. Don’t fall into the traps of the devil by preparing too much instead of worshipping Allah. If you want to know more about this, check out my article:

W H A T  T O D O B E F O R E  E I D

Buy your outfit, makeup and accessories

It is Sunnah to buy or wear your best clothes and go out to see your friends, family and relatives looking and smelling good. This will help you to feel excited for the day which will make you feel happy.

Decorate your house

You don’t have to splurge all your money on decorating but by adding a new vase of flowers or by giving a simple touch to your room can make you feel different and remember about Eid.

Plan on what you will do on Eid

Eid can sometimes become a bit hectic if you don’t plan ahead, so by knowing what time you will wake up or when people are coming to your house will help you to be prepared.

Prepare your gifts

Eid is a time of joy and expecting gifts from each other. It is good to prepare some gifts for everyone as seeing that smile on their face from receiving your gift is amazing in itself. For the children, you can also give an extra small bag of candy.

Invite others

Inviting others will help you to meet up with your old relatives and let them have some amazing food cooked by you or your parents. Send invitation cards, call or text your relatives to invite them to your house (remember to ask your parents first though).

Prepare the food

It is good to cook some dishes the night before Eid to make sure that you don’t get too busy cooking in the morning of Eid. Some prepare the sweet dish for breakfast the night before to wake up to a lovely breakfast.

Make sure to relax and don’t worry too much about how the day is going to go because you don’t want to stress out. It is a brilliant feast and time for breaking the routine for fasting.

T I P S  F O R T H E  D A Y O F E I D

  • Don’t miss the Eid prayers. I know of many who miss the Eid prayers because they forget about all that they have done during Ramadan. Remember, Eid is not the time for you to stop all your good habits from Ramadan, it’s just the start. Then you can go home, wash up and dress in your new outfits.
  • Give to charity. By giving Eidi to the younger ones and giving charity to the poor can make sure you are not forgetting about the power of charity even on Eid.
  • Spend time with your family and relatives. This is what Eid is all about so enjoy it!

Those were my tips on how to prepare for Eid. Make this Eid the best Eid yet! And little disclaimer: Eid is not about showing off and forgetting your etiquettes of Ramadan, remember all the good that you have done in the past month. If this article helped you in any way, please share it with your family and friends so that In Sha Allah you get the reward too. If you enjoyed this article, check out my other articles too:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

How To Maximise Your Rewards For Laylatul Qadr (The Night Of Power) // My Ramadan Series Sun, 26 May 2019 15:31:59 +0000 Allah says in the Qur’an:

“The Night of Decree is better than a thousand months. The angels and the Spirit descend therein by permission of their Lord for every matter. Peace it is until the emergence of dawn.” [Qur’an: 97:3-5]

Masha Allah, we have made it to the last ten days of Ramadan 2019. We should be grateful to experience such a spiritual and rewarding time of the year.  But what is even more exciting is that the last ten days of Ramadan holds a special day – Laylatul Qadr. Laylatul Qadr is the time to earn endless blessings.

But first, what is Laylatul Qadr?

Laylatul Qadr is ‘The Night Of Power’ when the first verses of the Qur’an were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). This day falls on one of the odd nights in the last ten days of Ramadan. Because we don’t know which specific date it is, Muslims are advised to pray and seek forgiveness from Allah during the last ten days, in order to hopefully land on that special night and earn rewards. It is a brilliant opportunity to change your scales for the Hereafter. As mentioned in the Hadith above, whatever good you do will be equal to doing it for approximately 83 years. This is immense.

So now we shall go on to the tips on how to make the most out of this night.

What to supplicate in Laylatul Qadr

Best dua of the last 10 nights: اَللَّهُمَّ اِنَّكَ عَفُوٌّ ، تُحِبُّ الْعَفْوَ فَاعْفُ عَنِّي

(O Allah, You are Most Forgiving, and You love forgiveness; so forgive me).

Give to charity

Charity is an important element in Islam and makes you earn many rewards. By giving little charity that you can afford every day in the last ten days of Ramadan, can make you get the reward equal to 83 years.

