I Watched Netflix For 30 Days / Was It Worth It?

This is my new series called ‘Monthly Hobby’. In this series, I discuss hobbies/skills that I learnt throughout the month for the mind, body and soul.

Netflix is used by a variety of people all over the world. There are hundreds of shows and you can watch them for a monthly fee. I had never got a Netflix account in my life and I wanted to see if it really is as good as people make it out to be. So, I signed up for the Netflix subscription and I watched a variety of shows after my GCSE exams. But, was it worth it?

My Experience:

  • Firstly, I researched what shows are available on Netflix and also read the blurbs/summaries of some of the shows.
  • I also tried to research the best shows for teenagers.
  • Unfortunately, many of the shows that were recommended were quite inappropriate and I was not a fan of romance so I decided to stick to shows for younger people.
  • I watched ‘Wonder’ which is the movie for a book I already read. It was truly very fun and it was quite addictive.
  • I watched ‘The Worst Witch’ Season 1 which I have made a whole review on my website about here.
  • I would sometimes watch shows partially and get bored. For example, I attempted to watch Matt D’Avella ‘Minimalism’ documentary but I honestly did not find it very engaging so I stopped watching it.
  • I watched the whole ‘Charlie And The Chocolate Factory’ by Roald Dahl which is one of my favorite Dahl books.
  • I watched a few episodes of FRIENDS, since it is so popular, and despite having good personalities and easy to understand, it is incredibly l o n g and again, the inappropriate jokes would sometimes throw me off.
  • Before ending my Netflix subscription, I watched some episodes of ‘Modern Family’ and even though this also had some inappropriate jokes, I found the family tree to be quite interesting and how everyone bonded together in a weird way.

What I Learnt/What Went Well:

  • Asking your friends and researching the shows before you watch it is good to avoid unpleasant surprises and also to not waste your time.
  • Please check the age guidelines before watching a show.
  • Check how many seasons it has. Some shows will take forever to finish unless you want to hibernate in your bed for hours and hours on end.
  • I understand that some movies and shows can be quite fun and entertaining to watch.

Even Better If:

  • There isn’t such a wide variety of shows as I expected there to be. 
  • It can be very addictive and Netflix can waste your time. 
  • Everything is quite sexual/inapproprate unless you watch shows for younger people so I was very limited to what I could watch.
  • Some shows are again so long so it will take you a very long time to finish a whole show e.g. FRIENDS and it is a waste of valuable time that you could be using for something else.
  • Some shows can get very boring (I am more of a Bollywood girl than a Hollywood one).

My Advice:

  • Research the shows before you watch them.
  • Only get Netflix if you are truly desperate to watch a specific show or if you have lots of time. Because I had so many other activities to do, I genuinely sometimes did not get the time to watch Netflix. So for now, I have deleted my subscription because I won’t have time to watch it and I did not enjoy it as much.
  • Try the free trial before paying.

My Rating:

I would rate this hobby a 3/5. 

My Rating System:

⅕: don’t try this hobby at all

⅖: this hobby was not very fun 

3/5: try this hobby for maximum 30 days

⅘: try this hobby consistently for a few months.

5/5: implement this hobby into your life and make it a habit!

The app I used:


It is a very simple habit!

I hope you enjoyed today’s article. Comment down below if you love to workout!

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Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day!