Keep your schedule as free as possible

By having fewer tasks to do during the last ten days will help you to spend more time in prayer. You can spend time reading the Qur’an, praying and seeking forgiveness from Allah.

Try not to waste time on useless tasks and don’t procastinate

Procastinating is something that all humans do but try to cut this off during this precious time. Be aware of your social media usage, or wasting time in general.

Walk to the Masjid if you pray Isha in the mosque (if possible)

This means that if you walk to the Masjid, it will be equal to walking for 83 years!

Go over the Tasbih several times (do Dhikr)

Recite different supplications and praise Allah as much as you can using the Tasbih.

Read the Qur’an

We celebrate Laylatul Qadr because of the Qur’an, so spend time contemplating on the deeper meaning behind the Qur’an and recite the words.

Have Iftar with your family

Having Iftar with your family is very beneficial if you spend a lot of time studying or working late hours. Use the last days wisely.

Relect on this Ramadan

As this amazing month is ending sadly, we should take the time to reflect on what good we have done this Ramadan and start planning for the next year. In Sha Allah, we will live to see another Ramadan where we can be even better than this Ramadan.

Those were my tips on how to maximise your rewards during the last ten days of Ramadan. If this article helped you in any way, please share it with your family and friends so that In Sha Allah you get the reward too. If you enjoyed this article, check out my other articles too:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!

How You Can Make The Most Out Of This Ramadan 2019 // My Ramadan Series Fri, 29 Mar 2019 18:29:59 +0000

Clocks are ticking – there is approximately a month left till Ramadan 2019. Whether you are a Muslim or a non-Muslim, you are welcome to Ramadan. For Muslims, it is a spiritually blessed month to remember and embrace, where you can grab some rewards for your Hereafter. For non-Muslims, it is a time of discovery and learning new things as you see your Muslim friends fast.

Today, I will try to help you understand what Ramadan really is as well as my upcoming web series about Ramadan.

What is Ramadan?

Ramadan is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar, where Muslims all around the world observe fasting. This month is so special because it was the month that the last prophet, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was given the first revelation of the Quran. Therefore, blessings are widespread throughout this month and Muslims try to stop their bad habits. It truly is a peaceful month.

How long is Ramadan?

Ramadan lasts for approximately 29-30 days. Ramadan is observed from dawn to sunset. You eat before Fajr prayer, fast from Fajr till the Maghrib prayer and break your fast by saying the Dua at Maghrib time. Alongside this, you must also pray and read the Qur’an.

Why do we fast in Ramadan?

There are many reasons why Muslims fast in Ramadan. If you fast, you attain Taqwa which is self-consciousness. You are self conscious about what you are doing, the duties you are fulfilling for Allah and you also try to forget about materialistic things. You feel your empty stomach and your thirsty throat but the remembrance of Allah and saying His name is food for your soul. You also feel how the poor and needy feel in a daily basis so Ramadan is also a time for Muslims to give charity, particularly Zakah.

It is a very spiritual time where sins are forgiven and blessings can be earned. It allows you to reflect on all that you have done, and the way you know that your Ramadan has been accepted is by folowing these good habits like praying, giving to charity and being nice to others even after Ramadan.

Who fasts in Ramadan?

All Muslims fast in Ramadan but there are a few exceptions such as the sick people who need regular medication or fasts with difficulty like an old man. Travellers travelling long distances, pregnant, breastfeeding, menstruating, old or young children who haven’t hit puberty yet. Refer to Imams and Islamic websites for more information about this.

How can you earn many blessings and make the most out of this Ramadan?

In Sha Allah, in order to help as many Muslims and non-Muslims to gain rewards and know more about this holy month, I will be starting a series on this website about Ramadan. Some topics I will be talking about are:

  • How to gain more rewards
  • How to revise as fasting students

And many more…

If you want this month to be connected to Allah, stay tuned on this website for upcoming articles In Sha Allah. I will try my best (as a student) to upload articles about Ramadan for the next couple of weeks, leading up to and during Ramadan.

All the information I have said today is what I know but Allah knows best.

I am extremely excited for us to go on this beautiful journey of Ramadan In Sha Allah. Check out my other articles too to get a feel of this website:

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!
